Hi Greg:
Thanks for fleshing out the story some.
I've offered the "Banta" reference both within this thread and in prior discussions in order to show that the "Doc Thorn" story dates to a time before the "LDM".
That it also mentions a detachment from Ft. Wingate, rather than Ft. McDowell I think is also pertinent, as does the party's employ of "coyotero indians" as guides. This at least gives us further evidence that the Thorn "mine" was thought to be somewhere in the area which includes the Sups.
Personally, I don't see strong links between the "Doc Thorn" and the LDM, other than the fact that both stories involve rich gold ore.
While I do share your suspicions regarding newspaper stories, and sometimes the true bent of those who write them, it might also be said that ALL authors and their publishers are motivated in part by the desire to at least make a living at it. But many, like Banta, were much more than story tellers during their lifetimes.
More on Banta:
The White Mountains of Apache County - Catherine H. Ellis, D. L. Turner - Google Books