You're making this way too easy....
straw man
ˌstrô ˈman/
straw man; plural noun:
straw men; noun:
strawman; plural noun:
- 1.
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
"her familiar procedure of creating a straw man by exaggerating their approach"
- 2.
a person regarded as having no substance or integrity.
"a photogenic straw man gets inserted into office and advisers dictate policy"
Note, "an intentionally misrepresented proposition" as you continue to keep pointing fingers at yourself again and again. Allow me to explain it to you yet again;
If you read the story you'll discover that Morriss was just an alleged executor, but "only if" his services are to be required "within a ten year period." This is not the same thing as an executor at the time of death, or until time of death, Morriss was only allegedly made an executor within a ten year period and "only if" his services were required within "that ten year period." This is your first straw man inaccurate judgement..
You second straw man inaccuracy involves the alleged party and the "required sum" which they were allegedly after which is never detailed so that remains an unknown. But let me submit to you the following scenario......what if the party realized their desired amount the next year and simply took it upon themselves to divide said funds evenly and go their merry way? In this scenario Morriss wouldn't be entitled to his share because, and here it comes, "his services were never required." And all of this even before your then straw man, can you say "Oopsie" yet again..... Yes, your certain claim just went down in flames once more.
PS: The above executor arrangement is what your "honest author" detailed in his narration so don't blame me.....

....blame yourself for not reading the narration just as it is written and then placing trust in your oh-so honest and truthful author. No wait a minute, if you don't believe the author, which you apparently don't, but claim that you do believe him, then does this make your "intentional misrepresented and easily defeated proposal" something from a straw man?
