The Curse of Civil War Gold


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Jun 11, 2015
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Just saw a brief preview. From the same folks that brought us The Curse of Oak Island. Just happens to be up by Marty Lagina's neck of the woods and they just happen to be using the same guy who does the metal detecting from The Curse of Oak Island, ( Gary Drayton ).

Some say the guys on Oak Island had some type of argument ? and maybe this is why ?

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I appreciate the historical aspect of the show as far as learning about some things you'd never hear about the Civil War, but I have NO misguided thoughts that a boxcar of gold will ever be found. The biggest thing that bothers me is the namesake, "Curse of..." After two episodes there hasn't been a single thing stated that would indicate a curse. While I think "Curse of Oak Island" is a stretch as well, at least there is some lore that there is a curse, even though there is not a shred of historical evidence stating 'why', and its more of an urban legend someone started decades ago.

As someone else stated, if there was a treasure, the finding of it would be blasted all over the news. I view it merely as entertainment. I think getting Marty involved is just a way to link the two shows and try to give it a similar audience. I don't see why he would be needed unless they found something and needed his money to help in the recovery operation. They probably easily could have hired a boat and ran sonar for a day or two on the lake instead of spending money going to Georgia. To me, that would be the logical way to approach it. Scan the area within viewing range of the lighthouse keeper, tag the anomalies and then dive on the most probably targets. That's how you are going to find it IF it exists. All that being said, the whole 'theory' rests on a deathbed statement and nothing else. Just like with Oak Island, you can EASILY fill in the gaps to create whatever narrative you want. Just like with Oak Island and other stuff, I want to believe, but the evidence is barely circumstantial at most. I'll be watching, not with hopes of seeing a boxcar of gold, but mainly just to hear the stories they come up with.

The Gold was beamed up long ago by Ancient Aliens ie, the Samaritan gods to heal their planets atmosphere.

All this will tie in with the dying Ancient Aliens Show on the History Channel & they will use ' Aliens Took the Gold, to "Jump the Shark" to keep both Entertainment shows on for at-least another season.

Bring back 'Hangar 18' at least those were real case files.

Aw-Shucks !!! No wonder I watch You-Tube 95% of the time now.

The FBI stated that they were not looking for gold. Then, what were they looking for?

Hackley Park1.webp

They "pull down" that wall in the bank basement and find a small shaft. Kevin puts his arm through the shaft and behind the wall and says he "feels" a latch. Then they decide the wall is unstable and turn around and walk away. Why would there be a "latch" on the other side of the wall ? If the unstable wall is enough to have him stop, then how the heck can he find anything on the bottom of the lake ? What's next ? He does a sonar scan of the lake bottom and finds something metal and believes it is a box car, but to deep to dive to so he ends his search ?
Now he believes the gold is being laundered with a gold mine in Utah. And still believes the gold was on a boxcar, on a ferry, at the bottom of a lake. They had rail lines going all across the U.S., why would they need to risk it on a ferry ?
Why would he think finding a gold coin in a bank deposit box could get Marty Lagina on board ? If someone had a few of these, a bank deposit box would probably one of their first choices for protection. And how would anyone prove any gold "coin" was from or related to the treasure ?

So far the entire show has been about getting funding from Marty Lagina to continue the search.But wait, Their already getting "funding" from History Channel to do the show. There's 5 guys,they must be being paid Something.:occasion18:

Usually about five thousand each and expenses. Here is a Confederate Flag in Danville, Va. that covers six acres of ground and the flag pole is forty feet wide and over fifteen hundred feet long. Jefferson is anchored in the hope of Lee.

Confederate Battle Flag Danville, Virginia.webp

That looks more like a flag than the one in Michigan does.

Thank you. It is actually a Tennessee Regimental Flag. The Confederate Battle Flag would be square and not oblong. The City of Danville, Va. purchased this property in 1863 as a park. If you notice they created another street to intersect at the top of the flag so now there are five forks. This most likely represents the Battle of Five Forks.

Three episodes in and I see so many simularties to Oak Island. Not sure I can stick with this one as long as I did with Oak Island. Burned wagons, rail road tracks bank vaults with nothing, seems like they are just chasing old stories

Three episodes in and I see so many simularties to Oak Island. Not sure I can stick with this one as long as I did with Oak Island. Burned wagons, rail road tracks bank vaults with nothing, seems like they are just chasing old stories

Well, since it has people from oak island on it, I would guess its probably the same producers, and production company so the story line, fluff, filler, and general "feel" would be the same. I'm not even watching it and I can't stand it! :laughing7: Reading the synopsis of every show on this thread I'm just shaking my head thinking "what? why? thats stupid. How can anyone be taking this seriously"

Only thing I hate about these reality shows, they are really ruining deals for Real Treasure Hunters. I mean people that have really done their research for scores of years. We can not get attention but these people are only after money for their acting, not for their treasure hunting abilities. Give any dedicated treasure a month or two on Oak Island and they can find more treasure than the Lagina brothers have for five years.

As for the Confederate Gold it is not based on sound research to start with, no way did anyone capture a boxcar full of gold from President Jefferson Davis and Party when they were captured. I have a complete inventory from the newspapers of everything that was on their person that was took or captured. Two different outfits of soldiers were on hand, no way could either one of them buried enough gold to fill a box car? Should not be allowed to continue a show if they can not show a manifest or inventory of the treasure before it ever got to Michigan.

I was offered a chance to get into this film years ago before the Lagina's were on Oak Island, I refused them because there was no basis for the treasure's existence, let along getting all the way to Lake Michigan. History Channel has turned itself in to a laughing stock, no one will ever believe their documentaries or history itself after filming all of this crap about missing treasures. History Channel is not in to revealing history anymore they only after quick bucks and they are actually reining everything for treasure hunters that watch their unfounded stories.

Only thing I hate about these reality shows, they are really ruining deals for Real Treasure Hunters. I mean people that have really done their research for scores of years. We can not get attention but these people are only after money for their acting, not for their treasure hunting abilities. Give any dedicated treasure a month or two on Oak Island and they can find more treasure than the Lagina brothers have for five years.

As for the Confederate Gold it is not based on sound research to start with, no way did anyone capture a boxcar full of gold from President Jefferson Davis and Party when they were captured. I have a complete inventory from the newspapers of everything that was on their person that was took or captured. Two different outfits of soldiers were on hand, no way could either one of them buried enough gold to fill a box car? Should not be allowed to continue a show if they can not show a manifest or inventory of the treasure before it ever got to Michigan.

I was offered a chance to get into this film years ago before the Lagina's were on Oak Island, I refused them because there was no basis for the treasure's existence, let along getting all the way to Lake Michigan. History Channel has turned itself in to a laughing stock, no one will ever believe their documentaries or history itself after filming all of this crap about missing treasures. History Channel is not in to revealing history anymore they only after quick bucks and they are actually reining everything for treasure hunters that watch their unfounded stories.

Had to watch a couple since it is only a few hours from home, but what a sham..

Had to watch a couple since it is only a few hours from home, but what a sham..

We should all take a guess as to how many seasons this show will have. Don't think I can watch many more either...

We should all take a guess as to how many seasons this show will have. Don't think I can watch many more either...

We all need to go to their webpage and tell them of our disgust.

We all need to go to their webpage and tell them of our disgust.
Seriously, WE should. We should ask them to take a look at the feedback on TNET, as well as other forums, and then "tweak" their shows. They have the potential to draw a much bigger audience by actually "Listening to the audience". I have so lost hope for these History Channel reality treasure shows. My problem is, I watch it just to see how ridiculous the next show will be from the previous episode. It is mind boggling that somewhere, sitting in a closet, is someone probably being paid big bucks to convey to the network what the audience wants. :icon_scratch: It can almost be compared to Kevin Dykstra and Marty Lagina.
Kevin is the guy sitting in the closet saying if we can find a gold coin, the Network will back us financially. It is a wonder that they have not "PLANTED" a gold coin and call Marty's bluff.

We all need to go to their webpage and tell them of our disgust.

No, that will have the opposite effect. Love or hate, its the same to them, be people who hate the show are just as likely to watch as people who love it.

The show is almost predictable. If they bring "Gary" back for an episode, it will only be to find something that was planted. Who knows, maybe even Gary is being duped so that his reactions look like sincere astonishment.

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