The Cave Near Muskogee OK

I found Jim bullets gravesite today. Standing in road facing gravesite with empty pasture to my back there is a rocky hill to the right. It's maybe quarter mile away or closer.I could see some rocky bluffs but its private land and would need permission to explore.

Yup, I found it, too. It's in the Grayson Cemetery in Muskogee County. Here's the record. Old guy lived to be 102 years old.

Happy hunting.

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I am very familiar with this mountain and have been all over it as a child with the man who owned the mountain, The Cave/Caves are common knowledge but the location is not known as supposedly the entrance was blown up by Outlaws. The Mountain has plaques on rocks in certain places naming it the second highest elevation in Oklahoma by a Federal agency (I cannot remember the exact wording or agency probably USGS) Moreover while this Saddleback mountain looks somewhat formidable as far as terrain around Muskogee it is rather deceiving and steep and treacherous as hell in large portions of it. Due to the excellent high ground and astounding view the mountain was used in the Battle of Honey Springs and the old man that owned it had shown me a rock outcropping of flat rock with grooves the he said was a cannon emplacement which would have faced where they claim the battlefield was now.

I have no doubt the old man had found the cave and claimed he had a Gold Bar from this cave which would have been of little use to him because while he did not look like anymore than a common street person he owned a good portion of Muskogee as well as the mountain which probably was at least couple sections (660acres= A Section)
He has long since passed and to best of my knowledge his son in law and or Grandchildren now have the property and I doubt anyone out of their family group even sits foot on it.

You guys are on the right track though with Summit though I will say that and that this particular Mountain is the subject of a great many more Legends and Rumors than the variables of what I think is the same cave in this thread. I know every freaking place has a Headless Horseman and / or Crybaby bridge but at the foot of this mountain the local Radio station used to broadcast every Halloween because of the bridge legend if that helps anyone local out lol

Anyone find this yet?

My family owns this land. We call it chimney mt. I have hunted this place all my life and I've always heard the legends about the caves and such. I heard they had been closed off but I think I have found what used to be an opening. I've always had a feeling there was something out there.

i just moved to oklahoma city, i am up for a challenge and wouldnt mind spending a day climbing around and checking this out. i dont know oklahoma very well, but im keen to older style landmarks and markings. has anyone pursued this? say your family owns this. whould it be too much to ask to set up a search party? maybe just about a half dozen or so. anything found of coarse would go to the property owners unless a finders fee is agreed. but to be on the news as part of the finders and history and proof there still are treasure to be found would be a prize itself.


Muskogee cave.

Hi all. Just got back from a second trip. We went out the first time & scouted several locations. This trip, we used climbing equipment to enter the cave through roof opening and rappelled into it. Apparently it had a few cave ins, but we looked around and could not find a wooden door. We exited the cave onto a cliff face and climbed down from there.
Yes, James & Lucy Bullets graves are easy to find in Grayson cemetery. The old house place across the road is no longer there. The cemetary is visible from the county road.
Saddle mountain to the north and rattlesnake mountain to the south are visible. The old Arty emplacements are near Honey Springs Battlefield just West of Rattlesnake Mountain overlooking Dirty Creek. You can visit the battleground through Rentesville and there is a Visitors Center. Call before you go, as they keep odd hours.

This land is Private Property. Do not enter without permission. You can purchase a hunting lease if desired.
Happy Hunting!

Hi all. Just got back from a second trip. We went out the first time & scouted several locations. This trip, we used climbing equipment to enter the cave through roof opening and rappelled into it. Apparently it had a few cave ins, but we looked around and could not find a wooden door. We exited the cave onto a cliff face and climbed down from there.
Yes, James & Lucy Bullets graves are easy to find in Grayson cemetery. The old house place across the road is no longer there. The cemetary is visible from the county road.
Saddle mountain to the north and rattlesnake mountain to the south are visible. The old Arty emplacements are near Honey Springs Battlefield just West of Rattlesnake Mountain overlooking Dirty Creek. You can visit the battleground through Rentesville and there is a Visitors Center. Call before you go, as they keep odd hours.

This land is Private Property. Do not enter without permission. You can purchase a hunting lease if desired.
Happy Hunting!

If you were on saddleback/chimney mt. I would have known. When did this happen and who gave you permission

My oldest son and I were actually out there today. I wouldn't mind taking a few people to look around. I have four kids one is 3 month's old so I would have to plan it out ahead ( get permission from my wife). It is really overgrown so it would need to happen during the winter months.

I'd like to help out if needed!

jth Are You the owner? I have been to the cemetery and seen the graves of James & Lucy Bullet. Have not went on Saddle back Mt, because I don't have permission. If you are the owner or have written permission, I would like to help anyway I can. I've been following this post for quite awhile. It's intriguing. PM me if interested Thanks. Ok I just read your post that says your family owns it. If you need help, I'm available. I would NOT put this on the news if I were you, or you will be opening your property and family up to scrutiny by lawyers, government, state, and anyone who thinks they may have reason to claim anything found. Just Sayin!

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Hello jth I am a follower of this story and heard a lot about it as a child. I am every interested in further research i have lived in the area my whole life. and know alot of experienced/skilled explorers that have claimed the highest mountains and hardest terrain in the world. I could have a are team together asap I am verry interested and hope to hear something back soon.

Well heck im from the area kinda. Count me me in if yalls gonna make search. Ive alwsys been interested in caves and a good hike.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Let me know when you want to hike around and check it out. I don't live far away.

First off I can't believe this post is still alive and that so much progress has been made.

Just some info to pass on, I have been informed that there is at least one KGC stash within walking distance of Summit. I was also informed that there quite a few members of this organization in the Muskogee area and that they were all members of the KKK as well. Knowing that this group still has a strong presence in the area caution is advised.

After reading this thread I have noticed there are two different areas being spoken of. Jth the are of interest isnt chimney mtn. As Greyson Cem is east of Oktaha. Which is where the graves of Jim and Lucy are located. Wich would put the cliffs just to the north of the Cem to be the area to search. Any new info on this area or hunt?

Anybody know who owns the land north of the cemetery?

It is a speculated area of who owns the right one. But your best bet is to look up land ownership for all around the area

Good luck to those seeking this cave. Look out for snakes.

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