The Iceberg story- updated 2/23/07

Re: More fun at the Iceberg. New record for me.

That site is simply amazing, one you will remeber forever.
There seem to be a lot of surprizes there, I guess it's just
the tip of the iceberg huh :)

Awesome finds Bob, that must have been so much fun!
I found an old "penny scramble" area once
(complete with sawdust around the coins)
and pulled over 50 wheats from one small area,
but what you guys got just blows that away! Congrats!


Re: More fun at the Iceberg. New record for me.

I have been watching this for a few days and I can't stand it any longer. What is the "Iceberg"?

Re: More fun at the Iceberg. New record for me.

Those are some EXCEPTIONAL finds Bob! That's an amazing display of wheats - I really like the layout of your picture, it brings out the quality.

Happy Hunting / Night Stalker

Re: Last hurah at the Iceberg? Uno Silvero and 40 wheats!

Baron-I actually heard somewhere that my paintjob on my Ace may have actually voided the warranty!! :o

Re: Last hurah at the Iceberg? Uno Silvero and 40 wheats!

What happened to all the silver? Only kidding. You guys really clean up a spot.
Mark G

Re: More fun at the Iceberg. New record for me.

Hey Mirage
Congrats on the wheat record. Great pics as always. I hope the weather gets nicer and the silver shows up again.
Mark G

A good day - 5 silver, 138 Wheat pennies.

The day started out with my wife waking me up at 5:30 am “to talk”. I was planning on sleeping in to 7 but duty called. We had our talk(no, nothing I did 8)) and we were good to go by 8ish. Nate and I started our hunt in a new area of the Iceberg we have not really tried before. Searched for about 45 minutes before I found a coin. It was a 1942S mercury dime. :) That was nice as it has been a few weeks since I have found a merc. I found a couple more silver rosies, clad and a lone wheat penny. Nate wanted to head to the “wheat field”. So I obliged. We pick up where we left off last weekend. Wheat penny after wheat penny. I did manage to find another silver rosie and a silver Quarter amongst the wheat pennies. Overall it was a beautiful day and I came home satisfied. I thought I had found a lot of wheat pennies again. I did the count and to my amazement I broke last weeks record. The total was 138! ;D Most were in the 40’s and 50’s again but I did find a 1909. Found several 1955D’s but no double dies.


For those not familiar with the "Iceberg" see:,52388.0.html

Re: A good day - 5 silver, 138 Wheat pennies.

Super gooders, man. What a spot!

Re: A good day - 5 silver, 138 Wheat pennies.

Beautiful day. I can't believe your wheaties come out looking so good. In NJ they're hard to come by in that condition. Great job.
Mike in NJ

Re: A good day - 5 silver, 138 Wheat pennies.

Dang, I bet you are tired! :D Awesome finds!

Glad it wasn't you! ;D

Nana ;)

Re: A good day - 5 silver, 138 Wheat pennies.

Lot of digs Mirage. Way to go after them coins. Congats on all the finds.

Re: A good day - 5 silver, 138 Wheat pennies.

man that is unreal! :o how do you figure hundreds of wheaties came to be in such a small area? awesome stuff yet again!

Re: A good day - 5 silver, 138 Wheat pennies.


wow, that is one mess of coins.

Lot of digging there.

Again, nice.

have a good un..........

Re: A good day - 5 silver, 138 Wheat pennies.

Mike95inNJ said:
Beautiful day. I can't believe your wheaties come out looking so good. In NJ they're hard to come by in that condition. Great job.
Mike in NJ

Yes I agree - most of the wheat pennies we get here in Ohio are usually bad. This spot has been kind to them. I did have to give them an ammonia bath followed by an olive olive massage.

hollowpointred said:
man that is unreal! :o how do you figure hundreds of wheaties came to be in such a small area? awesome stuff yet again!

My speculation is that maybe a gathering area where someone told stories or entertained kids. ???

Re: A good day - 5 silver, 138 Wheat pennies.

Amazing! I'm exhausted just thinking about it! I dug about half that many memorials in the last two days and it was really a pain; I can't imagine that much in one day. Someday, when and if the Iceberg is depleted, you'll have to describe it, and your theories about it, in more detail.

12/16 at the Iceberg - 70 wheats plus silver

Hey guys, today we made it to the Iceberg for a bit. The weather and conditions were fantastic. We started off in an area we haven't really done much of, hoping to counter the curse of the wheat pennies in the other area by finding some silver here. Well, it worked (more so for Mirage), but the coin signals were pretty sparse and sometimes kinda deep. The war nickel I got there sounded like a penny/dime and was relatively deep. In 1.5 hrs. we only had 5 wheats, also but 4 silver.

Then it was on to the wheat field. There's still pretty much the same wheat penny (WP) density there as before, outside of me and Mirage's kitchen table spots. Actually they kinda start to thin out as you get farther away from the center, but we think we could still probably pull literally a thousand more WPs from this area after some time. Today I found 70 WPs and 27 mems. A silver quarter also came to light. My count is less today I believe than last time because of all the roots I was dealing with...and wedging myself in between trees and hauling fallen branches and logs out of the way for searching space. Anyway, it was a good productive day. The weather looks like it's gonna stay fairly warm for the next week or so, which'll be really nice. HH all!




Re: 12/16 at the Iceberg - 70 wheats plus silver

How in the heck do ya'll get those pennies so clean! 8) Looks like another fantastic day for you two!

Congrats on your finds. Nana :)

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