The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

Where do you come up with these fantasy pseudo history facts?
Graphic novels?

I wouldn't think that even a fantasy novel would come up with a tale like that !!!

That's a statement (I gather) based on the Chang Paradox. If you go back 40 generations, assuming every living human has two parents (2), and each of them has two parents (4) and each of them has two parents (8), etc., by the time you get to 40 generations it requires a trillion different people (assuming your tree doesn't loop). 40 generations ago there we only 400 million people on earth . . . so there HAD to be LOTS of kings in your family. (Or the model has an inherent problem of oversimplification). In fact - looking at it purely statistically - EVERYONE alive in the year 800 is must then be related to you many times over . . . statistically. If you base genealogy only on Chang's statistical model.

Of course that is nonsense. And a classic example that figures don't lie . . . but liars figure.

But DNA does show that there were "fortunate" bloodlines that tie back and those currently alive can trace back a lineage of survivors. We are all the product of very resistant and dominate genes . . . or we would not be here. Last I knew it was still held that by looking at the mitochondrial DNA of humans we can be traced back to have had a single female ancestor some 200,000 years ago (very +/-). Her descendants are the ones that survived and spread.

Whether or not you consider here "Eve" is up to you.

Long time after Lucy; like 3 million years. This would have been Homo sapiens

let's do some real Knights Templar Images

this is a Templar Sword , and a profile of a Rock Formation to far right

in the Middle ?
That represents the deposited article.

put your back to the Shield , look straight out in front of you, see the formation.
go to formation, go around behind it, seek that middle symbol carved in the Bluff.

sledge hammer and bust through the False Wall , and into the Vault.

yes, it is Fact.

I'll post the Photo of the Petroglyphs later ,
My Tor Browser security blocks image posting.

yes, I use Tor, keeps security tighter.

I have read through much of this post and don't get me wrong, im no history buff or great scholar. and I see they same type of discussions on a lot of these topics. everyone quoting this from this book, or saying that one was made up and its not fact..... 2 things I know for certain. 1. Historical fact was written by the winner. 2. Historical fact was also deleted by the winner. so actually you can speculate on what happened or where they went or who they were. because the only evidence with first hand knowledge would be with winner who would delete whatever needs to be deleted in order to make them look better or more heroic or just to be an ass. its actually quite annoying when you think about it. especially if youre in a debate about history and both sides are wrong and right at the same time. another thing I know especially with treasure hunting, is you cant be narrow minded. just because 9 times out of 10 "X" marks the spot.... doesn't mean it does everytime. "X" might be where some kid sat on a rock and scratched in 2 intersecting lines.
and as far as the knights templar are concerned you know 2 things for a fact.... 1. There were templar knights. 2. those same templar knights are dead. now what youre left with is trying to follow the trail they left behind while following every branch of that trail that comes along.

What does Champlain's mysterious wandering lost priest have to do with the Templars and Oak Island?
Jean Cocteau, the alleged Grandmaster of Plantard's fictional Priory Of Sion, writes a poem that mentions de Vincent and is a clue to where the Templars his the Grail at Annapolis Basin?
All you open ended statements Loki are just that without providing solid documented evidence from the professional academic historical scholar community.

We are not allowed to premise on this forum? I will check the rules again or maybe a moderator can tell me!

Cheers, Loki

.... 2 things I know for certain. 1. Historical fact was written by the winner. 2. Historical fact was also deleted by the winner. so actually you can speculate on what happened or where they went or who they were. because the only evidence with first hand knowledge would be with winner who would delete whatever needs to be deleted in order to make them look better or more heroic or just to be an ass. its actually quite annoying when you think about it.

That's why we have archeology and anthropology . . . but not historyology. History is "fluid" and gets changed around. It's just what people decided to write down. Whether they were properly informed or not, or deliberately misleading. But the science of what is in the ground and the evidence of what has been built or lived can be scientifically examined . . . if it hasn't been torn up and destroyed - accidentally or on purpose.

But only history can answer the "why?" question. Why did people do what they did? Though sociology and psychology may offer some suggestions.

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...or still using an abacus and fingers to count with like a Templar in the warehouse at La Rochelle.

Its such simple math you could probably do it without a calculator. I think even a caveman could figure it out.
There are 12 inches in a ruler
The king of France was a ruler
The ruler of France owed the Templars money
The Templars called in their marker from the King
The King called them heretics and had some arrested.
Other Templars set to sea
The sea has fish that have fins
The Finns fought the Russians
And that why the math is so easy that a caveman can do it
… Because everyone is rushing to push their pet theory without the use of math or actual hard related facts for that matter.

There are 12 inches in a ruler
The king of France was a ruler
The ruler of France owed the Templars money
The Templars called in their marker from the King
The King called them heretics and had some arrested.
Other Templars set to sea
The sea has fish that have fins
The Finns fought the Russians
And that why the math is so easy that a caveman can do it
… Because everyone is rushing to push their pet theory without the use of math or actual hard related facts for that matter.

Math proves that everyone is related to Charlemagne, of course his having 18 children helps the math!

Cheers, loki

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Math proves that everyone is related to Charlemagne, of course his having 18 children helps the math!
Tell that to the Native Americans, both North and South America, that were contemporaries to Charlemagne, not to mention those on the African continent, Middle East Asia and in the Artic.
*NOTE* Charlemagne was NOT a Templar nor does he have a connection to Oak Island.
Sorry, Loki, No Cohiba for you.

Or the Aboriginies of Australia who can produce Munga Man's 42,000 year old skeleton (after they successfully sued to get it back) who was buried using the same practices as currently used. (smoke purification, ochre paint and ash symbols). That's some cultural heritage . . . or signs of real stagnation. ;-)

I believe the statistic is specific to those of "European Descent". But it doesn't hold up for even that. It discounts that royalty tend(ed?) to consider marrying first cousins or aunts as a good family plan.

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