The Iceberg story- updated 2/23/07

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

I just couldn't leave well enough alone. Woke up this morning at 8:30 still feeling sore but looked outside and no rain. Walked the dog and realized the temps had dropped considerably since yesterday, so....long story short (difficult with me lol) I dressed warmly, filled the thermos with hot cocoa, made a sandwich and dosed up on Ibuprofen and headed back to the 'Berg.
I agree with Mirage's post today that finds are thinning out. I still scored 10 silver today, but it was hard work, and I didn't get multiples from a single spot as before. I really moved around. I had to stop repeatedly as my neck kept having muscle spasms, but such is the price we pay..
Today's finds (10am-4pm) are:
1-1943 Washington quarter
3 Rosies, 59,62D and 64
6 Mercs, 17,37D,38,41,42 and 43
1-44P silver War Nickle
1 Buff, undated...
3 old Jeffersons, 2-39s, 45
14 wheats, oldest 1925
and the coup de gras (sorry Bob), a 1911 V Nickle in REAL nice shape.
The pics are all from today, and the composed shot is this weekend's combined finds, all cleaned up...enjoy!!
P.S....sorry I look so pissed off in the one pic. I think I had the camera self-timer set longer than I expected, and while waiting for that frigging red light to stop blinking the wear and tear just took over the initial "smile" I was wearing.


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Re: 11-11 Iceberg Hunt. Sloshing in the mud and rain and MORE big silver!!

Bavaria Mike said:
That place is awesome Dan!!! Any idea of it's history? Congrats to the 3 of you and HH, Mike

Picnic grove from around 1890 to 1960. Was private after late 1940's-early 1950s (unsure). Now is just overgrown woods and bushes and poison ivy.
Location shall remain undisclosed ;D
Got a tip from an old person. Went to library. Even found pictures (date unk...around turn of century) of people picnicing there. Old person said there was entertainment and even food concessions at one time.

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

Nice second hunt Dan. I guess the force is stronger with you(as for the V-nickels). I should have applied myself more on Saturday but I just got worn out. Hunting all day is hard enough but then trying to hunt all day the next is even tougher for an older guy like me . There probably is still one there with my name on it. ;D


Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Nice Barber Bob!...and that 38 Buff looks to be in VF as well.
Time to take a break this week and heal.
Hope the weather stays snow-free next weekend. I have a few ideas on changing things up a bit!

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

kept1979 said:
Awesome finds. Wish I was as lucky. I usually find junk, but I still love this hobby.

keep applying yourself. Do some research on older areas to hunt and get permission if you can for older private property.Talk to old folk about where there were popular hang out spots when they were young.
Learn your machine and what it's telling you.
We create our own luck.
Same as fishing. Once on a good spot, luck comes into play some, but proper technique reduces that factor as well.

Keep at it and HH!!

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Great Job guys........once again you have found plenty

of nice coins. I will take the marbles off your hands!

WTG ...... :o :o :o

The Seeker

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

That's a very solid day. The V nickel is a really cool find. Did you happen to try the area I was searching yesterday? Oh, that one Jefferson, if it was a 45, it would be silver. ;)

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

Nate in Ohio said:
That's a very solid day. The V nickel is a really cool find. Did you happen to try the area I was searching yesterday? Oh, that one Jefferson, if it was a 45, it would be silver. ;)
Nate...I cehcked a bit in the area outside of your spot, but stayed out of your spot actually.I'll look at that other Jefferson. The 45 might be a typo.
The V is in SOOO much better shape than the other two I have found this year.
Weather permitting, see ya next week!!

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Real nice stuff Mirage. That's were I would have been if I had the day off. When I've found sites like these in the past I was there every day.

I just can't get enough treasure when it's that abundant. Those spots are hard to come by but not impossible. They do still exist. You just have to be one of the luckier treasure hunters in todays age.



Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

Another solid take. Alot of fun hunting grounds like those. That place will produce for some time. Nice site to have to always hunt.

Congrats on the nice haul.

HH Jer

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Nice finds bud!!

What are the silver war nickels showing up as on your screen? Sometimes they read as 4,5,6 on digital and others they ring up aroun 28 like silver normally does. Odd how it works out.

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

JerDfx said:
Another solid take. Alot of fun hunting grounds like those. That place will produce for some time. Nice site to have to always hunt.

Congrats on the nice haul.

HH Jer

Jeremy-I don't think it's "hunted out" yet, but after literally beating the crap outta myself this past weekend, the finds here are definately thinning out. At first I think we were working the area around what must have been the concession/restroom area and were hitting pocket spills at will. The number of nails and hardware in the ground makes me think that building must have been nearby.
Now we are having to work harder and dig more.
Not complaining as the NUMBER of silver coins is still way higher than anywhere else I have ever been.

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

I've read each your (Iceberg) posts with much eagerly awaited anticipation. I can understand you wanting to keep the location to yourself right now, but when it's all said and done it would be interesting to know the history of this location, you have made mention that it may have held food consession of some sort, knowing the history of this could help in possibly locating other "'bergs". Perhaps just some 'general' info. such as type of area it was, i.e. a fairground, park, carnival ground might inspire others to check locations close to home.

It is just amazing that this location remained 'undiscovered' as long as it did!!

Continued success, and Happy Hunting.​

P.S. your posts have inspired this 'noob' to get out and try my hand at finding some history myself.... ;)

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

Azman-1 said:
I've read each your (Iceberg) posts with much eagerly awaited anticipation. I can understand you wanting to keep the location to yourself right now, but when it's all said and done it would be interesting to know the history of this location, you have made mention that it may have held food consession of some sort, knowing the history of this could help in possibly locating other "'bergs". Perhaps just some 'general' info. such as type of area it was, i.e. a fairground, park, carnival ground might inspire others to check locations close to home.

It is just amazing that this location remained 'undiscovered' as long as it did!!

Continued success, and Happy Hunting.​

P.S. your posts have inspired this 'noob' to get out and try my hand at finding some history myself.... ;)

Like I said, a Mother of a friend (who is elderly) told me of a place where there used to be a picnic grove. I think it started out private, went public and then towards it's end was private again. This person said there definately was food concessions.
It has been suggested to me that there might have been carnivals there and by the finds, that's a possibility.
As to it being undiscovered, you'd be amazed at what "used to be" in this country. Also, I don't know that this place hasn't been hunted before. I CAN tell you the area we are hunting there are apparently NO targets except a few when an area is first scanned. Scrape off the dead leaves and loamy top 2-3 inches and suddenly there are clear targets. This is the same for my ACE250 as it is for my friend's ML EXII. We are moving a LOT of dirt to find coins that are deep, but undetectable until we do the work. At times this is less like traditional detecting as it is like an archeological expedition. Throw in extensive tree roots in some of the most coin-saturated spots. Back breaking work.
I think this is from all the years of detritus rotting and just building up. There's good and bad to this.
The bad is that for whatever reason this top 2-3-4" of soil masks a lot of signals.
The good is that this same soil is VERY good to the coins, especially the nickles.
I'll tell you a great clue towards these types of places.
Look into old railway lines and where they terminated. In the 1800s most communities were joined either by regular railways or diff. types of trolleys.
LOTS of picnic/gathering spots sprouted up near junctions. People then (and now) love to party. When the railways died, a LOT of these kinds of spots died as well. SOME, like this one continued on and were visited by autos. SOME (like this one I THINK) eventually died when interstate highways bypassed small towns where these locations stood. Then they died too as people whizzed by on their way somewhere else.

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

Thanks for the repyly Danimal,
The clue re: rail depot is not something I would have thought of, but I can understand why it could proove productive.

For me, the idea of finding something very valuable is secondary, (who wouldn't like to find a treasure.. :o) I like the idea of the history behind each coin and relic, I can't help but wonder who may have held this coin or to whom that button may have belonged to. I imagin each one has a story to tell, unfortunately it was a story of loss for the one who lost it :'( I can't help hoping that it didn't 'hurt' too bad when they did.

I guess that is why I find it so fascinating to read your and others posts...;D

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Thanks everyone.

Bergie - see Danimal's post on more specifics of the site.

Brian - I know what you mean about the silver nickels. It's all a blur but I do remember being surprised by one of the silver nickels - didn't think it was going to be a nickel(thought more like a wheat penny). But the other silver nickels rang in like a traditional nickel.

Cheez - you ask a tough question. Depends on some variables. A town of 500 does not seem like there would be lots of finds and might be easy to pick over. However if the 500 people lived there for over a hundred years and your soil is rich and loamy there could be some decent finds. A big key is the soil conditions. Here in Ohio the stuff can sink pretty deep. Some parks that have been hit hard here there is still good stuff but it's deep. Other parks where the soil conditions keep targets from sinking too much have really been cleaned out. Basically deep means 5-8 inches. Most of the 4" or shallower stuff gets picked over quickly unless blanketed by pulltabs.

Re: My 'berg finds - Barber, SLQ, Mercs and such

Mirage...great finds!!! that spot looks very sweet and hopefully there will be much more from it. Careful, for there is no such thing as a LITTLE poison ivy, for a little turns into ALOT real fast...:)

Re: 11-11 AND 11-12 Iceberg Hunt. Updated with pictures from Sunday's hunt.

Azman-1 said:
Thanks for the repyly Danimal,
The clue re: rail depot is not something I would have thought of, but I can understand why it could proove productive.

Azman-don't read into what I suggested. This place is NOT a railroad depot. I was just trying to help you understand that at the turn of the century, in many places in the US, picnic groves, baseball fields, ballrooms and dance clubs and other entertainment centers developed right near the "ends" of branches of local rail transit.
Many of these areas faded away with the improvement of roadways and the increase in auto traffic, and even more when the interstate system bypassed a lot of small towns that long ago were centers of fun.

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