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There is no 1 single burial ground for Apaches, no idea where that notion came from. I know of several in this area, 1 in the Sup's near the sacred cave, (as far as I know Hataali's or medicine men & women & their families), & another near here & another east of the Sup's & Cochise is buried alone in the Dragoon Mtns., 1 in the Chiricahuas, etc.. Unlike Whites, Apaches don't go visit gravesites of their relatives. Let the dead rest in peace. The Apaches did spend time in the Sup's & in Mexico & a lot of other places sometimes wandering south to banana country, west to the Colorado River, east into Texas & Oklahoma. They were nomadic. To try & put actual borders on their territory is an exercise in futility.
Joe, I don't know who the "wannabe Apache" is you refer to but have ran into a few wannabes of various tribes over the years, most are like Simon the sorcerer in the Bible (Acts 8:9,18) who tried to buy power for personal gain (there are no wealthy Hataalis). Those wannabes are known as inlgashn` (witches), there are some tribal members who do the same, unfortunately. I'd burn anything, including a picture he sends you or feather or whatever, just to be safe. No real Hataali would give you real eagle feather. It's not unheard of to contaminate such things w/ diseases (I could go into details but it's pretty disgusting).
Joe, I don't know who the "wannabe Apache" is you refer to but have ran into a few wannabes of various tribes over the years, most are like Simon the sorcerer in the Bible (Acts 8:9,18) who tried to buy power for personal gain (there are no wealthy Hataalis). Those wannabes are known as inlgashn` (witches), there are some tribal members who do the same, unfortunately. I'd burn anything, including a picture he sends you or feather or whatever, just to be safe. No real Hataali would give you real eagle feather. It's not unheard of to contaminate such things w/ diseases (I could go into details but it's pretty disgusting).