Re: A good day - 5 silver, 138 Wheat pennies.
Well Robert old chap, ya know I am kinda jealous, but duty calls.
As spring approaches (yes, it does approach. even if we SHOULD be under a foot of snow right now) Spencer's travel baseball team will start having more and more indoor workouts on the weekends. This weekends was SUPPOSED to be Spencer's (and mine-the chauffer) weekend off from it , and we planned on hunting with you guys, but he got "the call" on Friday to come and catch for some older boys (14 and 15 yrs old) who had pitching workouts (Spencer is a pitcher and sometimes platoons as catcher). He was bummed we couldn't hunt...and intimidated by being asked to catch the "six-footers" as he call the older boys, but he did fine.
We talked last night about where we would hunt Sunday, and right after we talked, he got "the call" again, this time his coach (not his instructor) asking him to come in today at noon to do some live-pitching against the same 14-15 yr olds that will be hitting.

Now he's afraid of taking a line drive to the head or something like that because he hasn't pitched to a live batter since August.
Anyways, you two did great, but I never would have succumbed to the teen-pressure and abandoned the first area that spit out three silver in such a short time, regardless of the lack of targets. I actually LIKE when the targets are few a far between but GOOD targets.
I know...the incredible gravitational pull of all that old copper in the wheatfields was hard for Nate to deny. Nice you got some silver there too.
I am free next weekend a bit, but if you're already getting "the talk", you don't wanna puch it on Xmas weekend lol!! j/k
great hunt!!