Whether you know it or not and I do not believe many freemasons know this but everything about your organization, you do not realize came from the Stars. You are just not enlightened to it.
Just like the 3,5,7 stairway which you never did give a correct answer nor does any of your freemasons know the meaning.
You have like knowledge wisdom understanding and all kinds of other crap. the 3,5,7 is the directions to go back home or to see your home in the Heavens.
The 3 is for the three stars of Orion's Belt pointing to Aldebaran in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull which is the five stars follow the straight line further takes you to Pleiades or the Seven Sisters for your seven.
Three (Orion) Five (Taurus) Seven (Pleiades) thus 3,5,7.
There are three G-5 Class Stars in Pleiades which is the Holy Trinity.
One of the Stars HD283271 is where mankind originated from.
Now do not tell me Freemasonry is different from the Alien Connection.
We are all Aliens.