The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

There is a connection and it has to do with the work Gilbert Hedden, a Oak Island owner.
He base is views on a book written by a man named Harold Wilkinson in the late 1930's.
The book contained a map which strangle enough resembled the perimeter of Oak Island... Hedden went to England to question Wilkins about the map and where he got the information.
Wilkins at first stated he made it up but Hedden question even more because there were to many similarities between the directions and the survey.
Wilkins then said he had seen it at the William kid museum in London.
Hedden went there but found nothing, so he returned one more time to,question him but Wilkins final response was he couldn't remember where he seen it. Wilkins admitted that most of his research was by examining paper in the British museum...
*NOTE* There never was a William Kidd Museum in London, not when Wilkins was a child or during Hedden's alleged visit.
On 2011, The Museum of London Dockland opened an exhibit on Captain William Kidd.

I never said it was, but he plagiarized that map which he probably seen in the London Museum. Your not paying attention

I'm paying attention to those history books which you have not yet provided.

This map is known as "Desert Island Map #2" drawn by Harold T Wilkins as one of 4 of his WILKINS-KIDD pirate treasure maps, and has nothing to do with Mahone Bay, Oak Island, Nova Scotia or the Templars, but all to do about Captain Kidd.
Captain Kidd Treasure Maps: The Reality
Trust Me, Treasure1822, I am paying attention.
Why would you post this map as proof of the Templars in Nova Scotia?

As I mentioned on another post, you are in dire need of finding credible source material than plagiarizing fictional writers who create "treasure maps".

Where did he plagiarize this map then? Never seen a map where the reference to To north and the lettering up side down...again what did I say about Wilkins adding to the map to sell a book...

*NOTE* There never was a William Kidd Museum in London, not when Wilkins was a child or during Hedden's alleged visit.
On 2011, The Museum of London Dockland opened an exhibit on Captain William Kidd.

Palmer's Kidd Museum as was Referenced by Gilbert Hedden.

As I said no map was found like that in Palmer's possessing. Final admission of Wilkin's was he could not remember where he had seen it...Assumption is, within the paper of British Museum where families donated family records. Plausible yes.

Harold T Wilkins is characterized as a "pseudohistorian" and known for plagiarizing the works of others in his books on pirate treasure, Atlantis and Mu, secret ancient cities in South America, and hostile UFO's.
No one accepts any of his books as real history.
I understand now why you don't list the sources of what you post.
I never stated that Wilkins plagiarized the map.
Now who is not paying attention?

Let's take the stones one at a time...
"The Norumbega Vindland Stone"...or "Sigurd Stone" put into place to commemorate great deeds by families...Sigurd of Norse legend defeating Fafnir the dragon who guarded a treasure of gold. The one problem with this stone is there is no family name or mention of great deed. To read that stone you have to face Mohone Bay. What if the person who requested it was following in his ancestor foot steps. As I said in the "Feudal Right and Odal wrong, A memorial to Orkney", SinClair was said to have been retracing his Ancestors foot step...So why not leave a marker of his ancestors (the Vikings).

View attachment 1708439

I read an article stating that this as carved by a European tourist ... a banker or something ... in the 1970's. I tried to find the article but got fed up wading through the pseudo nonsense.

Lets try the "Overton Stone"

View attachment 1708440

I don't see any "Runic Symbols", what is Clear is the Templar Cross" within the Circle and the 4 points of the compass represented by points...In Native American symbols the "Circle divided by cross lines" represents the earth. They belived the Eagle Feather and Tobacco was a gift from the god. The crescent noon is one of eight stages of the moon happening every 3 to 4 day, and it is all in the northeastern quadrant.

How is that 'clearly' a Templar cross? Looks lie a cross of St. John to me.

Palmer's Kidd Museum as was Referenced by Gilbert Hedden.
Hubert Palmer and his brother Guy were avid collectors of pirate memorabilia as discussed in the above link, as well as Harold Wilkins and these fraudulent maps and storied origin.
Hubert Palmer retired in 1937, never had a museum, at best his and brother Guy's collection would be considered at best a "cabinet of curiosities, at his home which was not in London.
Once again, these maps are attributed to the pirate Captain William Kidd, NOT connected to the Templars, the subject of this thread.
A tip of the hat to treasure1822 for providing another example on how actual facts can be manipulated and mutated to create a "plausible fabrication" of events to prop up support for a fragile pet theory.

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As I said no map was found like that in Palmer's possessing. Final admission of Wilkin's was he could not remember where he had seen it...Assumption is, within the paper of British Museum where families donated family records. Plausible yes.
Read the link in post#371- :icon_study: "assumption is"... NOT DOCUMENTED FACT!
...and should never be presented as such. :evil5:
Hubert Palmer and his brother Guy were avid collectors of pirate memorabilia as discussed in the above link, as well as Harold Wilkins and these fraudulent maps and storied origin.
Hubert Palmer retired in 1937, never had a museum, at best his and brother Guy's collection would be considered at best a "cabinet of curiosities.
Once again, these maps are attributed to the pirate Captain William Kidd, NOT connected to the Templars, the subject of this thread.
A tip of the hat to treasure1822 for providing another example on how actual facts can be manipulated and mutated to create a "plausible fabrication" of events to prop up support for a fragile pet theory.

Again you are not paying attention...This thread is "Knights Templar connection Oak Island Challenge"...What is amazing is as I stated, Hedden did not find the original map at Palmer place. It was not apart of the Captain Kidd memorabilia.
Thank you for proving my point that your not paying attention...

Read the link in post#371- :icon_study: "assumption is"... NOT DOCUMENTED FACT!
...and should never be presented as such. :evil5:

So show me the documentation of the Templar movements after they escaped France...According to you it must be documented...

How is that 'clearly' a Templar cross? Looks lie a cross of St. John to me.

Tell me the meaning of the stone...Your expert from Canada said it was a Portuguese Templar Cross, and that the Stone was a Treaty which makes no sense...

I read an article stating that this as carved by a European tourist ... a banker or something ... in the 1970's. I tried to find the article but got fed up wading through the pseudo nonsense.

Who is he? All of you say that there has to be documentation...Credible Sources...Present Please

Again you are not paying attention...This thread is "Knights Templar connection Oak Island Challenge"...What is amazing is as I stated, Hedden did not find the original map at Palmer place. It was not apart of the Captain Kidd memorabilia.
Thank you for proving my point that your not paying attention...
It was in a book about pirates and Captain Kidd by that known charlatan psuedohistorian Harold T Wilkins who had contact with Hubert Palmer.
You must not have read the link I provided on post #371.
PS: Events that never occurred would NOT have documentation, now would they?
That is why all these wild far flung nonsense theories concerning the Templars exist.

Now that is a good one! :laughing7:
...from one that quotes Harold T Wilkins as a credible source. LOL!

What? That is the basis of your argument...You only accept credible source, correct? Or is it now a matter of convenience? And again you don't pay attention there were no "Quotes" of Harold Wilkins only only statement of Hedden...Again I thank you for supporting my observations...

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