Tuesday this week I got calls from Nashville's 4 TV stations 2, 4, 5 and FOX 17. They want to come out to talk, watch and film some work being done on a toy box. There all coming within 1/2 hr. of each other. So I get "miked up" and do my interviews for each. Now they want to get some film of me doing "something". So I decided to put on the four wooden feet on a box. When I got done they wanted more. One of the camera guys asks "How do you put on the letters?" So...I tell them. Show us please... so I get the template out, lie it on the box front, and drill the 4 holes for each letter (TOYS). Then I lay the letters on the template and reverse the process drilling holes from the inside of box back up into the letters. Then I remove the template and install screws from the inside into the holes on the letters.
SIMPLE... RIGHT? Well I've done over 100 of these boxes and have NEVER done what I did with 4 cameras on me recording! I "usually" set up another cordless drill with a shallow bit so it doesn't come through the letter entirely in the front. But I didn't take the time this time. NOPE... I'll be careful and stop before it comes through. The first hole I drilled from within went through and hit dead center in the middle of my left thumb holding letter down on the top! A small 1/16" bit. Went in a good 1/4" - 3/8" deep. I pulled the bit out and put hand inside the box to look where they couldn't see within. 5 seconds later here comes the gusher of blood. I told them to cut the cameras and they did. What's wrong they ask? I show them, told them what I did and why while grabbing rag.
The lady reporter walked outside with my wife and the 4 guys left there with me all said..."Damn, you covered that up good"... "We didn't even see or know it". "Doesn't that hurt?" While I was getting a band-aid I told them just watch my eyes when you look back. Hell yes it hurt. They all ran back the footage and all four started laughing. And then they laughed even more when they replayed it over and over! Guys laugh at other guys when one does something stupid and these guys were NO DIFFERENT! They kept playing it back and forth and they'd say... here it comes and then start laughing again when my face lite up. All four of then said if that was them you'd have to bleep out the next 30 seconds of sound! I said you would have me also if that lady reporter wasn't standing there and they'd take off laughing again... Wouldn't have stopped us they all said.
Funny right? 4 TV cameras watching you and I drill the hell out of my left thumb. Unless it's YOUR thumb and I'm left handed also. Four days later I'm still lighting myself up when I grab something.