the lost Dutchman mine and the Tayopa mine have been found !

=Springfield ]
Realde, just out of morbid curiosity - does the last name of the "Don" on the typewritten list you posted begin with an "F"?

Morning Springfeild it was to friend , his name DONALD W>>>. It definitely could be "FON = FUN" but not to a possible joke or Peralta. hehehehh

Tropcal Tramp

thanks and i will leave it at that . and i do agree .. the workings are all by hand . if anything was used at the site it was hand tools at best , the other thing we are finding in the area is indain drawings .. this is not a indain mine , to big to will tunnled out .. the other thing is yes the dutchman pit is about 6 ft wide and very small compaired to this tunnle area ... we chose to check out the house in the cave frist before checking out the tunnle area . trying to work the sites from the out side inward ...

untill we enter the tunnle in full i can not prove it is the tayopa only that this is a full size mine and was worked by a lot of people . with a wagon trail and a bridge built for what they were doing i cant think it would be anything less

only time can tell ...good luck and let us know what you can safely ...

[=the blindbowman ]
i got to ask these are copies of letters you got from where ? and from who ? the reason i ask . is they did not have type writen letters and they did not use are letter type or 3 binder note bookes ,,, so how old are these letters and where did you get them .
Obviously they are copies, and in some cases, copies of who knows how many previos copies. Thiis the norm for this game no? Most original documents from the 1600's, unless kept very carefully, are long gone..There are two possible exceptions. The major deposit, and the distances to the mines, they are only 3 rd hand, i.e. the grandfathers had the orginals, now in fragments. Never-the-less, even copies of many variations of the original copies can be very helpful IF you have a reference point to relate too. this is what happened with Tayopa.

After I had found it, I cmmenced to go over all data, popular or otherwse, attempting to establish just how much creditability could be assigned to each and in turn givng further prrof on Tayopa.

NO, it is not a case of two neg. proving a positive. In one case for example, the precise locarion of a deposit was located. using a copy of the original. The document also showed the skyline and compass drections fo the trail to Tayopa drawn which precisely follows the configurations of the area to Tayopa. SO, conversely each tends to verify the other with no previous convictions or conclussions needed or allowed no??

you stated they cut blocks of silver . and that is true of the real tayopa mine yet nothing in those letters says its about the tayopa mine it self only refer to the mine not where it is ...????????????????

That was La Tarasca and Pimas mines, not Tayopa. They are far from Tayopa.

and i got say ... for one the letter says the tayopa ,la gloria pan ,tepoca and two other mines near caborca ,, it dose not stated in fact that the tayopa is in caborca , that how some may translate its meaning but just not true fact ! . two other mine were close in that caborca area , it dose not stated the tayopa ,or the la gloria pan or the tepoca mines were even near that area ,,, and thats just what i am talking about ... just because it talks about these legendary mines at the same time dose not mean they are part of that area at all ,...fact ...
you could read that into the statedments but it would not make it true, dose it ?
See accompanying map post.
i still beleave what i am working on is the tayopa mine ,,,.

Keep up your faith, just because my Initales are JC doesn't mean that I am like he, far from it, smifff. Also remember, my Tayopa is the 3rd of the Tayopas, the one that most stories are written about, who knows about a possible 5 th?. I call the major deposit Tayopa #4.

Tropical Tramp


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Quartz vs Chalcedony - try it yourself, the simple little test works - the chart has to have an error.

Blindbowman - not sure why you would think your discoveries are Tayopa, if you care to do a bit of research on the matter I think you too will conclude that Tayopa cannot be in the Superstitions. A vast tunnel system would not likely be created by men working with hand tools - if the tunnel is that large, it almost certainly was created with the use of modern explosives, and hence dates to a later period - remember that people have been searching for the LDM ever since he died in 1891 and even before, and prior to the time when it was made into a "wilderness" it was quite legal to use explosives in the search. There are quite a number of old pits, tunnels etc dotted about in the Superstitions, which are pretty much ALL the works of men searching for the LDM and after 1891. Some of these workings have a bit of gold, a "showing" as it is called in prospectors circles - but nothing rich enough to make it a working gold mine.

I would suggest to Blindbowman and anyone serious about finding the Lost Dutchman mine or the legendary Peralta mines for that matter to visit some old gold mines that are NOT lost or secret - it doesn't even matter if they are still working or not. There are some tell-tale signs you will note around old gold or silver mines, especially hardrock but also with placer mines (especially if they were 'highbank' mines) one thing to look for is old tailings piles. Tunnels blasted out by Dutch-hunters often have piles of old rock (waste) around the area, but nothing in the line of ore tailings - ground up quartz. Old arrastras are a good clue - but NOT proof of Spanish involvement, remember American gringos used them as well, and arrastras can be quite some distance from a mine especially in hostile Indian country. Someone ought to make up a map showing the numerous old workings (I refuse to call them "mines" as they were nothing of the sort) in the Superstitions, which would save a LOT of headache, heartbreak and grief for the treasure hunters who so frequently mis-identify some of these old workings as THE LDM or one of the Peralta mines, when they had virtually no gold and were no mines.

Blindbowman you ought to try get your girlfriend to go along with you in the search - women have good eyes especially for picking out things that don't 'fit in' or don't look quite right. You mentioned that you ran into an Apache chief who told you 'hunting season is over'? Why would he think you were hunting, and why would you run into an Apache chief, so far from the Apache reservations? (the Superstitions are NOT within any Apache reservation today) Could he have been just pulling your leg? Or were you inside the Apache reservation? ???

If you are serious about finding Tayopa, do the research and you will end up finding out that someone got it before you - a fellow we know (affectionately - hey I hope you have recovered from that bout with the flu my friend!) as Real deTayopa. I was pretty crestfallen when I learned that all the clues I was sorting out seem to lead to (drum roll here)...the very site now OWNED by Tropical Tramp, but am glad that he found it, he is a pretty nice fellow, though he doesn't want others to know that! ;)


PS Don't tell Tropical Tramp that I was saying nice things about him - I wouldn't care to tick him off! ;D

Was the Apache dressed in black? :o

no, in fact he walked up out of no where wearing a camo hat that looked like it was not even his and stated ," hunting season is over " and than lol , as we watched him walk away he walked over and handed the hat back to another man and walked out of the bus station from a far doorway ... no he knew just what he was doing and it was planed IMHO ...

This happened at the Greyhound station by the airport? Interesting.

Yes, Randy. Didn't you know that is a well known meeting place for the Black Legion? ??? ??? ???

Merry Christmas,


That's hilarious.

"Get em as they come off the buss"

djui5 said:
That's hilarious.

"Get em as they come off the buss"

That's right. You've got Pimps waiting for new blood, bums taking a nap, and the Black Legion trying to scare away potential TH'ers before they get close to the mountains.


Gentlemen: This Christmas, Be courteous and let's hear bowman out regardless of personal opinions. Remember the discoverers of Troy and Zimbabwe were laughed at also an look what happened.

I personally enjoy listening to him. and want to know if the aluminum foil shielding helped.

Tropical Tramp


I hope I didn't come off as poking fun, and sincerely apologize if I did. My first question "Was he dressed in black" was serious. There have been many run ins with them, and I was curious if this was another. Seems someone knew he was in town though. I sent him a PM about it.

It seems he did find something, and I hope it turns out in his favor, especially now that he sold his ranch.

Gentlemen: Be courteous, rermember how the lead seekers for Zimbabwe & Troy were kidded , but look what happened.

Blind, keep psiting, I personally find them very interesting, whether we agree or not.

Feliza Nvidad Y Prospero Ano Nuevo

Now go find the LDM or whatever.

Tropoical Tramp

p.s. Gollum, since when have you been workinging your string out of Bus stations? is Djui your first asst. or a free lancer?

i think its funny to , but someone was watching us 3 days in row ... we went to the MM and they they went . big white dodge ram . newer 2004 or newer ... age about 35 white ... had two people in the truck some of the time ....

and i sold my farm because i dont need it any more and i well use some of the money as a grub steak for my next trip .. some times new tools make all the diffrence ....and i am already looking at new toys ...

i take no offence of what is stated here . i know well that many have put time and hard work in to their research as well ... only a true find will prove a site located ,,,,...

but can a trail of clues become a time line that leeds to a peice of evidence that brakes a legend into a pocket of smiles .. who knows unless we try?

Always rmember, if you don't try, you cannot expect success. Most important, whether you win or lose, you are storing up priceless memories for the future, and the future will be here before you realize.

Tropical Tramp

a well known meeting place for the Black Legion?

YE GADS!!!! :o :o ;D :D ;)

On a serious note, it is wise for anyone out looking for the Lost Dutchman or any famous lost mine or treasure to keep a low profile, there ARE bad folks out there who WILL hurt you or worse if they think you either know where it is or have some kind of map etc. I know it may seem silly to keep your distance from people in such an area with so many tourists and sightseers out enjoying the views, but don't forget for a moment that there are those bad elements and you can't tell just by looking at them. Let the tourists think you are just a crazy desert rat prospector avoiding people, (like me!) at least you will be alive to tell about it!

Good luck and good hunting, hope you all find the treasure that you seek, and Merry Christmas!
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Good advice oro.

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