The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

again your not paying attention...

I asked for history books because you mentioned them. As a reminder from a few days ago:

Robert the Bruce enlisted the help of 25,000 Templar's in regaining Scotland's Independence from England...that's in the history books.

I will be paying very close attention to your answer, if and when you provide one.

If you check with the Archives in France, you can find documentation on what went on at Oak Island. The Knight's Templar Treasures was removed between 1620 and 1641. The original Holy Relics were removed before 1641 along with Mayan and Inca Indian Treasures. There were two brothers of the King of France in 1641 that had to leave France because they would not convert to the Catholic Faith. They took all of their treasures with them. One brother buried his treasures in the abandoned shaft at Oak Island. The other brother buried his treasure in another location. No one has even looked for the other one half of the 1641 Oak Island Treasure and no one has even mentioned it on this site. The other brother's treasure is buried on another island about 2,000 miles away. The original Oak Island Treasures buried and recovered were keep in secret hiding until funds were needed for the American Revolution. The Holy Relics were kept at first in MASS. then removed to Williamsburg, VA after Bacon's Rebellion. Later removed to Philadelphia, PA and then to Washington City and kept under the House of Representatives. Later the House of Representatives was burned by the British. The Rotunda of the New Capitol Building sits on the site of the Old House of Representatives. That is the reason dignitaries are laid out under the Rotunda. You can figure the rest of the story out hopefully.

Wait, this wasn't an attempt at humor?


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If you check with the Archives in France, you can find documentation on what went on at Oak Island. The Knight's Templar Treasures was removed between 1620 and 1641.
The original Holy Relics were removed before 1641 along with Mayan and Inca Indian Treasures.

There were two brothers of the King of France in 1641 that had to leave France because they would not convert to the Catholic Faith. They took all of their treasures with them. One brother buried his treasures in the abandoned shaft at Oak Island. The other brother buried his treasure in another location...
Louis XIII, The Just was King of France from 1610-1643. He had two sons, Louis and Phillipe, both were raised and remained Catholic.
After his death in 1643, Louis became King Louis XIV, The famous SUN KING, and brother Phillipe became Duke of Orleans.
Neither left France.
Louis XIV repealed the Treaty of Nantes which required all French to be Catholic in 1685, creating freedom of worship for Protestants in France.
Who were the King's brothers that removed treasure from France to bury one at an empty shaft on Oak Island, the other at a different location?
*NOTE* Louis XIII had two brothers, Nicholas(1607-1611) and Gaston, Duke of Orleans(1608-1660).
The Incan and other South American Native American gold were taken by Spain, NOT France, so how did the French Templar Knights come into possession of this Spanish looted "treasure" and remove it in 1641 and to where?
After 1307, who were these Templars in France that removed these "treasures"?
In what French Archives is this information found?

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I asked for history books because you mentioned them. As a reminder from a few days ago:

I will be paying very close attention to your answer, if and when you provide one.

Suggest you go back and reread the thread...answered that...I ask again, if you have no "Connection Theory of the Templar's to Oak Island" why are you on this thread?

.... The original Oak Island Treasures buried and recovered were keep in secret hiding until funds were needed for the American Revolution.
The Holy Relics were kept at first in MASS. then removed to Williamsburg, VA after Bacon's Rebellion.
Later removed to Philadelphia, PA and then to Washington City and kept under the House of Representatives. Later the House of Representatives was burned by the British.
The Rotunda of the New Capitol Building sits on the site of the Old House of Representatives. That is the reason dignitaries are laid out under the Rotunda.
You can figure the rest of the story out hopefully.
What one needs to hopefully figure is the origin of this story.
Topping the list is it is not known whether any "original treasure", pirate, Templar, Holy Relics was ever hidden on the "pit" at Oak Island.
Bacon's Rebellion was in 1676, and Williamsburg became the capitol of the Virginia colony in 1699 and was granted a Royal Charter as a city on 1722. Williamsburg was named in honor of William III by the Virginia colonial British subjects...
...which one would deduct from this version that the alleged Oak Island treasure was removed in the years before 1676.

That brings forth the question of who in the original 13 British colonies of America knew about the existence of this alleged Oak Island treasure, removed this alleged Oak Island treasure, how was it transported to Mass a good 100 years before the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence?
How was this treasure converted to currency to "FUND" the Revolution, and who was in charge of this transaction and who provided the assets for this exchange?

It was mentioned that this alleged Oak Island treasure was moved and relocated a least four times, then buried under the House of Representatives which the British burned down, and is under the Rotunda of the Capitol building- all this was accomplished, the moves, the construction of the Capitol, all done and remaining in secret for 250 years?.

What is the source of this fantastic tale?
Is there any supporting evidence or province that will confirm the removal tale of the alleged Oak Island treasure, or is this another example of an alternative maybe, could be history from ones flight of fancy?

Louis XIII, The Just was King of France from 1610-1643. He had two sons, Louis and Phillipe, both were raised and remained Catholic.
After his death in 1643, Louis became King Louis XIV, The famous SUN KING, and brother Phillipe became Duke of Orleans.
Neither left France.

I think he indicated Louis XIII's two surviving brothers - Gaston (Duke of Orleans) - but his whereabouts are accounted for during that time & afterwards.

So he must be talking about Zolton - Keeper of the Eight Ray and Lord of the Sith. Though if he refused to be Roman Catholic he would also have been forbidden in setting foot in New France ("Canada"/Acadia) because of the Seigneurial System established in 1627. At least according to the French Archives. ;-)

The original Holy Relics were removed before 1641 along with Mayan and Inca Indian Treasures.

You're on your own with that one. Even my wild imagination can't link France and the Mayans or Incas in the 1600's and prior. I don't do anything stronger than alcohol. :icon_scratch:

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What one needs to hopefully figure is the origin of this story.
Topping the list is it is not known whether any "original treasure", pirate, Templar, Holy Relics was ever hidden on the "pit" at Oak Island.
Bacon's Rebellion was in 1676, and Williamsburg became the capitol of the Virginia colony in 1699 and was granted a Royal Charter as a city on 1722. Williamsburg was named in honor of William III by the Virginia colonial British subjects...
...which one would deduct from this version that the alleged Oak Island treasure was removed in the years before 1676.

That brings forth the question of who in the original 13 British colonies of America knew about the existence of this alleged Oak Island treasure, removed this alleged Oak Island treasure, how was it transported to Mass a good 100 years before the American Revolution and the signing of the Declaration of Independence?
How was this treasure converted to currency to "FUND" the Revolution, and who was in charge of this transaction and who provided the assets for this exchange?

It was mentioned that this alleged Oak Island treasure was moved and relocated a least four times, then buried under the House of Representatives which the British burned down, and is under the Rotunda of the Capitol building- all this was accomplished, the moves, the construction of the Capitol, all done and remaining in secret for 250 years?.

What is the source of this fantastic tale?
Is there any supporting evidence or province that will confirm the removal tale of the alleged Oak Island treasure, or is this another example of an alternative maybe, could be history from ones flight of fancy?

First only the Holy Relics were moved around as you say at least four times. To answer your always questionable mind think why was President John Adams and President Thomas Jefferson such good and loyal friends. Who did John Adams descend from? and who was Treasurer of the Plymouth Colony? Still you will have questions.
I will give you a hint----------his name means "Grail & Jesus" Even John Adams name means the same thing.

They despised each other - famously. They didn't speak to each other for 12 years after they ran opposite tickets for president. Adams left Washington on the day of Jefferson's Inaugural party because he refused to associate further with Jefferson.

Though the unpleasantries of 1812 caused them to "bury the hatchet" but never again really be friendly towards each other.

... Who did John Adams descend from? and who was Treasurer of the Plymouth Colony? Still you will have questions.
I will give you a hint----------his name means "Grail & Jesus" Even John Adams name means the same thing.
Is this another genealogy rabbit hole like your unfounded DOI signer Robert Morris Jr connection to the Beale story?
I reckon you don't mean Henry and Edith Squire Adams, but from whom John Adams is descendant from by way of his grandfather Joseph Adams' wife, Hannah Bass - which is John Alden and Pricilla Mullins.

With that stated, what is the connection to this alleged Templar treasure on Oak Island, and who removed it before 1676 from Canada and took it to Mass, considering that was before John Adams or Thomas Jefferson, or any of the Founding Fathers were born.
I hope the source of this version does not originate from a code hidden in the Declaration of Independence uncovered by the Petter Amundsen method.

You will never understand. It is beyond your comprehension. You confuse everything i post together as one. It is similar but not all the same. One day you may understand.

Wait until Thursday's show of "The Curse of Oak Island to see if Petter Admundsen was right about "Mercy" in the Swamp or not?

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If I confuse all that you post as one because it is all "similar but not all the same", please clarify to end this confusion.

Do not need to clarify I am not the one confused.

What is confusing are the anachronistic references of events and people and timelines that are "similar but not the same".

Do not need to clarify I am not the one confused.

You are absolved of all responsibility to explain. Mostly because your premises are so outlandish that no one puts any credence in them to begin with.

We are looking for what may have happened on Oak Island. Just that.

Especially when speculative premises are presented as fact with no solid evidence beyond the claim of hidden codes found in unrelated books and documents.

We are looking for what may have happened on Oak Island. Just that.

Nothing, other than never ending scam.

Knights Templar on Oak Island? Why insult their intelligence?

Do not need to clarify I am not the one confused.

So much for 3,500 years of the didactic process of education.

Turtles are not confused - because they have little to consider. Does not mean that have the right answers.

I bet $1 you thought you knew more than your teachers all through life. ;-)

You are absolved of all responsibility to explain. Mostly because your premises are so outlandish that no one puts any credence in them to begin with.

We are looking for what may have happened on Oak Island. Just that.

How "Magnanimous" of you...Your quote "WE are looking for what may have happen on Oak Island. Just That." You, ECS, and the rest who say that the Templar's had nothing to do with OAK Island, Why are you on this thread? This thread is
"knights-templar-connection-oak-island-challenge". You have no connection theory...all you are doing is attacking people...

Presenting actual facts in the discussion is NOT "attacking people", just countering the misinformation that is posted as fact.

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