The Iceberg story- updated 2/23/07

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

Southernhunter said:
Sweet finds!
Thanks by the way for sharing the tales & tips with us as I'm picking up alot by reading your thread. 8)

No problem. I am really a beginner at this hobby, having spent less than a year swinging a coil, and am still using what many refer to as a beginner's machine, but still, I do put a lot of effort into the things I hold dear, including MDing.
I love to talk...and I love to show what I've found. The folks here on TN have been great people so far.
Here's another great tip:
Make friends with an experienced MDer and suck his or her brain dry. ;D

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Maybe I am resistant. I have been cutting and hacking those vines for weeks now and nary a bump or itch!!
(knocking on wood as we speak!!)

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Danimal said:
Maybe I am resistant. I have been cutting and hacking those vines for weeks now and nary a bump or itch!!
(knocking on wood as we speak!!)

I went years without getting it, then woke up one morning covered with it...:(

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Wow agien,, Gotta be an Iceberge somewhere here in central texas

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Great finds again Mirage, looks like your guys are kicking A-s. If you look at my post today, I think my partner and I are catching up with your guys.

Keep us posted and thanks for the great pictures. Like the marbles also.

HH, Ringfinder

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

I KNOWWWW you guys are thrilled with that site! Awesome finds!

Congrats and thanks for posting!

Nana ;)

Re: 11-11 Iceberg Hunt. Sloshing in the mud and rain and MORE big silver!!

Danimal said:
mountainplayer said:
Danimal, once again I'm amazed at your finds. Thanks for posting the pics of you, Mirage and Nate and all of that great old silver. I can only hope.

If that was taken at the Iceburg, I've got to admit it isn't anything like I pictured. I guess I thought it would be more of an overgrown field, but I guess I'm forgetting how time changes things. So thanks again for posting, it really helps bring your experiences closer to home for all of us on TNet.

So, do you consider a probe a necessity?


MP...I don't really consider the Sunray probe a neccessity (although they ARE nice), but a good pinpointer is a critical part of successful hunting. The few hunts where my pinpointer broke down I was kinda lost.
They enable you to determine where in the hole the coin is located when the plug is pulled if the coin's still in the hole, WITHOUT damaging the coin. they also allow a quick recovery from the plug if the coin's in the plug. Also help finding the coin in a pile of loose dirt.
In 8 months I have gone through 3 pinpointers. The switches break :-\I am current using a Whites 1200mm Bullseye. They can be had on Ebay for 50-60 bucks.
The Sunray probe uses the main units battery power and is mounted on the main unit and attached by a cord. When you want to pinpoint, you throw a switch on the Sunray's "box" and now the Sunray's probe is basically your coil. In fact, in the end of the Sunray's probe IS a small coil. It has about a 3-4 inch range and whatever it reads shows on your main unit's ID screen and you hear the main unit's normal tones through your headphones (you ARE using headphones I hope :))
Other probes are 9V battery stand alone units that either sound a tone or vibrate when the target is within a few inches of it's tip. Pinpointers have adjustable sensitivity.
Get on. Get one NOW. ;)

Just an update on what you said Danimal, My partner and I both use the SunRay Probe on our ACE 250's. My partner's broke, wire came loose, he sent it in and then sent a new one back to him because it was still in warranty.

While it was in the repair shop, my partner used m vibrating probe. Man all he kept saying was the SunRay Probe sure spoils you. He found many coins, but said that the SunRay is so much easier to use. You can see our finds in my post today called Happy Trails.

I must add, that using a headset is they only way to detect. Hope everyone is using one.

HH< Ringfinder

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Thanks for your response Mirage. HH

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Man - what a dream come true for you guys - that is quite a site and producing tons of great finds!!! WTG - Hawkeye Jim.

Re: 11-11 Iceberg Hunt. Sloshing in the mud and rain and MORE big silver!!

ringfinder said:
Just an update on what you said Danimal, My partner and I both use the SunRay Probe on our ACE 250's. My partner's broke, wire came loose, he sent it in and then sent a new one back to him because it was still in warranty.

While it was in the repair shop, my partner used m vibrating probe. Man all he kept saying was the SunRay Probe sure spoils you. He found many coins, but said that the SunRay is so much easier to use. You can see our finds in my post today called Happy Trails.

I must add, that using a headset is they only way to detect. Hope everyone is using one.

HH< Ringfinder

Ring...maybe if they weren't 70% the cost of another ACE250 I'd consider one. Also, there's not enough of them out there to have them show up on the used market yet either. So...before I spend $180 on one, that 180 will stay in the coffer towards the ML EX I will eventually own.

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

[/quote] From Danimal

Like I said, a friend of a friend (who is elderly) told me of a place where there used to be a picnic grove. I think it started out private, went public and then towards it's end was private again. This person said there definately was food concessions.
It has been suggested to me that there might have been carnivals there and by the finds, that's a possibility.
As to it being undiscovered, you'd be amazed at what "used to be" in this country. Also, I don't know that this place hasn't been hunted before. I CAN tell you the area we are hunting there are apparently NO targets except a few when an area is first scanned. Scrape off the dead leaves and loamy top 2-3 inches and suddenly there are clear targets. This is the same for my ACE250 as it is for my friend's ML EXII. We are moving a LOT of dirt to find coins that are deep, but undetectable until we do the work. At times this is less like traditional detecting as it is like an archeological expedition. Throw in extensive tree roots in some of the most coin-saturated spots. Back breaking work.
I think this is from all the years of detritus rotting and just building up. There's good and bad to this.
The bad is that for whatever reason this top 2-3-4" of soil masks a lot of signals.
The good is that this same soil is VERY good to the coins, especially the nickles.
I'll tell you a great clue towards these types of places.
Look into old railway lines and where they terminated. In the 1800s most communities were joined either by regular railways or diff. types of trolleys.
LOTS of picnic/gathering spots sprouted up near junctions. People then (and now) love to party. When the railways died, a LOT of these kinds of spots died as well. SOME, like this one continued on and were visited by autos. SOME (like this one I THINK) eventually died when interstate highways bypassed small towns where these locations stood. Then they died too as people whizzed by on their way somewhere else.

Wow- the "berg" sure has been good to you guys!! Congrats to you,Mirage and Nate!!
Interesting about removing the first 2-3". Wouldn't ever have thought that would make
a difference except for depth. Is it mineralized???
Luck & HH
Hope your neck heals!!! :)

Re: Yesterday's hunt, just the tip of the Iceberg I think!

Congratulations to DANIMAL, SPENCER, NATE and MIRAGE for Making "The Best of TreasureNet".

Indeed an Honor for a group of professionals!!!

Keep it up...


Re: Yesterday's hunt, just the tip of the Iceberg I think!

ZoSo71 said:
Congratulations to DANIMAL, NATE and MIRAGE for Making "The Best of TreasureNet".

Indeed an Honor for a group of professionals!!!

Keep it up...


Don't forget my son Spencer!...he's played a part in this detecting drama as well!!

Thanks Zoso....just remember one thing:
Page and Plant need to keep their shirt closed from now on!! :o

Re: Yesterday's hunt, just the tip of the Iceberg I think!

Great finds! That's the kind of spot we're all hoping for. Congrats!!!!!

Re: Iceberg Saga version 11.25...unseasonably warm weather begins to melt the 'Berg

Headed back to the Iceberg today by myself, but didn't go until after noon, as I slept in a bit to rest sore muscles from yesterday's all-day hunt.
I was careful to use three different cars today, switching them inside parking garages to avoid aerial detection, and drove there in a route that added another 50 miles to the drive, and was choosen randomly by a software program dedicated to keeping the Iceberg's location secret (to those scratching their collective heads right now, I assure you this is those out there looking for hidden clues, get a life!)
One problem today...I left my darn root saw in Bob's MD supply bin yesterday and would have to do without today. I knew right away that this would be an issue because the untouched areas around the HOT spots ARE untouched because of freaking rediculous root growth, including a fine matted roots layer covering the entire surface area, not to mention the secondary and tertiary roots underneath.
I was on all fours, hacking with my Lesche...cursing...hacking...cursing....and all the while SURE that the silvery booty lay under my very body.
Eventually, weariness set in and I had to get up, stretch, take some 'Profen and move around a little. Before I left the hot spot I had dug three Buffalos (not too shabby!) and two 48 Jeffersons and 5 wheats.
I went back as darkness started to settle to the original area where the whole thing started and right away began getting penny/dime hits. Wheatie after wheatie began to surface, and right as I switched on my LED headlamp, a 42 Merc came to the surface...Silver at last!Ended up with 59 wheaties, with the oldest 1916.
The pictures are:
-finds uncleaned
-finds arranged, including two marbles
-closeup of nice coins, including a 1936 Buff in EF condition
-picture of all the beautiful marbles I have dug so far at the Iceberg.
Thanks for reading!


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Re: Iceberg Saga version 11.25...unseasonably warm weather begins to melt the 'Berg

Once agien... I'm taking my pile of Clad and going home. Ya'll are awsome!!!

Re: Iceberg Saga version 11.25...unseasonably warm weather begins to melt the 'Berg

59 Wheat's...Nice Job..The buffs look great...

I was careful to use three different cars today, switching them inside parking garages to avoid aerial detection, and drove there in a route that added another 50 miles to the drive, and was choosen randomly by a software program dedicated to keeping the Iceberg's location secret

LOL.. I guess you can't be too careful.. I think re-painting the cars every day. or heck just buy new one's. That will keep them guessing.
have you thought about using cross country flights, Maybe grab a flight out of Cleveland to Dallas and switch planes during the layover in St. Louis, Back to Ohio.

just some thoughts..


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