The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

I forgot, no treasure on O.I. No Templars on O.I.

But I can't say no Templars in Nova Scotia, unless you can show me documented facts from respected historians.

There are certain things I'll take on faith:

If you say "I went to the dentist yesterday" I would be willing to accept that as a fact.

If you say "I went to Antarctica yesterday" that would be a little more astonishing, but we could follow up with a question or two. (My nephew's been there repeatedly).

Now, if you say "I want to the planet Jupiter yesterday" I'm going to chuckle nervously and start checking the paths to the exits.

Where we get painted into the corner is that there is no way to prove a negative. Because something that did not occur leaves no evidence, and you can not prove something without evidence. So the statement "the Templars stopped at Oak Island" is just as valid as "The Templars stopped at Oak Island on their way back from Mars." Neither can be proven or disproved based on evidence. Or at least any evidence produced to date.

What about the Templar Ship found by Don Ruh that came over in 1178. They gave him a stone from the mast and they kept the rest. Watch it on Youtube. Cryptic Code of the Templars in America Scott Wolter January 9, 2020

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There are certain things I'll take on faith:

If you say "I went to the dentist yesterday" I would be willing to accept that as a fact.

If you say "I went to Antarctica yesterday" that would be a little more astonishing, but we could follow up with a question or two. (My nephew's been there repeatedly).

Now, if you say "I want to the planet Jupiter yesterday" I'm going to chuckle nervously and start checking the paths to the exits.

Where we get painted into the corner is that there is no way to prove a negative. Because something that did not occur leaves no evidence, and you can not prove something without evidence. So the statement "the Templars stopped at Oak Island" is just as valid as "The Templars stopped at Oak Island on their way back from Mars." Neither can be proven or disproved based on evidence. Or at least any evidence produced to date.

Good point !

What about the Templar Ship found by Don Ruh that came over in 1178. They gave him a stone from the mast and they kept the rest. Watch it on Youtube. Cryptic Code of the Templars in America Scott Wolter January 9, 2020

When and where did Don Ruh discover a Templar ship, who gave him a stone from the mast, and was this ship verified by legitimate experts, and what became of this ship?
Was this ship discovered during his 1968 scuba dive in the Hudson River?
Neither Scott Wolter or Don Ruh are very credible concerning claims made by both, or their associations with others that are less than credible with their claims.
You need to elaborate on this "found" Templar ship, Franklin.

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Hi 200 well watered horses are not required to be feed as often . 200 horses would require about 2 tons of hay every 4 days . Hay in medieval times was not hard baled rather more loss. Thats a rather large pile considering how far they had to sail. Cypress to France Usable space in the ships hull ? TP
All that "mucking out"... WHEW!

When and where did Don Ruh discover a Templar ship, who gave him a stone from the mast, and was this ship verified by legitimate experts, and what became of this ship?
Was this ship discovered during his 1968 scuba dive in the Hudson River?
Neither Scott Wolter or Don Ruh are very credible concerning claims made by both, or their associations with others that are less than credible with their claims.
You need to elaborate on this "found" Templar ship, Franklin.

I gave you what to Google Search on Youtube. The speech is about an hour and twenty-five minutes. The ship is talked about around 37 minutes into the program. There is a lot on the finding of this ship in Don Ruh's book also about the Cremona Document starting around page 69.

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I watched (at least that part). So, Scott Walters (who thinks the stone windmill in Newport Rhode Island was a Templar Tower) is the only "expert" convinced and YouTube is the professional journal of choice to present the hypothesis? Temple of the Goddess on Hunter Mountain, NY with a library of scrolls . . . written in code? Pretty coo-coo stuff in that video.

But the big news is that a native group had a written language that could be coded in among the Delaware and Esophus Nations and the knowledge and writing skill/technique was all lost in the 400 years afterwards.

But they did fins a stone that was against a "mast", along with a 11 carat diamond, silver necklace . . . but they are "gone". And the original version of the story was released as a work of fiction. Hmmmmmm. I guess it worked for Joseph Smith. "Had 'em but lost 'em". Look how that took off!

I'll wait for a revisit of the wreck site with a good grid search.

I watched (at least that part). So, Scott Walters (who thinks the stone windmill in Newport Rhode Island was a Templar Tower) is the only "expert" convinced and YouTube is the professional journal of choice to present the hypothesis? Temple of the Goddess on Hunter Mountain, NY with a library of scrolls . . . written in code? Pretty coo-coo stuff in that video.

But the big news is that a native group had a written language that could be coded in among the Delaware and Esophus Nations and the knowledge and writing skill/technique was all lost in the 400 years afterwards.

But they did fins a stone that was against a "mast", along with a 11 carat diamond, silver necklace . . . but they are "gone". And the original version of the story was released as a work of fiction. Hmmmmmm. I guess it worked for Joseph Smith. "Had 'em but lost 'em". Look how that took off!

I'll wait for a revisit of the wreck site with a good grid search.

The Big Question is what did Canada do with the 80 to 90 foot ship along with the keel and mast? Has it been carbon dated or the wood checked to see when the ship was built. A lot of questions and no answers. I have heard enough evidence to believe all of this happened, I just have not seen all the evidence.

I also believe a 14th Century Ship has been found on Oak Island in the Swamp but they are not telling us about it as of today. Treasure? I believe they found a little so far but as I said I have not seen it. And with Oak Island I have not even heard it?

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We're going on a 1977 "find" that went unreported and a stone jammed against a "mast" was the "evidence". You don't wedge the mast in place on a 90 foot ship with a stone; and if it was in that good a shape in shallows with current as individual parts to be recognizable after 800 years that would be pretty miraculous. Perhaps if he had mentioned it in 1977 the wreck could have been properly surveyed. We only have Ruh's word that it was reported to anyone and no documentation I would imagine. And when he did publish anything about it the original version was a fictional account. I doubt anyone removed the wreck. That would require massive effort. It was probably just a hump on the bottom in a vague shape of a ship.

Now it make a good tale for paid speaking engagements or videos based on some of the other sensational but unsupportable fantasy garbage Wolter comes up with. His stock in trade is the archeological equivalent of Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.

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You best stick to your historians they seem to know everything. They once believed the Earth was Flat until they were proven wrong. So I do not see where they could be trusted to show us any history especially Hidden History that has been hidden by the Church and World leaders for centuries.

You best stick to your historians they seem to know everything. They once believed the Earth was Flat until they were proven wrong. So I do not see where they could be trusted to show us any history especially Hidden History that has been hidden by the Church and World leaders for centuries.
Only idiots ever thought the Earth was flat, scholars knew it was round even in 3000 B.C.

Only idiots ever thought the Earth was flat, scholars knew it was round even in 3000 B.C.

They did? Then why do the history books claim Chris Columbus was scared of falling off the edge of the Earth? And that was only 500 years ago. So you claim scholars knew this over 5000 years ago. Then why did they not tell anyone? Scared of being decapitated?

What history books have you been reading, Franklin, to arrive at so many misguided and wrong conclusions?

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I gave you what to Google Search on Youtube. The speech is about an hour and twenty-five minutes. The ship is talked about around 37 minutes into the program. There is a lot on the finding of this ship in Don Ruh's book also about the Cremona Document starting around page 69.

Could you give the link to that video ?

They did? Then why do the history books claim Chris Columbus was scared of falling off the edge of the Earth? And that was only 500 years ago. So you claim scholars knew this over 5000 years ago. Then why did they not tell anyone? Scared of being decapitated?
I will give you this one Franklin, the text books were written to simplify history and yes, there are/were wrong.
the whole issue about sailing across the Atlantic had to do with the time it would take to cross that ocean and if they could carry enough food and water, not to mention the real possibility of the loss of wind and the ship becoming stranded, recall that the ships of Columbus had square sails which meant that they could only sail in the direction of the wind, as it requires a triangle sail to tack.
this is why it took so long for an expedition to embark, but it is easier to tell children that they thought the Earth was flat, than it is to try and explain the real reason for the delay.

You best stick to your historians they seem to know everything. They once believed the Earth was Flat until they were proven wrong. So I do not see where they could be trusted to show us any history especially Hidden History that has been hidden by the Church and World leaders for centuries.

"My" historians? I'd listen more to "my" scientists. Phiolaus, Aristarchus of Samos, Archimedies. All three knew the Earth circled the sun over 2,200 years ago.

The Church (pick several) have the worst historians. I put no stock in the Bible as a historical document.

Science is in constant flux as better answers are discovered or formulated. That's why at this point the history of Oak Island is secondary to the facts of what is there now, what may have been there, and the actual events that occurred in the past. What was recorded in print could well be very false. "History" is a narrative by people of what they believe past events to have been. It is not fact or science. VERY prone to inaccuracies, deliberate misuse or manipulation.

I'm sure if you compare the history from textbooks of the Second World War in the schools of Dallas, TX they may not sync with the textbooks in St. Petersburg, Russia. History is what people agree to remember.

Archeology is what can be used to verify history. And should be reviewed by many; not just a "pet" theory full of speculation.

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