[=the blindbowman ]
i got to ask these are copies of letters you got from where ? and from who ? the reason i ask . is they did not have type writen letters and they did not use are letter type or 3 binder note bookes ,,, so how old are these letters and where did you get them .
Obviously they are copies, and in some cases, copies of who knows how many previos copies. Thiis the norm for this game no? Most original documents from the 1600's, unless kept very carefully, are long gone..There are two possible exceptions. The major deposit, and the distances to the mines, they are only 3 rd hand, i.e. the grandfathers had the orginals, now in fragments. Never-the-less, even copies of many variations of the original copies can be very helpful IF you have a reference point to relate too. this is what happened with Tayopa.
After I had found it, I cmmenced to go over all data, popular or otherwse, attempting to establish just how much creditability could be assigned to each and in turn givng further prrof on Tayopa.
NO, it is not a case of two neg. proving a positive. In one case for example, the precise locarion of a deposit was located. using a copy of the original. The document also showed the skyline and compass drections fo the trail to Tayopa drawn which precisely follows the configurations of the area to Tayopa. SO, conversely each tends to verify the other with no previous convictions or conclussions needed or allowed no??
you stated they cut blocks of silver . and that is true of the real tayopa mine yet nothing in those letters says its about the tayopa mine it self only refer to the mine not where it is ...

That was La Tarasca and Pimas mines, not Tayopa. They are far from Tayopa.
and i got say ... for one the letter says the tayopa ,la gloria pan ,tepoca and two other mines near caborca ,, it dose not stated in fact that the tayopa is in caborca , that how some may translate its meaning but just not true fact ! . two other mine were close in that caborca area , it dose not stated the tayopa ,or the la gloria pan or the tepoca mines were even near that area ,,, and thats just what i am talking about ... just because it talks about these legendary mines at the same time dose not mean they are part of that area at all ,...fact ...
you could read that into the statedments but it would not make it true, dose it ?
See accompanying map post.
i still beleave what i am working on is the tayopa mine ,,,.
Keep up your faith, just because my Initales are JC doesn't mean that I am like he, far from it, smifff. Also remember, my Tayopa is the 3rd of the Tayopas, the one that most stories are written about, who knows about a possible 5 th?. I call the major deposit Tayopa #4.
Tropical Tramp