The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

"Recently there have been a revisionist theory, not endorsed by historians, that argues Bruce won at Bannockburn because Templar knights fought along side him...Few historians give credence to the suggestion that Sir William Sinclair was a Templar, nor do they think that members of the Order fought at Bannockburn".
-THE SCOTSMAN, Scotland's National Newspaper November 9, 2005
A "revisionist theory" is NOT historical fact, but alternative pseudo history.

Well said ,Only 2 banners fly on the Edinburgh Castle neither is Sinclair's Chicken or that of the Templars .TP

Hi What happened the 300 Sinclair's at the Battle of Flodden ?All slaughtered .Seems your Sinclair's Templars is just BS TP

Hi Sinclair's kissed English Arse for the last 500 years TP

They can call it whatever they like.
I happen to know the facts. And quite frankly I have never cared what academics think as they are always wrong.
What is the source of these "facts" that can prove that the lettered academic historians are "always wrong"?
It is easy to say you "know the facts", as you have many times over, it is a totally different matter to produce those "facts" that are contrary to actual documented facts, that even Scottish historians and writers say never happened outside of Thomas Sinclair's claims in 1892 or Andrew Sinclair's 1992 "THE SWORD AND THE GRAIL", or another claimed Sinclair descendant, Diana Jean Muir's alleged Journals of Henry Sinclair- dies appear the Sinclair family are the only ones promoting this fiction.

Yes but immediately after the battle the Order of Saint Andrew was formed of the Knight's Templar.
The reveals that they were in the Battle of Bannockburn.
There was also a legion of Knight's Templar lead by Sir William Sinclair at that battle.
" Battle of Bannockburn. Contrary to myths of the 18th century origin, Sir William Sinclair (1300-1330) did not lead Knights Templar into that battle"
Also on that site:
Henry I Sinclair "is also the subject of legend that he undertook early exploration of Greenland and North America".
If the Scotts do not accept the myths and legends of Sinclair's tales of Templars and voyages of which NO actual evidence exists to back up those tales, why do you think it is true while all professional historian experts say that it never happened?

"Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney of the late fourteenth century, didn't go to America. It wasn't until 500 years after Henry's death that anybody suggested that he did...The story is a modern myth, based on careless reading, wishful thinking and sometimes distortions, and during the past five years or so it has taken new outrageous forms".
The complete article on the making of the Henry Sinclair myth:
Earl Henry Sinclair's fictitious trip to America, by Brian Smith

"Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney of the late fourteenth century, didn't go to America. It wasn't until 500 years after Henry's death that anybody suggested that he did...The story is a modern myth, based on careless reading, wishful thinking and sometimes distortions, and during the past five years or so it has taken new outrageous forms".
The complete article on the making of the Henry Sinclair myth:
Earl Henry Sinclair's fictitious trip to America, by Brian Smith

You know sometimes stories are written out of jealousy and hate just for spite. The story is Real no matter what Brian Smith's story says, you or anyone else. It is going to be proven.

Why would an Orkney Scotsman in a respected Scottish journal write about Henry Sinclair "out if jealousy and hate just for spite"?
What purpose would that serve, Franklin?
Why would Scottish historians state that these voyages never happened or that William Sinclair never lead a Templar charge?

In another Scottish site discussing the Sinclair family:
"Contrary to the myths of the 18th century origin, Sir William Sinclair did not lead Knights Templar into that (Bannockburn) battle".
Henry I Sinclair "is also the subject of legend that he undertook early exploration of Greenland and North America".

You continue that these stories are "Real" and "are going to be proven", if that were so, it would have proven a long time ago by real historians with Real documentation to back up their Real research.
You have stated that you have performed the research that will present proof that Sinclair led Templars and Henry Sinclair voyaged with Templars to Oak Island- either present you research or present you research sources to establish credibility.
If the story is "Real" and will be proven, there should be no hesitation on your part for presenting you proof.

... The story is Real no matter what Brian Smith's story says, you or anyone else. It is going to be proven.
What about what Sinclair descendant, Jack Sinclair says:
"Honestly, Folks, isn't it time we all grow up...and drop this Zeno nonsense about 'Prince' Henry once and for all"
What about historian William Thomson:
"It has been Earl Henry's singular fate to enjoy an ever-expanding posthumous reputation which has little to do with anything he achieved in his lifetime"

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Dig up all you want it is still all unfounded.

Dig up all you want it is still all unfounded.

It is easy to say that all these historians' and Sinclair descendants' statements are "unfounded", it is much harder to present proof supporting that claim of "unfounded", which you have yet to provide.
Is you hesitation in presenting confirmation supporting this "unfounded" statement due to a total absence of what you refer to as "Real" credible proof?
If you have "Real" researched evidence that these Sinclair voyages having actually occurred, it is time to bring if forth, or as Sinclair descendant Jack Sinclair stated, its time to "drop this Zeno nonsense about 'Prince' Henry once and for all".

The Return of El Chato.

But he has the K.T. decoder ring and everything.

Well, made ya wait a while

but here's some Actual Knights Templar Images from New Mexico,

First is a Knight Holding two swords
His sword on the left

a Liberated Selkirk ( Moorish, Arab, ) Sword in the other Hand.

Near this Panel ( in the same Canyon, but across from the image) was found a Knights Templar Deposit of relics in a Sealed Cave circa 1996.

above is fact and artifacts as seen in Photos are Genuine.

enjoy the pics, these are NOT from Oak Island.

New Mexico yes
Oak Island never was a stop for the Knights Templar.

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Hi Of the 2,7 million rock painting and carving found in Australia dating back 50000 years many are said resemble many objects that a misguided fool can imagine . If the Templars had left there mark it would have been left in style of nature known to them . Like watching clouds look long enough you can see any imaginary thing. This queer odd ball idea of using native cave paintings as evidence of another culture is scientifically unproven and merely dreamers of society that allows fame and claim without accountability .This type of claim was most resently made by Amazon Production Crew chasing the Hanging Rock Legend . The is a very sacred site to the first nations but the legend is nothing more a fiction book. The crew didn,t get past the gate and got told to leave the country . Often failing to use bio Archeological methods just relied creative writing and a poor image is not evidence just bs. You dare to question a living culture that goes back 65000 years and still understands the meaning of their culture and art which is wedged in every corner of this vast land. Your clearly not in the right dimensional realm . Looks like brings back the days of the Lochness Monster Rubbish. How many rock painting would you like me to post 50,000 or more . Aliens ,Ufos , Elephants , Cars , Castles ,Cheese Burgers...........................................? Funny how these sort of legend claims were to rest in Australia 20 years ago by the government offering huge rewards on them to be solved .No one reward was claimed. Again remember when comes to gold gemstones shipwrecks Jaws , MobyDick their REAL . Dreamers and fakes conduring fabrications and camp fire stories . F ................. Sad .TP

Here's a Hopi Kachina doing the "Templar Dance".

Note the bucket over the head, cross and swords. Oh, and Scottish kilt (none of the above . . . really)


Oh yeah
almost forgot

Yes, this is " My" KT Initiates ring.

Made in 1244 Handed down first born to first born Son.

genuine Knights Templar Artifact that is not Hooked, not Lead, not ever on Oak Island,

and will NOT be featured on a Defunct T.V. Show , nor seen on a Funky : " Oak Island Tour "

and to see it, it didn't cost you 50 bucks Canadian

Nice to have me open source material ,, eh ?

enjoy the Pics
Yes, I am the OP of this Thread,

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Hi The religious Order of the Knights Templars did not get Married or have Children They a order of Monks. So you inject a fossil dodo bird egg and sit on it till hatched ? TP

Knights Templar Panel in New Mexico.
Up slope and behind a Formation with the Templar Shield, Templar Tomb was excavated here,
A Sword was retrieved as well...
When, where in New Mexico, and by whom was this alleged Templar Tomb excavated and what credited academic historian certified that it was indeed a Templar tomb?
Or is this some more of Louis Serna's distorted misidentifications designed to sell his self published books?

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