Last hurah at the Iceberg? Uno Silvero and 40 wheats!
Can't stop this insanity!!...slept way late and figured that even 3 hrs on site (after drive and hike time) would be enough to at the very least add to my wheat count. Also, with the sheer number of wheat pennies the "wheat fields" area of the Berg is producing, the odds of a key date definately are improved. These wheats clean up easy and it's kinds fun later sorting them for any good dates over a cold beer.
So...arrived about 1pm, and started RIGHT between where Nate and Bob were mowing em down yesterday. All told I dug 40 wheats and only 3 Memorials (total reversal from yesterday for me). I decided to leave before dark today and right next to the tree where I hung my backpack and thermos I set my detector down and took my headphones off (had left it turned on)..I poured a last cup of Joe and could hear the ACE ringing high belltone...I picked it back up and pinpointed a coin at 6"...out popped a 39D Merc!...ahhh silver.
That put me at 137 silver coins for this year, and who knows how many wheats..Just for me, Bob and Nate we dug 280 wheaties JUST THIS WEEKEND!!
Dunno if I'll be back before Spring to the Berg. I'd like a few weekends free to do some other things (Winter Mountainbiking mostly), and the Berg pretty mcuh consumes the whole day. My right elbow and my back need a break too. It was fun while it lasted!!
HH all
Pouch dumped out on the tailgate of my Element. I dug a LOT of old square nails today, just like Mirage did yesterday.

Closeup of nails and wheats

Closeup of dirty Merc


Merc un-polished...the way Nate likes 'em!!