The Curse of Civil War Gold


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Jun 11, 2015
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Just saw a brief preview. From the same folks that brought us The Curse of Oak Island. Just happens to be up by Marty Lagina's neck of the woods and they just happen to be using the same guy who does the metal detecting from The Curse of Oak Island, ( Gary Drayton ).

Some say the guys on Oak Island had some type of argument ? and maybe this is why ?

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In order to help reduce expenses and save money towards their exploration of Lake Michigan, why the heck travel to Georgia ? What a waste of time, money, and manpower. They could not find enough evidence to even convince Marty Lagina. So what if they think it was here, then moved to there, then sent on to here and ect. They believe it is at the bottom of the lake. STOP stalling and just go to the lake. You had a boat and sonar equip that you used before and believe you found evidence, so what is wrong with using that equipment and keeping your budget down ? It's so lame to have to draw this out and draw it out and draw it out. The narrator is now saying they hope to find "railroad tracks" in hopes of getting Marty Lagina interested. When, ( I did not say "if" because you will find train tracks everywhere ), that does NOT mean treasure was transported on that track. When they find a railroad track, how do they prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the treasure was hauled on that particular track ?

Geez, after wasting all this time, money, and manpower, they now decide to move on. AGAIN, this is another phase that they should not have undertaken as it still would NOT convince me as an investor. What if they found tracks ? So what. What if they found a train, so what. None of that proves,(either or any), of it has a direct link to smuggled gold, or even where the gold went. :dontknow:

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They don't need to Prove the Tracks, They have the Picture of the Tracks on the Beach. unless it's another beach & they decided to keep that secret.

Gary Drayton would have liked that handfull of Ships Nails from the Beach that
the landowner brought down......
and I couldn't help thinking about the Tunnels The Tiny little ant like Templers must have Built under the Beach
as Traps when their Holes Filled with water :laughing7:

Was a Good show tonight imo.
It not only proved what we have been saying about Oak Island.
Dig near water, Holes Fill with water. Don't need Traps :tongue3:

it is a real Shame they Can't dig up the Train Though :(
I really would love to see it sitting upright & it's condition.
cost would probably be in the tens of thousands.

& it's starting to look to me like the Banker may have Cashed in
(laundered) the Gold to open his Bank.

Definitely on the interesting side so Far.
& less BS without the Laginas & Drayton on site.

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In order to help reduce expenses and save money towards their exploration of Lake Michigan, why the heck travel to Georgia ? What a waste of time, money, and manpower. They could not find enough evidence to even convince Marty Lagina. So what if they think it was here, then moved to there, then sent on to here and ect. They believe it is at the bottom of the lake. STOP stalling and just go to the lake. You had a boat and sonar equip that you used before and believe you found evidence, so what is wrong with using that equipment and keeping your budget down ? It's so lame to have to draw this out and draw it out and draw it out. The narrator is now saying they hope to find "railroad tracks" in hopes of getting Marty Lagina interested. When, ( I did not say "if" because you will find train tracks everywhere ), that does NOT mean treasure was transported on that track. When they find a railroad track, how do they prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the treasure was hauled on that particular track ?

They don't need to Convince Lagina.
I think that's B.S. just to ad "Will they or won't They" Drama.
to the shows.

Same with the Traveling, all just to stretch thing Out to 5 Minutes a week of
actual Hunting :(.

I must admit Though, I've done the research Bit like that. But

Was only interesting to Me I'm sure.

Would Bore the Brains out of a TV audience, seeing me
answering Phone Calls, Visiting Library's,
going Bug Eyed pouring through Micro Film, &
Sitting down in Peoples Homes Interviewing Eyewitnesses.

I know it would Bore Me watching someone else do it.

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I can hardly wait for next week when they try to convince us that the park was laid out in the style of the Confederate flag.

I can hardly wait for next week when they try to convince us that the park was laid out in the style of the Confederate flag.
View attachment 1564081

an aerial would take care of that.

Not that it has anything at all to do with the Confederate Gold, except show filler between commercials

I saw a couple interesting threads on this site which may link a TN member here as being in the center of possible civil war gold being found at Dents Run, Pa.
Fascinating news so far.
If true, Congratulations guys :notworthy:

History Channel is going to ruin it for Curse of Civil War Gold as they took advantage of everyone's patience during 5 seasons of Oak Island. I don't think they are going to be able to maintain a good percentage of viewers by dangling that 5 year old carrot stick in front of our nose much longer.

There is also a rumor of British Gold being lost near Granby CT. I used to wander the hills there as a kid "looking for it" not with any real thought of finding it...

This show, well you could make the same case for "The curse of Alien Gold" and find enough coincidences to "prove" it...

There is also a rumor of British Gold being lost near Granby CT. I used to wander the hills there as a kid "looking for it" not with any real thought of finding it...

This show, well you could make the same case for "The curse of Alien Gold" and find enough coincidences to "prove" it...

"Alien gold theorists have said that...." LOL

There's supposedly gold and valuables buried on the outskirts of a Union cavalry camp nearby where I live(find the camp and perhaps find the gold nearby.) You can read about the story of that one online. I have a good place I would start hunting that fits the story and it's in the middle of the woods where the original road runs. Sadly, the last time I checked the owners didn't want anyone on their property. I know the area and would like to get up there to hunt it someday, cause I know there are Confederate camps there too. I don't need to find gold to make me happy if I can get into an untouched Civil War camp. lol

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Go up and get acquainted with the landowners. Once he gets to know you better, will open doors. Don't just come out and say, "Hey there is a rumor of Civil War gold on your property. Just hang out with them. Find out what they like to do and join in. Maybe they go to flea markets any thing of the such-------do the same thing until he knows you better. There are ways to open up the land to you. Seek them out.

9 things to know about Muskegon's alleged ties to Confederate Gold |

This is a link which has an article from the Lakeshore Museum which finds little credence to Jefferson's gold being in Lake Michigan as "theorized" by Kevin Dykstra and Brad Richards.

Kevin Dykstra has also said he believes the park was laid out like a confederate flag, in part, to quietly acknowledge that the park was paid for with "Confederate" money. Why would a "Union" territory pay honor to the Confederacy so soon after the war ?
And why do it in a hidden manor ? This would indicate sympathizers ?
The park is one square block and they theorize it is laid out in a system of curved and diagonal sidewalks. Kevin Dykstra theorizes they resemble the stars and cross on the Confederate flag.
"A Bible would have been significant because Confederate and Union soldiers carried them in their saddle bags, Dykstra said. The books were jostled around during rides, which would wear away the sharp corners, making them rounded - like the sidewalks."

The only problem I have with the Confederate Treasury Gold being in Lake Michigan is, Colonel Benjamin Pritchard that was given credit for the capture of President Jefferson Davis and party was disobeying orders. Colonel Harden of the First Wisconsin was the only officer that had orders to pursue Davis and party. Col. Harden met Col. Pritchard at a river crossing he was ordered to guard. Col. Harden told Col. Pritchard he had definite information that he was hot on the President's trail. Col. Pritchard asked Col. Harden did he need any help and the reply was, "No, me and my men can handle it"

Immediately after Col. Harden departed, Col. Pritchard broke camp and proceeded down another road to Irwinville, Ga. Pritchard got information from a black man in Irwinville that Davis and party were camped West of town near the river. All the while Col. Harden was on the opposite side of the river camping, knowing full well he was going to capture President Jefferson Davis the next morning. Well the next morning both units converged on the Davis Camp. Pritchard got there first and sent a pickett line near the river to stop Col. Harden so he could capture the Davis Party himself.

A friendly firefight ensued several men were wounded and Private Apply was killed. More would have been massacred had a Sgt. of Colonel Harden not informed him that they were fighting their own men. Col. Harden could not believe that Col. Pritchard's men could be here all the while disobeying his orders.

Now with two different armies being in on the capture of President Jefferson Davis, when was it that Col. Pritchard and his men had time to bury millions of dollars in gold bullion?

Also if you read Micajah Clark's story of the Confederate Treasury Gold, you will find that when the Davis Party crossed over at Park's Ferry they had no gold. Micajah Clark and his men proceeded down the opposite side of the river and buried what remained of the Confederate Treasury except about $25,000 in British Gold Sovereigns. Over $100,000 in gold was buried. Micajah Clark and his men backed tracked a few miles and crossed below Park's Ferry taking another road to met up with the Davis Party. The men that buried the gold, burned the wagons a short distance away, got on the mules and road back to their homes in Tennessee and southern Indiana. That gold is still buried but it is most likely under the lake. The "Rebel Gold" movie was looking for it on one of their shows. I wrote a story on this gold deposit years ago in Lost Treasure Magazine.

One other thought on this gold that is allegedly in Lake Michigan: Why would Colonel Pritchard and General Minty have to bury and steal the gold? According to orders for the capture of Jefferson Davis and Party, the soldiers that captured them would be rewarded with a $100000 Reward plus they could keep all the plunder of $10 Million to $13 Million Dollars. Why steal when it is already yours by orders of command. Stupid I think.

I also have one of the wagon driver's name and his story of the gold, Micajah Clark was carrying and a pretty good idea where it is buried.

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All valid points franklin. You had said "the soldiers that captured them would be rewarded with a $100000 Reward plus they could keep all the plunder of $10 Million to $13 Million Dollars. Why steal when it is already yours by orders of command". The only thing that pops into my mind is "Greed" or mistrust.
Could it have been buried to protect it from being shared with other Union soldiers ? Could it have been buried to protect it from falling back into Confederate hands ?

The only thing is when President Davis and Party were captured all they had was funds given to them by Micajah Clark, spending money to get to the Trans-Mississippi. All told about $100,000. The money President Davis had from the sell of their property in Richmond about $25,000 was kept by the baggage train with Micajah Clark, John Reagan and others. You notice that Micajah Clark and the baggage train went on to the Cottonwood Plantation in Florida. President Davis' money was buried on the Cottonwood Plantation and is still there. I have Tench Tilghman's story just before he died and he said he buried it with his own two hands. He died a few hours later after relating this story to a friend in New York or Baltimore, somewhere up North. I would have to look it up but that is the true story of the Confederate Treasury.

Sure there were other robberies of money belonging to the Confederate Government. I know of four robberies in and around Washington, Ga. and Abbeville, S.C. But as for that much gold being captured with President Davis is absolutely ridiculous.

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I got a question.....How did that train track sink 5 feet in ONLY 150 years ? Dosent that seem like a excessive amount in such a short time .

Your telling of the story makes the most sense to me. Often the most obvious answer is the true story. I think what you said is the most likely story, also without documentation and even with it, the size of treasure grows like weeds.

I got a question.....How did that train track sink 5 feet in ONLY 150 years ? Dosent that seem like a excessive amount in such a short time .
Are we sure it was the "track" ? We did not get to see it, they did not see it either, they just felt something and are "assuming" it was the track ? As far as evidence, all they had was that picture showing tracks on the beach. They make a big deal over the tracks being used to transport the gold. They haven't found the gold so how can they be sure it was ever on those tracks ? That is what is disappointing in these shows, they claim to have felt the track, ( and the train ), and then pull up stakes and walk away to another phase without 100% identification. But then again, why spend the money and manpower on proofing there was a train and tracks there, cut to the chase and start searching the lake bottom.:BangHead:

Are we sure it was the "track" ? We did not get to see it, they did not see it either, they just felt something and are "assuming" it was the track ? As far as evidence, all they had was that picture showing tracks on the beach. They make a big deal over the tracks being used to transport the gold. They haven't found the gold so how can they be sure it was ever on those tracks ? That is what is disappointing in these shows, they claim to have felt the track, ( and the train ), and then pull up stakes and walk away to another phase without 100% identification. But then again, why spend the money and manpower on proofing there was a train and tracks there, cut to the chase and start searching the lake bottom.:BangHead:

That's what I hate about reality shows, they start with a conjecture and then build the story around something that has no documentation to prove anything. The gold needs to be proven that it was captured, they need to prove that Jefferson Davis and Party had that much money while fleeing from the Yankees. Davis and his men had just traveled backwards and out of the way to get up with his wife and party a few nights before. So how did they lug around a few thousand pounds of gold? Where are the facts that there was in fact any gold captured? Where are the facts that General Minty had the gold and moved it by train? And where is the facts that it arrived in Michigan? No records, no documentation, no facts whatsoever except a man on his dying bed. How many treasure stories start with a death bed confession? They never say if the man was sick out of his head or delusional? Damn I hate stories like this? And the History Channel is putting all of this crap out there just to get an audience and to make money. I thought the History Channel was in the business of giving us factual information of history? They are giving us no more than a soap opera show.

As for the railroad tracks and the engine, they have nothing to do with anything? Hell I can show you all kinds of discontinued railroad tracks. One right out side of Abbeville, S.C. that the gold traveled on has anyone searched on those abandoned railroad tracks? Also they have photos of the track-----it was there but just maybe it was a bad investment because the Winter storms and a railroad track on the beach of Lake Michigan. Surely sand over the years is going to cover it after storms. That is why they only kept the railroad track for two years. Check the weather for those two years and I will bet you my bottom dollar that they had a terrible storm those two Winters.


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Ancient Aliens show, there's you some facts. :laughing9:

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