The Answer Rest Here

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You're dodging, again. "Duck and roll! Duck and roll!" You started this game, not me. And yes, as Jeff of PA pointed out with his posting of the news paper article, a Thomas J. Beale did exist in Jackson Ward Richmond Virginia in 1884, and then as you yourself pointed out, he was a man of color as well, born in 1827/28. And yes, the author did claim to have important business affairs in Richmond, did he not. So yes, the comparisons and consistencies are factual...
Once again, a factual stretch to fit your pet theory. Prove the connection, or "let the matter alone".

... Now then, what you say about the Pauline Innis card? Complete fraud or not? Your entire theory and opposition to mine hinges on it so what will it be? Man up, or man out?
Are you referring to the iron box with ciphers and two pieces of paper with numbers that Pauline Innis found at an Otey descendant in the 1960's as being written by Lafitte?
What about the iron box that Justintime found in an old stove with the DOI that he shown on Josh Gates Beale show?
What was the purpose of your question?
PS- The Otey family is part of the Risqué extended family bloodline. Are you now helping make the point on what Ward based the Beale story? All in the family.

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Are you referring to the iron box with ciphers and two pieces of paper with numbers that Pauline Innis found at an Otey descendant in the 1960's as being written by Lafitte?
What about the iron box that Justintime found in an old stove with the DOI that he shown on Josh Gates Beale show?
What was the purpose of your question?
PS- The Otey family is part of the Risqué extended family bloodline. Are you now helping make the point on what Ward based the Beale story? All in the family.

You know "exactly" what I'm referring to, and why.

Your speculative theory, that you so aggressively promote and defend, requires that Innis and those who supported her claim were frauds as there is no other way around this. So in essence you are saying with 100% certainty that Innis, and those who supported her claim, were all frauds. Correct?

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Well, aside from the short list of factual consistencies/comparisons I just posted, what is it you don't understand about, "worth Investigating?" I can only assume that you're asking if I got all this from the years of local lore and romance, which is always considered the only possible and credible source and always the gospel, in which case I have to say, "No. These are just some very basic consistencies and comparisons that any outsider can easy locate and relate to."
Naw... asking about YOUR written documentation/"source materials" for Alderman TJB of Jackson Ward, Richmond, Va.; YEARS, please...

Naw... asking about YOUR written documentation/"source materials" for Alderman TJB of Jackson Ward, Richmond, Va.; YEARS, please...
Reb, it's all been posted already. Look for Jeff's thread about it, the 1884 news paper articles. ECS also post additional info and a link. :thumbsup:

Well, aside from the short list of factual consistencies/comparisons I just posted, what is it you don't understand about, "worth Investigating?" I can only assume that you're asking if I got all this from the years of local lore and romance, which is always considered the only possible and credible source and always the gospel, in which case I have to say, "No. These are just some very basic consistencies and comparisons that any outsider can easy locate and relate to."
So it IS... with MY R & I... AND! I can (and HAVE) walked the grounds (Sites of Interest); Have YOU...? If so... tell us MORE!

Naw... asking about YOUR written documentation/"source materials" for Alderman TJB of Jackson Ward, Richmond, Va.; YEARS, please...

I have the same sources as everyone else, that I know of. Could be that someone has more, but I don't.

The "WHY" is very obvious.

:thumbsup: You bet. If you still leave the door open that Innis wasn't a liar/fraud and that she possibly did see the iron box and its contents then your theory takes a walk down that yellow brick road to all of those rabbit holes full of hay, herrings, etc., etc., etc. Have a nice stroll. :laughing7:

Innis may have seen an iron box with cipher copies and two pieces of paper with numbers, but being in the possession of the Otey family (Clayton Hart's wife was an Otey), it may well be something used by the Hart brothers in their Beale treasure search.

Innis may have seen an iron box with cipher copies and two pieces of paper with numbers, but being in the possession of the Otey family (Clayton Hart's wife was an Otey), it may well be something used by the Hart brothers in their Beale treasure search.
:laughing7: Nod & a wink, here...

Your summation is consistent with all of the local lore and romance attached to the story, I'll hand you that much. Of course your conclusive source materials only exist in thin air but that too is also consistent with all of the local lore and romance attached to the tale. Is there anything, anything at all, that you can present as conclusive supporting evidence in support of your conclusion other then local lore and romance? ,,,
The Beale story is a localized story, with names recognizable to that localized demographic, published, printed, advertised, and sold to that specific localized area of the story.

The Beale story is a localized story, with names recognizable to that localized demographic, published, printed, advertised, and sold to that specific localized area of the story.

So now folks are manufacturing iron boxes and duplicating the contents because, why? :laughing7: Clearly you can't make up your mind if Innis saw the box or not, as she claims she did. Clearly you have not read how she determined that it was the right box, either. So what you say, fraud or fact? Your entire theory hinges on your answer. :thumbsup:

So now folks are manufacturing iron boxes and duplicating the contents because, why? :laughing7: Clearly you can't make up your mind if Innis saw the box or not, as she claims she did. Clearly you have not read how she determined that it was the right box, either. So what you say, fraud or fact? Your entire theory hinges on your answer. :thumbsup:
MY "GOLD cover" paper-back version of Gold In The Blue Ridge indicate that Pauline had the Iron Box at her residence The WATERGATE WEST - Apt. 1410; 2700 Virginia Highway, N. W.; Washington, D.C. in 1972; wasn't THAT a Safe House for "Spies"...? She ALSO has a copy of a letter from DIRECTOR Richard Helms (CIA)... Ciphers, "unbreakable".
MUCH MORE info on the Hart Bros, & Newton Hazlewood; gotta do MORE R & I on this... has OLD maps, copies of letters/ciphers... AND! A copy of the numbers arranged in a weird order, like the drill-holes found on the boulder on the BRP on the over-look above the Roanoke Valley!

My "gut-feeling" now is that GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE was written, published, and released to the MASS MARKET to get "regular" ppl looking for the Beale Treasure (the CSA Treasury)... as a "SHAKING THE TREES" effort, since the FEDS wanted the CSA TREASURY as "Spoils of WAR"). BTW, Pauline's husband, was Walter Dean Innis, high-ranking NAVY officer and "POSSIBLE" Spy for the Friedmans; THEY came to Lynchburg, Va. as part of the US Coast Guard/NSA "on-the ground" "poking around"... it was in 1947/48.

MY "GOLD cover" paper-back version of Gold In The Blue Ridge indicate that Pauline had the Iron Box at her residence The WATERGATE WEST - Apt. 1410; 2700 Virginia Highway, N. W.; Washington, D.C. in 1972; wasn't THAT a Safe House for "Spies"...? She ALSO has a copy of a letter from DIRECTOR Richard Helms (CIA)... Ciphers, "unbreakable"...
Was the Watergate break in at the Democratic headquarters a "cover story" for the government to secure the iron box and ciphers? G Gordon Liddy knows the truth! :laughing7:

So now folks are manufacturing iron boxes and duplicating the contents...
You may have a point there, Scoop. Justintime found an iron box with the marked DOI copy, so we have two iron boxes that have been attributed to the Beale Papers.
Maybe John Laflin had a side business from his forging documents scam, and made iron boxes to put them in.:laughing7:

You may have a point there, Scoop. Justintime found an iron box with the marked DOI copy, so we have two iron boxes that have been attributed to the Beale Papers.
Maybe John Laflin had a side business from his forging documents scam, and made iron boxes to put them in.:laughing7:

Whatever works for folks. Just hope there's some Twinkies in mine. :laughing7:

Was the Watergate break in at the Democratic headquarters a "cover story" for the government to secure the iron box and ciphers? G Gordon Liddy knows the truth! :laughing7:
Naw... only "DEEP THROAT" knows for sure... wasn't that "break-in" in 1972...? Pauline & Walter were living there then... stuff COULD be at the SPY MUSEUM at the CIA... dunno.

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