Talking about specific frequencies, let's talk a tasty one. So we easily separate a specific, awesome smelling frequency, then generate that frequency. Mother nature resonates it ever few seconds, and wham, the sweet smell of success.
To figure a specific frequency for a scent or smell, someone or something would have to smell something. We know molecules travel through the air, and some smell. We're told we smell frequencies, right. So if frequency of smell is dowsable, I should be able to dowse a connection line, between a smelly thing, and a master key frequency. If it signals, I dowsed a smell frequency. How delicate is that dowse, I will find out with a onion after this post, if it's even possible.
Dowsing an onion connection line is worthless. You don't have a specific onion frequency you can dowse, out of the master signal.
To determine a specific smell frequency, would take a human, using our nose, or an animals nose. Not excluding bugs. A dog can smell a scent much better and faster than us. If you trained the dog to bark when he smells the scent you want the frequency of, then the dog becomes the indicator of that scent. Yes, it could take too long to find the correct scent frequency, running 13 digits, through Hz, kHz, mHz, and you can only smell the frequency during a resonating pulse. So if Schumann resonance is firing on all 3 pulses, a human might register the smell, within a minute, and a dog much quicker. Before the next frequency # is played, we need time to smell it.
Training a dog for a specific smell and letting the device mimic the smell is the key. But, is there an electronic device, already invented?, that can smell any smell, not just specific smells? Let's train the dog to bark at any and every smell. Then turn a frequency generator on, set it up to change the number, one digit at a time, every 1 minute. The days the dog barks, record the frequency, see what he's smelling. Is it a good smell to us or a bad smell to us, then continue the test, till the dog barks again. Either us or the dog, it might take a while.
If you totaled all the numbers in Hz, kHz, mHz scale, and played a diffrent # every minute or three. How long would it take? Once that specific frequency is obtained, it can be easily mimicked.