Hey eagle, I'm not sure if you watch much tv or the discovery channel at that but all this past week and weekend its been monster week themed. they have basically been setting the mood for a "documentary" about a group of i think 9 college kids in Russia disappearing in the Russian mountains after a mysterious attack that left the bodies in abnormal/mutilated positions. locals of the area believe a yeti attacked them but there has not been much proof. well while watching this they also showed other shows that talk about unexplained incidents here in California. while the shows claim that there has not been conclusive evidence about what was seen it did mention that an area in the sierra's had several incidents. this got me wondering if you have ever had an experience while out in the woods that you just could not explain or if you have heard any stories. i know this post has nothing to do with treasure hunting but i guess i just wanted to hear the master story teller Eagle spin a yarn or two lol.
Nope, I disconnected from cable TV in 2002. I haven't watched TV since. As far as wierd happenings, only one. There is a deep spot in the Merced that I could only force myself to dive in occasionally. I was never sure what my problem was with this deep hole. But, for some reason, while crawling along the bottom, popping small nuggets out of the many cracks, I would find myself imagining all kinds of wierd things; i.e.; tentacles, giant crayfish, and my all time favorite: JAWS. (lol)
Fortunately, it wasn't so bad that I couldn't force myself to go in. BUT, I never did stay in more than a few minutes. I even recall one time that I could still see a couple of small nuggets in a crack, but just had to get out of the hole, leaving the nuggets there. (As far as I know, they're still there). (lol)
Since the hole is near the old 'Spanish Mine', years later, I got to wondering if it might have had a couple of Native American bodies dumped in it. Anyway, I know it's not much of a story, but I quit smoking about 5 days ago, (after smoking for at least 65 years), so I guess my brain has to get use to having no CO2 or Carbon monoxide. (lol)