The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

We're going on a 1977 "find" that went unreported and a stone jammed against a "mast" was the "evidence".
You don't wedge the mast in place on a 90 foot ship with a stone; and if it was in that good a shape in shallows with current as individual parts to be recognizable after 800 years that would be pretty miraculous.
Perhaps if he had mentioned it in 1977 the wreck could have been properly surveyed. We only have Ruh's word that it was reported to anyone and no documentation I would imagine. And when he did publish anything about it the original version was a fictional account.
I doubt anyone removed the wreck. That would require massive effort. It was probably just a hump on the bottom in a vague shape of a ship.
...and the only person to verify this alleged Templar ship discovery is (do we need a drum roll)- SCOTT WOLTER!

Can not you even read what is written. It mentions about the Canadian Government taking the ship and gave Don Ruhl a stone from it.

Where is it documented by the Canadian Government that they or agents thereof, took possession of this alleged Templar ship?
Please post a link to an Official Canadian Government site that confirms your statement.

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... It mentions about the Canadian Government taking the ship and gave Don Ruhl a stone from it.
According to the the Canadian Government link petetherocker posted above, it seems that the Canadian Government has NO knowledge concerning Ruh's alleged Templar ship discovery, or their recovery of this vessel.
Just another example on why Don Ruh and Scott Wolter should not be taken seriously when it involves their alternative claims of Templar voyages to Oak Island/Nova Scotia.

All Sacred Knowledge is kept secret by governments of the World. it has been that way for centuries.

All Sacred Knowledge is kept secret by governments of the World. it has been that way for centuries.

...and somehow you have gained privy to this secret knowledge and are posting it in TN?
Does have that feel of a "tall tale" when no sources are cited to conform claims made.
Just sayin'

Don't you have your copy of "The Big Book of Sacred Knowledge and Treasure Codes" as published by P.T. Humbug Press?

That reminds me. I loaned my copy to Sasquatch at the Area 51 Spaceport so he'd have something to read on the trip to Proxima Centauri.

We're going on a 1977 "find" that went unreported and a stone jammed against a "mast" was the "evidence".
You don't wedge the mast in place on a 90 foot ship with a stone; and if it was in that good a shape in shallows with current as individual parts to be recognizable after 800 years that would be pretty miraculous.
Perhaps if he had mentioned it in 1977 the wreck could have been properly surveyed.
We only have Ruh's word that it was reported to anyone and no documentation I would imagine.
And when he did publish anything about it the original version was a fictional account.
I doubt anyone removed the wreck. That would require massive effort.
It was probably just a hump on the bottom in a vague shape of a ship.

Now it make a good tale for paid speaking engagements or videos based on some of the other sensational but unsupportable fantasy garbage Wolter comes up with.
His stock in trade is the archeological equivalent of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.
Don Ruh's first account of this Templar ship was fiction, then teaming with Scott Wolter, turn this fiction into quasi fact, but fiction without actual professional hard verification from the academic community, is still fiction.
I find it amazing that anyone doesn't realize why none of these fantastic "history changing" discoveries are not presented to the professional academic community for review and verification, but that answer is obvious for several reasons.

It appears to me that the "source material" these researchers used is the work of Paul Christopher, Raymond Khoury, or Steve Berry. In fact, nearly everything Loki and franklin have "revealed" in this thread (and others), I have already read about in those author's books years ago - before COI was ever televised...
Of course these authors based a lot of their writing on information contained in the fantasy-rich/factually-short "Holy Blood-Holy Grail" farce from the 1980's.

Of course, there are those that swear that the fictional "Necronomicon" is a "real book", written in the 9th Century, and will even claim to have actually seen or held an authentic copy of a book that ONLY existed as a mention in a 1924 short story by H.P. Lovecraft (it was later mentioned in several other stories, as well as the "Evil Dead" films). The fact remains, however that the "Necronomicon" (even the word) did not exist prior to 1924.

It appears to me that the "source material" these researchers used is the work of Paul Christopher, Raymond Khoury, or Steve Berry. In fact, nearly everything Loki and franklin have "revealed" in this thread (and others), I have already read about in those author's books years ago - before COI was ever televised...
Of course these authors based a lot of their writing on information contained in the fantasy-rich/factually-short "Holy Blood-Holy Grail" farce from the 1980's.

Of course, there are those that swear that the fictional "Necronomicon" is a "real book", written in the 9th Century, and will even claim to have actually seen or held an authentic copy of a book that ONLY existed as a mention in a 1924 short story by H.P. Lovecraft (it was later mentioned in several other stories, as well as the "Evil Dead" films). The fact remains, however that the "Necronomicon" (even the word) did not exist prior to 1924.

You would be WRONG. I have never read any books by Paul Christopher, Raymond Koury or Steve Berry. I go after factual information and research. Sorry do not even read books like that.

But you do read the books of Ruh, Muir, Halpern, and watch videos of Wolter and Amundsen all full of fictional speculation but lacking hard documented facts.

Actually, I was sort of remarking that Ruh, Muir, Halpern, Wolter, get their ideas from the authors I mentioned. Sprinkle in a little of the techniques and writing styles of von Daniken, Hancock, Icke, and Blavatsky... and you have an instant pseudo-history/pseudo-science FICTON best-seller!

The Knight's Templar were there no matter what historians say otherwise.
I know where most of them stayed. And the brotherhood that supplied them after their arrival in 1307 or early 1308.
In 1395 and 1398 there were 113 Knights that did not return home. And there were many more in 1357 and earlier.
Of the 113 Knight's left behind by Sir Henry Sinclair 54 were from France or Flanders.
Six Knights from Flanders and seven others along with a crew of 14, total of 27 died when their ship sank in Mahone Bay.
The cross found by Gary Drayton most likely was worn by one of those six Knight's that drowned in Mahone Bay in June 1395.
As the Templar Order ended in 1307, those alleged Knights who you claim according to Muir's "lost" Sinclair journals had to be in their '80's.
The 14th century was the period of the BLACK DEATH, the average life expectancy was 35 while few reach their '70's, reaching 80 would be the exception.

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You would be WRONG. I have never read any books by Paul Christopher, Raymond Koury or Steve Berry. I go after factual information and research. Sorry do not even read books like that.
This is the first thing you have posted where I believe you, LOL

You know sometimes stories are written out of jealousy and hate just for spite...
...and sometimes they are written to profit from the gullible that repeat this pseudo history as fact, all the while stating that legitimate professional academic historians are all wrong.

That's the trouble. There aren't many "real" jobs for historians.

However, when you get a pursuit where the rewards are so little and careers are made by poking holes in each other's work then you can pretty much be assured that the works which do survive scrutiny and endure are sound.

But it is sure easier to make up history than research it correctly. ;-)

...and somehow you have gained privy to this secret knowledge and are posting it in TN?
Does have that feel of a "tall tale" when no sources are cited to conform claims made.
Just sayin'
As you well know, he is “all knowing”, LMFAO

As you well know, he is “all knowing”, LMFAO

I do know enough that if I take parts of all your post and piece them together you would be guilty of all crimes against humanity. Enough said. A Lie.webp

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I do know enough that if I take parts of all your post and piece them together you would be guilty of all crimes against humanity. Enough said.View attachment 1883493
We all know where you get this stuff, and why you continue to post it as fact, what is confusing is why you cannot see that no one here believes anything you post as fact, your apparent need for attention is all consuming, i feel sorry for you, such a wasted life

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