The Answer Rest Here

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Endless speculation but no absolute evidence.

There are small privately owned corner stores and then there are Wal-Marts. The operation of one is fairly easy to explain and to understand, the other is quite the opposite. :thumbsup:

Endless speculation but no absolute evidence.

Thats ok, maybe one day you can find evidence to prove what you are talking about. Like the Celeste Beale Diary ! :laughing7:

Once again, who has confirmed the accuracy in Laflin's questionable Lafitte memoirs?
Was the meeting of Lafitte with Marx and Engles confirmed as accurate?
Was the black powder given to Peabody, Kingsley, and Ward confirmed for removing boulders and taking care of the railroad as accurate?
Was the name of said railroad ever researched?
Was the names SHERMAN ever confirmed to be Mathew "Mexico" Sherman?
Why don't you share with us what was confirmed as accurate in Laflin's Lafitte memoirs, by whom, and then how this memoir of Lafitte relates to the 1885 Beale Papers.
One has looked, but these questions have not been dealt with many times over.

Thats ok, maybe one day you can find evidence to prove what you are talking about...
Laf, I have presented evidence supporting the belief that the Beale Papers are a dime novel with ciphers added as a parlor entertainment, while keep repeating the same two names of a supposed cipher solution, and you seem beguiled by Laflin's forged Lafitte memoirs.
Did Lafitte fake his death. move to St Louis, marry Emma Mortimer, meet with Marx and Engles, and die in 1854?
...and if any of that is true, how does it relate to the Beale Papers?

Laf, I have presented evidence supporting the belief that the Beale Papers are a dime novel with ciphers added as a parlor entertainment,

"No. No. You are wrong." By your own displays and demands and definitions, no, no you clearly have not. Just you've just presented, "straw, hay, red herrings, rabbit holes, yellow brick roads, highways, etc., etc., etc., to fit into your theory. :occasion14:

"No. No. You are wrong." By your own displays and demands and definitions, no, no you clearly have not. Just you've just presented, "straw, hay, red herrings, rabbit holes, yellow brick roads, highways, etc., etc., etc., to fit into your theory. :occasion14:
...and you haven't?
What you have presented is a mélange composed of various historical bits, shaken, not stirred, that are never mentioned in the Beale Papers, and created a conspiracy worthy of an Ian Fleming novel.
This obsessive Lafitte/ French/ banker-business conspiracy has been worked over for several years, and still no smoking gun, as you mentioned on an older thread, is presented.
Instead of bring forth a solidly presented premise, you state it has been mentioned many times before, then go on the offensive in a Saul Alinsky parody of discrediting an opposing a different view.
Bigscoop, either you can solidly prove your theory and connect it to the Beale Papers, or you can't. So far you have wandered here than there in history, never really making a real connection to the Beale Papers.
Discrediting an another's opinion does not bolster your theory, but damages your credibility.

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Discrediting an another's opinion does not bolster your theory, but damages your credibility.

Speaking from first hand experience now, we can all assume? :laughing7: Or is it still not sinking in?

Obvious connections to the Risque bloodline?...
The only connection that Thomas Beale of New Orleans has with Virginia is that duel with James Beverly Risqué and Chloe Delancey and Thomas Beale Jr who, I might add, are not mentioned in grandson Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.

The only connection that Thomas Beale of New Orleans has with Virginia is that duel with James Beverly Risqué and Chloe Delancey and Thomas Beale Jr who, I might add, are not mentioned in grandson Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.

You have a theory with it all figured out. So who was, "Thomas J. Beale?" :laughing7:

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