The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

"My" historians? I'd listen more to "my" scientists. Phiolaus, Aristarchus of Samos, Archimedies. All three knew the Earth circled the sun over 2,200 years ago.

The Church (pick several) have the worst historians. I put no stock in the Bible as a historical document.

Science is in constant flux as better answers are discovered or formulated. That's why at this point the history of Oak Island is secondary to the facts of what is there now, what may have been there, and the actual events that occurred in the past. What was recorded in print could well be very false. "History" is a narrative by people of what they believe past events to have been. It is not fact or science. VERY prone to inaccuracies, deliberate misuse or manipulation.

I'm sure if you compare the history from textbooks of the Second World War in the schools of Dallas, TX they may not sync with the textbooks in St. Petersburg, Russia. History is what people agree to remember.

Archeology is what can be used to verify history. And should be reviewed by many; not just a "pet" theory full of speculation.

There were others that believed that also but the main stream did not. It could at that time even have you arrested, place in a dungeon or burned at the stake or beheaded. So what we have is Secret History. And yes there were people in the know almost 200,000 years ago, 50,000 years ago and 17,500 years ago as that is the dates for our visitations from the Stars. And they are soon coming back again. Those three times above are the three pillars in freemasonry.

There were others that believed that also but the main stream did not. It could at that time even have you arrested, place in a dungeon or burned at the stake or beheaded. So what we have is Secret History. And yes there were people in the know almost 200,000 years ago, 50,000 years ago and 17,500 years ago as that is the dates for our visitations from the Stars. And they are soon coming back again. Those three times above are the three pillars in freemasonry.
Please refrain from including Freemasonry in your alien historical satire

Secret History is the worst kind. Sunlight is the best antiseptic; for that and other maladies. Not a group I trust as "accurate" in their histories. IMHO modern masonry goes no further back than about 1740 without a WHOLE lot of creative revisionist history.

Selfish of them too withhold information from 200,000 years ago in any form of written record or oral tradition. That would give archeologists and anthropologists something fabulous to work with . . . what by setting back the known/available evidence of written language using a form of alphabet by about 191,000 years. 200,000 years ago Homo sapiens were still exploring southern Europe and Asia and probably not carrying many scrolls or tablets. Unless they carefully chose to leave no evidence.

Or is this just someone's interpretation of "code" from pre-language symbols and cave paintings?

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Please refrain from including Freemasonry in your alien historical satire

Whether you know it or not and I do not believe many freemasons know this but everything about your organization, you do not realize came from the Stars. You are just not enlightened to it. Just like the 3,5,7 stairway which you never did give a correct answer nor does any of your freemasons know the meaning. You have like knowledge wisdom understanding and all kinds of other crap. the 3,5,7 is the directions to go back home or to see your home in the Heavens. The 3 is for the three stars of Orion's Belt pointing to Aldebaran in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull which is the five stars follow the straight line further takes you to Pleiades or the Seven Sisters for your seven. Three (Orion) Five (Taurus) Seven (Pleiades) thus 3,5,7. There are three G-5 Class Stars in Pleiades which is the Holy Trinity. One of the Stars HD283271 is where mankind originated from. Now do not tell me Freemasonry is different from the Alien Connection. We are all Aliens.

There seems to be some evidence to the contrary. Like 3.5 billion years of life development on Earth.

Whether life started here or started elsewhere - it started somewhere. So why not here? That's the simplest answer.

And we are WAY WAY off Oak Island.

I don't know what the Masons believe. I don't care as it doesn't much matter to non-Masons. If they did nothing else but support the Shriner's Children Hospital it would still be fine by me. Go get 'em, guys and girls (my Mom was in O.o. Eastern Star).

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Cheers, Loki

Huh? Cheers back at you, I guess?

That post you link was one I was using to refute a claim someone had that they had originated the {still unsupportable} Templar connection to Oak Island in 2003. I was just showing that as an example of previously published effluvia on the topic.

Huh? Cheers back at you, I guess?

That post you link was one I was using to refute a claim someone had that they had originated the {still unsupportable} Templar connection to Oak Island in 2003. I was just showing that as an example of previously published effluvia on the topic.

I know, I was just reminding everyone of where this thread came from. I'm not attempting challenge your position, sorry if it came off like that!!

That particular person was on here with several different aliases over the years and was on two other forums with me some 10 years ago.

Cheers, Loki

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Whether you know it or not and I do not believe many freemasons know this but everything about your organization, you do not realize came from the Stars. You are just not enlightened to it. Just like the 3,5,7 stairway which you never did give a correct answer nor does any of your freemasons know the meaning. You have like knowledge wisdom understanding and all kinds of other crap. the 3,5,7 is the directions to go back home or to see your home in the Heavens. The 3 is for the three stars of Orion's Belt pointing to Aldebaran in the Constellation of Taurus the Bull which is the five stars follow the straight line further takes you to Pleiades or the Seven Sisters for your seven. Three (Orion) Five (Taurus) Seven (Pleiades) thus 3,5,7. There are three G-5 Class Stars in Pleiades which is the Holy Trinity. One of the Stars HD283271 is where mankind originated from. Now do not tell me Freemasonry is different from the Alien Connection. We are all Aliens.
You seem to be confused, stars, of which Masonic tradition does emulate in many ways, has nothing to do with aliens
and as for the meaning of 3,5,7...if you knew anything about Freemasonry, you would know that for every symbolic and esoteric construct, there exist numerous meanings, each one being correct, you try to pass yourself off as some guru with arcane knowledge, but you really appear as a confused and terrified person who believes every bit of conspiracy nonsense created for the purpose of selling pulp fiction.

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I guess the response back would be "whether you know it or not life originated on Earth."

Don't be ashamed to take a bow, folks. Every one of us is the end product of fierce battles against terrifying odds that prove our ancestors survived against predators, disease, starvation, natural cataclysms, solar radiation, learned to breath toxic gasses (oxygen is nasty stuff) and our own species wars and in-fighting. The truth is more fantastic than kookie-duke alien sorcerer theories.

Franklin, let me set you straight on something, Wayne Herschel, the author of which your space alien theory and Freemasonry originates, is not an authority by any stretch of the imagination, and he is in fact wrong.
case in point, the masonic apron of George Washington, of which he claims provides the proof of an alien connection along with his 3,5,7 numerical meaning, was not, ever worn by George Washington, it was presented to his lodge in Philadelphia as a commemorative piece. It was constructed by a Freemasons wife who had no knowledge of the significance or meaning of the symbols she incorporated into it.
proof, besides the documented history of the apron, if you look closely at the top, you will see a circle symbol with the letters, H T W S S T K S, these did not exist in George Washingtons time, they were created by Thomas Smith Webb around 1825.
so...the whole premise of the apron as proof is flawed, there is no secret esoteric meaning beyond what has been commonly ascribed within Masonic teachings and ritual
looks like you have been duped again by bogus historians selling fabricated conspiracy theories

Franklin, let me set you straight on something, Wayne Herschel, the author of which your space alien theory and Freemasonry originates, is not an authority by any stretch of the imagination, and he is in fact wrong.
case in point, the masonic apron of George Washington, of which he claims provides the proof of an alien connection along with his 3,5,7 numerical meaning, was not, ever worn by George Washington, it was presented to his lodge in Philadelphia as a commemorative piece. It was constructed by a Freemasons wife who had no knowledge of the significance or meaning of the symbols she incorporated into it.
proof, besides the documented history of the apron, if you look closely at the top, you will see a circle symbol with the letters, H T W S S T K S, these did not exist in George Washingtons time, they were created by Thomas Smith Webb around 1825.
so...the whole premise of the apron as proof is flawed, there is no secret esoteric meaning beyond what has been commonly ascribed within Masonic teachings and ritual
looks like you have been duped again by bogus historians selling fabricated conspiracy theories

If you say so but I believe you are the one duped. Because I can figure things out for myself. Just like Oak Island and the Templar's Treasures. Just like your freemasonry and everything else. You can not become fixated as you are thinking you are the only one that has all the answers well you do not.

If you say so but I believe you are the one duped. Because I can figure things out for myself. Just like Oak Island and the Templar's Treasures. Just like your freemasonry and everything else. You can not become fixated as you are thinking you are the only one that has all the answers well you do not.
If you say so

If you say so but I believe you are the one duped. Because I can figure things out for myself. Just like Oak Island and the Templar's Treasures. Just like your freemasonry and everything else. You can not become fixated as you are thinking you are the only one that has all the answers well you do not.

No. You really can't. That's why the work of others is important in laying the groundwork and following multiple areas of knowledge and expertise. It's not opposable thumbs that brought mankind to where we are. It's the ability to record information so that past generations upon generations of work can be built on and refined by later generations.

There are only five reasons I can think of to hide information (like Secret History).

1.) it can be used against you - strategic risk. Sub-1: you have such information that you wish to use against someone else
2.) it concerns something (physical) of value and you don't want to, or lack the strength to, guard and protect the physical objects.
3.) it is something illegal or achieved through illegal/immoral/illicit methods.
4.) it is something you are ashamed of or fear may be dismissed if scrutinized by better minds or those with better knowledge.
5.) it is something you can sell access to. Sub-5: catchy title sells self-published books or YouTube hits.

Any intelligent person can always apologize for a mistake in research. If you have never done anything wrong or changed your mind about something with better research being found. Then you cast the first stone. And it looks like you already have cast the first stone. But you are not perfect no matter who the hell you are.

Any intelligent person can always apologize for a mistake in research. If you have never done anything wrong or changed your mind about something with better research being found. Then you cast the first stone. And it looks like you already have cast the first stone. But you are not perfect no matter who the hell you are.
Quite true, but then again, I never made such ridiculous claims as you have about knowing secret information, aliens, where treasure was buried and such, along with attacking those whom disagree with you :laughing7:

... That is what historians poke out there as that is what they believe instead of what they know for fact.
You seem to confuse these pulp quasi-historians of conspiracy pseudo "hidden" history with the hard researched history presented by lettered academic historian scholars who have to actually provide evidence for their statements and their conclusions are reviewed by their academic peers for accuracy.
Who reviewed Ruh, Halpern, Muir?
Scott Wolter.
'nuff said! :laughing7:

Scott Wolter seems like a nice enough guy, but he's also savvy enough to know that the way to make money off the general public is fluff entertainment with fringe theories to arouse the interest of uneducated folks watching TV. Sometimes it even seems he's not convincing himself in the questioning and TV spots. But it's entertaining.

Like G.O. Tsoukalos - not getting much traction with a degree in Sports Communication so he musses up his hair and becomes a self-taught expert on Ancient Aliens. Brilliant.

He learned from a master. Get out of prison for fraud and embezzlement (after a previous theft conviction) and write a catchy titled book while working at a hotel: "Chariots of the Gods" is born. (E.von Daniken). And THEN get arrested twice more for fraud and embezzlement plus forgery!

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Chariots of the Gods" is born. (E.von Daniken). And THEN get arrested twice more for fraud and embezzlement plus forgery!
WHAT!!!!!!! You mean Chariots of the Gods is not true.... I am devastated. When I read that as a kid I was convinced of proof of aliens.. Having said that when I read Readers Digest I was convinced of treasure on OI.

Getting old sure smashes up a lot of the stuff I was convinced of....

Wait until you find out about political promises. :-(

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