Bronze Member
I gotta camera 

yes ( Tayopa ) and what Djui5 dose for a liveing has nothing to do with his skill level IMHO . we do not need confussion in the group just a will to carrie out the task at hand .. if you want to know more realde tayopa join the group , i may even split half of anything recoverd by the permits with this group , as i stated i dont value money like most people . and if i am right there is more than enough to make the group members very happy ,as well as being a great chance to really help recover these sites . if we do in fact name this team you may end up in print before this done ... only one way to find out ...RealdeTayopa said:GO GO GO Djui, the slovenly haphazzard mixer.(bartender)? BUT COME BACK!
"Tayopa", the same as in the logo. Bowman
Tropical Tramp
djui5 said:Siegfried Schlagrule said:Finding a spanish mine is not really that profitable. Many folks have found them and gone broke. What made a fortune 400 years ago with unpaid slave labor most likely will not show a profit in modern times.
Actually, quite to the contrary my friend. You see, in the "old days" it required quite an expedition to open a mine shaft. They normally didn't do any mining unless it was what we call "bonanza ore", etc today. Many of the most profitable mines in history were either found originally by Indians or Spanish. There have been a few found by prospectors/etc, but most of the big ones were being worked before.
It was not profitable for them to work a mine unless it proved to be immensely rich. These days we can extract gold down to 100th's of an ounce. There is no way they could have done this 100-200 years ago. They used "crude" methods of mining that were not very efficient.
Did you know only 10% of the ore body was taken out of the Silver King? 90% of the silver is still in there!