While on the subject of "tales", a plethora of pseudo history of the Templars in America books exist for sale, all claiming to be based on "facts". In many instances, the "facts" are real, but the connected conclusions to the Templars being in America, are not.
A prime example of this manipulation of facts to fit speculation is "TEMPLARS IN AMERICA" by Tim Wallace-Murphy & Marilyn Hopkins published in 2004.
Cashing in on the "Templar craze", they trace Templar contact with the Canadian Indian tribes to George Washington and the Founding Fathers of the United States with the statement, " the access to the facts was restricted or forbidden for centuries, UNTIL NOW".
Restricted forbidden facts revealed for the first time with footnotes provided for these facts that are used to make nebulous connection that further fraudulent misguided conclusions of piled on speculation based on "secret families of Templars and Freemasons".
As stated by the authors:
"Freemasonry is an offshoot...derived from the Knights Templar and...formed by the secret families. The family that played a major role in that, were of course, the Sinclairs of Rosslyn".
The Sinclairs, of course there is always a Sinclair in these tales, and a Venetian trader are involved in the Templars coming to America in this fantasy fodder fabricated from factual fallacies.