The Curse of Civil War Gold


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Jun 11, 2015
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Just saw a brief preview. From the same folks that brought us The Curse of Oak Island. Just happens to be up by Marty Lagina's neck of the woods and they just happen to be using the same guy who does the metal detecting from The Curse of Oak Island, ( Gary Drayton ).

Some say the guys on Oak Island had some type of argument ? and maybe this is why ?

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We should all take a guess as to how many seasons this show will have. Don't think I can watch many more either...
We can all guess if we live long enough to have the treasures found. NO.

It was, I agree.

Maybe Kevin will repay his debt by traveling to Oak Island and help use a bucket to drain the swamp ?:laughing7:

So, in last nights show the 5 guys pack all their junk campers,4x4s,drone etc.etc.Drive 1,700 miles to search caves/mines in the Utah Cricket mountains.And NO ONE brings a freaking flashlight ? Really ?

Well, I hope when they go back to Lake Michigan to dive it, they take air tanks. They seem so ill- prepared for almost everything they do. ???

Well, I hope when they go back to Lake Michigan to dive it, they take air tanks. They seem so ill- prepared for almost everything they do. ???

LOL Do you need tanks for diving ?

I stopped watching also, we already know exactly whats going to happen. They are going to find all kinds of clues, search lots of places and not find anything.

Hahaha, I dont have to watch the show, I can read all the stupid antics right here! It sounds like a total joke.

One thing to keep in mind... its 100% scripted and rehearsed. Marty (was it Marty?) who "agreed" to finance this, isn't financing anything. It's all from the show, the producers just have him there to lend "credibility" to this.

I was gonna watch it last night (It's kinda a hobby now of mine to see how much more dumb it can get,lol), but I totally forgot. Honestly, after reading about it on here, I think I just kept from wasting an hour of my

What's really sad is let's say by some incredible miracle, they actually find the missing Gold in the bottom of Lake Michigan. Uncle Sam steps in and says, Thanks for finding our Gold and takes it all.

Trip to Georgia and a trip to Utah, but no money to conduct a ss sonar survey of the area the lighthouse keeper allegedly saw a boxcar dumped into. Things that make you go hmmmm.

This new Civil War Gold series is not off to a great start.....Laginas are producers, etc, so here we go again? In 1st episode there was already false info reported.....The confederate prez- Davis WAS NOT wearing female clothes when arrested. That was a story completely written by reporter to make his story seem interesting to readers back then for that strike 1. C'mon show writers....... get with it and tell truths here

I am going to DVR all episodes and then skip thru it fairly fast to see what happens each episode instead of watching each full narrative of entire episode.....example...if I see hands pulling gold out of something I will watch at regular play speed.....Oak Island did that to me...that way I do not waste alot of my time. Not happy with Oak Island and the way it is turning out at all.....thanks to the Laginas when made producers of their own show after many seasons and episodes....then Laginas started "Oak Island Tours" as well Im pissed.

Also, Marty Lagina IS NOT paying out of pocket 100% to join and back these new other guys....the History channel's money guys are paying, too. Darn it....somebody find something worth our time viewing! more rusty railroad ties and nails, rusty hinges, one coin or two a piece of old mining claim paper, etc, etc. No more Gordon Coopers mapping ship wrecks from more Phoenicians and Minoians, etc rowing to America burying treasures of wonder. Whats next?....."The search for Butch Cassidy and Sundance's buried train robbing loot?" OR Tonto secretly stashed hoards of gold right under the nose of the Lone Ranger?....The Lost Gold of the Cartwrights?......or even Robin Hood hid some treasure over here somewhere and Friar Tuck was in on it, too?
....and lastly....the biggest gold stash legend of all time..."The secret Gold Buillion Stash of Earnest T Bass"....which has long been rumored to be buried near the mountain home of the Darling family in the Andy Griffith series. Old man Darling was rumored to be his partner. It occured when the Gold Truck was passing through Mayberry. Bass lost more of his marbles and he died not remembering where he had buried it. The search continues even today by some Mayberry folks. Goober finding it was found to be a false report.

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I was gonna watch it last night (It's kinda a hobby now of mine to see how much more dumb it can get,lol), but I totally forgot. Honestly, after reading about it on here, I think I just kept from wasting an hour of my
Exactly ! I watched the first episode with an open mind. Then with that and everything afterwards, none of it made sense. "Spend" money to search for some place the gold was not found at and go look for a cave, but hey, we don't need any flashlights !:BangHead: I said at the beginning they should have saved their money and actually look for where they think the gold "PHYSICALLY" is now. As an investor, I would have serious doubts to their priorities and to their ability to equip themselves even with the smallest and cheapest equipment, ( flashlights for one ). They claim to be certain the track was there and walk away, they claim the train is there and walk away, they claim a secret room in the bank basement and then walk away, they look at caves, but with no flashlights, they walk away. It is frustrating to see how the thought process keeps hitting bottom and to top all that off, with the flimsiest of finds, ( 1-nut, 1-bolt, 1-bent coin, another pieces of metal, and note- these are all SINGULAR, not plural ).6 burnt wagons would have yielded maybe two nuts and two bolts , lol. But I agree with Worm-Slicer that I got hooked just by wanting to see what the next loosing move is going to be. Marty Lagina would be better off investing with Bernie Madoff !

I enjoy the show and will keep watching. I think you may see something found in Lake Michigan and here is why.

Kevin Dykstra has been diving the lake since 2011 or before. In a 2011 dive looking for the box car, Kevin and
Frederick Monroe discovered a sunken wreck. They think it might be the Le Griffon, and they spotted what looked like
a safe. I understand they discussed this with the State of Michigan in 2014. There were three options. 1) The State of Michigan
would take control of the wreck. 2) The State would do nothing. 3) The State of Michigan would issue a permit to
Kevin Dykstra to work the wreck.

If the State has finally given Kevin a permit, not only can he use History Channel money to search for the box car, he would
also have funding to bring up the safe from the Le Griffon.

Mr. Dykstra believes he found the Le Griffon. He said he wasn't going back to it because he was being followed. He said he was moving on. The Le Griffon is considered by some as the "[FONT=Benton Sans, Arial, sans-serif]earliest known shipwreck on the Great Lakes and something of a Holy Grail for those who dive wrecks in the region. How do you turn your back on such history, if true ? So far, that I am aware of, he has walked away from potential finds. Marty Lagina holding out to back Kevin's search is another made for tv drama. I bet the tv show already had him locked in from the get go.and just drug it out to make for childish nonsense. Think about, Marty took how many seasons to finally believe that his brother Rick may be right about Oak Island, ( even though nothing proofing substantial evidence was found ). Yet almost all of a sudden, Rick throws full support behind a complete stranger with virtually no proof. How does one go from being a pessimist on Oak Island to to an optimist on the box car ? This is so staged it is unreal. [/FONT]

Tonight was the 5th episode and I see already next week is tagged as the season finale. Marty out of money or did he wise up ? :dontknow:

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