The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM

It would seem I was correct!

" Imagination is more important than knowledge":) lol

I imagined I had important knowledge! So, it's kind of the same thing! Or......... is that? my knowledge is an important part my imagination? Ohhh............. I don't know!:laughing7:

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I am guessing timeouts were handed out...? Odd that everyone disappeared.

Mr. Fenn had a local radio interview this morning. Exceedingly lame, just like his phrase "WWWH"

What happened to NBC? Hummmm, what HAS SlickNickel been working on in these last two weeks?

No more NBC interviews? No more CBS interviews?

Dal is down from Washington for a few days?
Mr. Fenn's pants are on fire with his repeated comment "it's in the Rockies"

It's easy to catch a liar, once you know the lie. After that, there is nothing more to believe.

LOL! you mean post #1

Lots of speculation going on right now! The pro Fenners are reeling after today's interview.

What IS the end game that Forrest and Dal are cooking up?

How about that Freudian-Slip on Dal's part. "Never went looking for the treasure" Oh wait "66 times to Yellowstone"

How can FF come up with "the prize" to Dal that doesn't include the Folsom Falls solve?

Can't wait to see this thing unfold.

Oh for god sake man!! Dal was kidding!! Could you really not see that?

I took it as him joking around too. One thing in this interview....He says it is actual treasure, that was pretty clear. Not a metaphor for anything.

Now, on the skeptic side....He has said in the past that he wouldn't know if someone found it or not. This interview, he said he would know? Or did I misunderstand? That is the only part of the interview where, I thought was confusing.

Also, he did pretty much say, that his original intention was to take it with him, then one thing led to another and it ended up a hidden treasure. So, he says that too, maybe he has said that in the past. That did clear up a thought I had, and kind of kicks it to the curb. :laughing7:

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He has said "the guy that finds won't be able to keep his mouth shut".....WANNA BET!!! lol. If I find it nobody will know. I think that is why he thinks he will know.

The two things I learned after reading this entire crap-fest are:

1) I'm glad I've never spent a second searching for FF's loot.
2) If you want to be smart, (you know, have a seat at the "Big Boy Table") then you have to end your post with a pretentious quote, lyric, or poem to prove your Master Status. Therefore:

“It is better to know how to learn than to know.” -- Dr. Seuss

Have fun stormin' the castle, boys!

As a rule whenever I see a thread with the word "SOLVED" in the title I expect to see multiple pictures of piles of treasure, money, etc... If I don't I call BS... That's just me... Nothing personal. I do it EVERY time.... Like Rick on Pawn Stars is fond of saying.. "it's not that I don't believe you, it's that I don't believe anybody.. :thumbsup:

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He has said "the guy that finds won't be able to keep his mouth shut".....WANNA BET!!! lol. If I find it nobody will know. I think that is why he thinks he will know.
My partner and I, assuming we got lucky, were going to send him the bracelet, assuming he was still alive. He'd know it was found, but not by whom.

As a rule whenever I see a thread with the word "SOLVED" in the title I expect to see multiple pictures of piles of treasure, money, etc... If I don't I call BS... That's just me... Nothing personal. I do it EVERY time.... Like Rick on Pawn Stars is fond of saying.. "it's not that I don't believe you, it's that I don't believe anybody.. :thumbsup:

The last thing l would do is post a picture.

?Don't know about you, but most people would quit thier job, buy a new car or pickup an change thier lifestyle at least a little. That could or would arouse suspicion. If it didn't change your lifestyles what good would it do you?

?Don't know about you, but most people would quit thier job, buy a new car or pickup an change thier lifestyle at least a little. That could or would arouse suspicion. If it didn't change your lifestyles what good would it do you?

Security.....I don't think that kind of money would change my lifestyle. Not to the point of any suspicion. New vehicle? For what? Used is just fine. Big house? Nope. Don't need it or want it. School or some kind of classes? Yep....Big safe:laughing7:? Sure.....LOL

No one would even know! Make a few donations, make sure I had a decent vehicle even if older, and travel around checking things out for a while. Not that I would even avoid the taxes, you wouldn't want family and friends to know. You would lose it fast if your a generous person. Sounds Like a lot of money, until you started buying things,loaning money or giving it to every one you felt bad for, and believe me!!!! You will hear every sob story there is,etc........It could go quick!

Maybe open a real small business of some kind to try to build from what ever you set aside to play with, I'd get bored, so I'd have to have something like that to play with.:laughing7:

Hey that would be a cool thread......What would you do IF you found the treasure! How would you cash it in?

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