THE INJURY THREAD. Post your wounds here.

Broke my little toe on my wedding night going around the corner of the bed. After a funny dance and a lot of cussing, continued on with the festivities.

up one side to the ankle. Many stitches on that one.

8 or 9 years old.
My best friend and I had a couple of Dasy BB guns with the tube in the barrel you use to reload the BB's.
We removed the tubes and were shooting pen knives at a door on the side of the garage. The door had a hole in it and my pen knife went through the hole. I went outside to get it and my friend fired a shot. The pen knife hit me in the calf and broke the tip off in my bone. Tip is still there. Didn't want our parents to know I was injured. Covered the wound with a slice of potato and some tape. Got infected, parents found out when they had to take me to the hospital for the infection.

9 to 10 years old.
My cousin and I would play war and have BB gun fights, many welts everywhere on both of us.

Daisy BB guns again and darts, we would remove the tubes and shoot darts straight up into the air. I ended up with ond stuck in my sholder when it came back down.

10 or 11 years old.
Stilts were a big thing when I was young so I made a set using 2 x 4's. While learning to walk on them I lost my balance and started wobbeling back and forth.
I let go of the stilts and they slamed back at me and broke both collar bones.
Trip to the hospital. both arms in slings for awhile.

12 or 13 years old.
I had one of those Cox .049 enginge control line airplanes. I just got out of the hospital from having my tonsles removed and decided to go out and see if I could get it started and fly it (never could get that thing to run).
Could not get it to start and the 1 pint fuel can was almost empty so I decided to launch the can like a rocket. Went in the house and got a few kitchen matches.
Proped the can up on a rock at about a 15 degree angle. Ready for lift off.
Lit it off and the only thing that happened was an invisible flame shot out and burned my hand, 3rd degree burns. That didn't hurt as bad as my throat due to screaming, (remember the tonsels I just had removed). Back to the hospital for 3rd degree burns.

Must have wised up, did better for many years.
Worked in heavy indurstry for 36 years after the Air Force.

Cooked my left heel with steam when a fellow employee and I were troubleshooting a steam condensate trap. I went down into a pit underneith some machinery to find where the drain line was. While I was there he smacked the trap with a hammer and it let loose allowing steam to escape. my foot was next to the end of the pipe and steam was injected through the stitching around the heel of my boot.
By the time I could get out of the pit and get my boot and sock off, the meat on my heel just pulled off with the sock. That was the most painful injury ever. It took months to heal.

Broke a finger or two but just kept on trucking on those.

Gotta bump the thread....I got me an ailment, and it sucks.
Been on the down low since vacation to Maryland, spent more time in the hospital than beeping up there, now that I'm home, things are no better.

The pain in my neck not just a pulled muscle....diagnosis.....
Degenerative Cervical Radiculopathy.

I commiserate. This spring we gathered our sheep for shearing and one got away from the shearer. I made a flying tackle as it headed for freedom and snagged it by the wool. It dragged me a bit. The shearer came to grab it and the sheep gave one huge lunge and I smacked the back of my head on a post of the barn. Saw stars and laid there a bit. Same as you my neck hurt and I thought I'd pulled a muscle (burning pain).

After a month my neck still hurt and my left ring finger was swollen and sore (hadn't been able to get my wedding ring back on). So THE ADMIRAL finally convinced me to go see my doctor.

Neck x-rays, back x-rays, hand x-ray.

Diagnosis? Degenerative disc disease, severe cervical osteoarthritis, Dupuytren's Contracture/Disease of my hands (genetic & degenerative) and a broken knuckle in my finger. I aged 25 years in one doctor visit. This on top of knee and hip arthritis I did know about.

The doctor said "why didn't you come in earlier if you were stiff and sore all the time? " I said "I've never been this old before and I don't know how I am supposed to feel at this age."

So now I am supposed to take pain medicine that has the warning "may cause liver disease and bleeding ulcers" and I am not.

about three weeks ago I was jumping off the forklift and caught my pants leg on the brake lever.
Upper body continued the trajectory and landed flat on my back on asphalt.

broke one rib along with many bruised ones. Still in some pain. No dirt or water fishing since.

about three weeks ago I was jumping off the forklift and caught my pants leg on the brake lever.
Upper body continued the trajectory and landed flat on my back on asphalt.

broke one rib along with many bruised ones. Still in some pain. No dirt or water fishing since.
Why was you jumping off a short item. Them mountains are easier to jump from and some you can even get your parachute open. Sorry for your pain of not fishing in the dirt.

about three weeks ago I was jumping off the forklift and caught my pants leg on the brake lever.
Upper body continued the trajectory and landed flat on my back on asphalt.

broke one rib along with many bruised ones. Still in some pain. No dirt or water fishing since.

Dang it Jeff!....
So sorry I missed this post.....
Broken ribs ain't no joke! hurts to laugh, breathe, move.....hope your on the mend!

Not a major boo boo....but man it hurt!

My left leg, just below the foot slipped off the side of my work truck....
You know the feeling, when you know it hurts, and getting worse by the second....and your afraid to look... removal.
A whack to the shin has its own special pain, that reminds you how stupid you are.
Spose it'll leave a mark.

healing but slowly
it has messed up my detecting plans for the fall

guess I ought to rethink just making moves like I did when I was 50

Not a major boo boo....but man it hurt!
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My left leg, just below the foot slipped off the side of my work truck....
You know the feeling, when you know it hurts, and getting worse by the second....and your afraid to look... removal.
A whack to the shin has its own special pain, that reminds you how stupid you are.
Spose it'll leave a mark.

great sassy molassy! that is a leg?
your's or bigfoots?

Today I was making love when all of a sudden...

3rd degree burn on my back thigh the size of your hand. Tissue damage went deep into the muscle. Stepped backwards into an old style kerosene heater made with no safety guard. My wife had to change the dressings 3 times a day. Just changing the dressings was so painful I would almost pass out from the pain. I had to be seen every day for weeks by an MD and was put on some very heavy dosages of antibiotics because of the high risk of infection. The antibiotics also made me sick. My wife was a strong person changing those bandages because it was a disgusting mess. I was out of work for an entire month. It took many months before it entirely healed.IMG_20160208_153308_540.webp I've broken bones and I'm a walking stitch factory because I've been sewn up so many times but never encountered pain like this. Whenever I hear of someone being badly burned I feel very sorry for them because I know the pain and the pain goes on for months. I included one of the less graphic photo's weeks after the burn so as not to make anyone sick.

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Wow really got effed up with that one....YIKES!
Great to have a wife who has nursing skills to help you heal.....thanks for sharing your pic and story.
Oh, and I have a strong stomach.....ya know....if you want to share the other pics....:tongue3:

Wow that is still a little red......

Wow really got effed up with that one....YIKES!
Great to have a wife who has nursing skills to help you heal.....thanks for sharing your pic and story.
Oh, and I have a strong stomach.....ya know....if you want to share the other pics....:tongue3:

I'll have the wife dig them up to post on here. The smell of rotting flesh was disgusting. In the pic I did post you can see dead skin still peeling off weeks later at the edges. IMG_20160208_153308_540.webp

Speaking of eyes...I lost mine when i wasn't looking!Almost healed in the second photo. new fake eye in the third photo

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I don't know how much of a joker you are, but here's good one for you! One of my buddies lost an eye when was younger. He actually had a box the size of a cigar case that had several eyes in it. He had one for sun, another for fluorescent light etc. His favorite trick / joke was when we'd get stuck with no service in a restaurant, he'd go out to his truck and get the jar of pearl onions. When the waitress walked by and he had her attention, he'd palm his eye and pop a pearl onion in his mouth and start chewing! The best one was at an IHop. The waitress went running for the head and the manager walked up to take our order. He replied she's indisposed as someone exited the head and you could hear her upchucking her toe nails. We were all laughing so hard we were crying & couldn't eat our food. So, if your sense of humor is as bent as ours, give it a try on the next snotty rude waitress you get!

Hey B Dubya D!! I think I should add a..."what if" to this thread.... I'll post my many hammers (10 at least..) and we can vote on which would do the most damage!!
See what you did??
When I was around 10 or 11 I witnessed a carpenter that was driving 16 sinkers with 1 1/2 blows with a 20 something oz serrated face framing hammer. He took a full swing on his thumb!!!! Couldn't get that picture out of my head for quite awhile. I really respected that guy! All he did was grab his thumb or whatever was left of it put it between his legs dance around going ouch ouch ouch! The respect came when he didn't utter a single cuss word! NOT A ONE!!! :headbang:

I don't know how much of a joker you are, but here's good one for you! One of my buddies lost an eye when was younger. He actually had a box the size of a cigar case that had several eyes in it. He had one for sun, another for fluorescent light etc. His favorite trick / joke was when we'd get stuck with no service in a restaurant, he'd go out to his truck and get the jar of pearl onions. When the waitress walked by and he had her attention, he'd palm his eye and pop a pearl onion in his mouth and start chewing! The best one was at an IHop. The waitress went running for the head and the manager walked up to take our order. He replied she's indisposed as someone exited the head and you could hear her upchucking her toe nails. We were all laughing so hard we were crying & couldn't eat our food. So, if your sense of humor is as bent as ours, give it a try on the next snotty rude waitress you get!

LOL i once attached a toy dart with the suction cup at the end to my prosthetic eye. I then blamed my young nephew for shooting me in the eye and proceeded to pull on the handle where as the eye came out with the dart. It freaked him out to say the least.

LOL i once attached a toy dart with the suction cup at the end to my prosthetic eye. I then blamed my young nephew for shooting me in the eye and proceeded to pull on the handle where as the eye came out with the dart. It freaked him out to say the least.
Awsome prank!!! :notworthy::hello2: I think you left out the part where your nephew was permanently damaged by the uncle. :laughing7: Think I'll pop that idea in my friends noggin.:tongue3:

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