I am a newbie here so please don't crucify me if you don't believe this story.
The only reason I am writing this and posting it is that I hope that someone will take this seriously and search for it. There will be those that will immediately discount this tale and cry hoax but I assure you that the source of information is of the highest form. The information does not come from a friend of a friend of someones cousin but from someone who visited the site.
I cannot give you the name of the source as we last parted on bad terms but her integrity and honesty are of the highest form for she was the Great Honored Woman of the Cherokee and Creek Nations.
The story begins with her great grandfather Jim Bullet a survivor of the Trail of Tears. When he reached the new Indian Territory he claimed some land near what is now Muskogee Oklahoma. He took the daughter of White Tobacco Sam (her name was Big Lucy) the medicine man as his wife and they built a cabin and soon a baby girl was born to them.
White Tobacco Sam had trained Jim Bullet as a medicine man and when Jim chose his land he chose the plot across the road from the ancient burial ground as he thought it his duty to look after the grounds. Jim Bullet is now buried in this same cemetery and I have seen his gravestone myself.
The cabin of Jim and Big Lucy was directly across the dirt road from the burial grounds and one day while Jim was in town running errands Lucy was washing clothes on a table on the side of the cabin. She had left the baby on a pallet of wood beside the front door of the cabin as was her usual habit for it was in the shade and cooler for the child. As she came around the corner of the cabin toward the front door she saw a large creature covered in brownish red hair leaning over her daughter. She immediately grabbed a piece of wood and attacked the creature trying to scare it off but the creature grabbed the baby and ran across the road.
Jim Bullet just happened to be riding down the road towards the cabin and saw the creature running away from the cabin and hearing his wife's cries gave chase through the burial grounds towards Saddleback Mountain. He lost sight of the creature but followed by tracking as best he could till they came to the base of the mountain where he lost the trail. He immediately galloped back into town and sounded the alarm and a posse was raised. They searched the whole area of the mountain and around it for three days and found nothing and finally gave up the search.
Jim Bullet though could not give up the search and every spare minute he had for years after he examined every square inch of the mountain and it is here that the story really begins for during his search he came across a cave and deep in the cave he found a man made wooden door and behind it all sorts of wonders.
The Great Honored Woman heard these stories passed down from her elders about a cave with the man made door and one day when she was in her late teens she decided to find this cave. She spent many days and weeks combing the mountain and finally came across the cave high on a cliff that was very difficult to attain.
In her words to me the cave had several rooms filled with rifles, swords, ammunition, food and uniforms. She never said what kind of uniforms just that they were military uniforms. There was one thing that amazed her and that was a cannon or artillery field piece. She could not figure out how it had gotten there for it must have been a very strenuous job for anyone to have gotten this thing halfway up a sheer cliff.
She took a single sword as proof that she had found the cache and returned home with it. Her father was extremely upset that she had removed the sword and ordered her to take it back which she did and never returned to the cave after that.
The cave is said to be on the eastern side of Saddleback Mountain and not noticeable until you are right on top of it. The cave can only be reached with the use of ropes and climbing skills and the area is supposed to be crawling with rattlesnakes.
Neither I nor the Great Honored Woman are of an age or physical condition to go find this place again but from what she has told me the cave is worth finding.
I don't care who believes this story or not I just wish to relay it for those who wish to seek it.