A spider didn't make that

I'm not even sure why anyone hasn't done that yet, I don't think it would take a dowser to run the test. You would only have to have a long enclosed chamber, with a frequency generator on one side, and plenty of flies living full time, feed them and stuff. Have the generator automatically change frequency by one digit, every day. Run every frequency, from Hz, khz, mhz, ect hz, until the flies move away from the generator. The Schumann resonance is providing the constant pulse of energy.. Their has to be one frequency that irritates them.. it would be a test set on automatic.., no dowsing required..
That might be why bugs that eat about everything, don't eat some things. What if the tree or plants vibrates a bug disliked frequency during the pulses. During rain when the signal is blocked, they start chewing away, only to leave suddenly. Who knows?

We've just started to learn how to use frequencies, some are correct and some wrong on this old list. There is more than one frequency that will trigger a certain amount of specific element frequency. And there is more than one master key frequency, all these also have their corresponding harmonics.
The use of frequencies can be made possible. Plants like some music more than other, but even that music is full of frequencies they probably don't prefer.
The connection between a phone and its user might be new, but I take no credit for much that has been already figured out while dowsing, symbolic relationship connections. They used to dowse to solve murders with clothing way in the past. That is nothing new!


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With sensative enough rods, a plant is dowsable. It is dowsable during mother nature's energy pulse. It resonates and displays its preferred frequency. The plants specific happy life frequency is being shown during every resonating pulse. We see a master key pulse resonating it, but to determine that plants specific ommiting frequency, it would take a dowser. It could take a long time!!


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Talking about specific frequencies, let's talk a tasty one. So we easily separate a specific, awesome smelling frequency, then generate that frequency. Mother nature resonates it ever few seconds, and wham, the sweet smell of success.


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Talking about specific frequencies, let's talk a tasty one. So we easily separate a specific, awesome smelling frequency, then generate that frequency. Mother nature resonates it ever few seconds, and wham, the sweet smell of success.
Another test that needs no dowser, we all have a nose.. Mother's nature provides the power, all we do is provide a number, dialed on a box, plugged in. Then smell the results..

Another test that needs no dowser, we all have a nose.. Mother's nature provides the power, all we do is provide a number, dialed on a box, plugged in. Then smell the results..
If I plugged something into the wall, to make nice smell. I think I would like the smell of a frequency over chemical.. Yet to be developed, theory in place.

And Monarch butterflies, does everyone think they follow magnetic field lines? Of course not. They are attached to the place their parents layed their eggs, it's their home their life energy connection. No matter what monarch, and where it is, there is a direct straight connection line home. They can feel it, and follow it at any time. Same as keys to locks and cars, and phones to people. We ourselves probably create dowsable connection line, to our own homes.

And what about bait? ,for fishing. Mimic a certain species of bait with a toy. Of course, fisherman have enough help already..


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Confirmed with this dowsing test, the generator set on my khz master key number. Everything is on, no grounding needed.. It would be a simple little battery device, with a few specific frequency settings you can pick. Like a frequency that makes you sleep better, a frequency that helps you think better, a frequency to smell better or attract, or one to smell worse and repel. A frequency to draw in certain butterflies, because you can mimic their home.


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The scientists already figured out the hard part, the easy part is left. How they managed to make a device that does mostly nothing, but to display meaningless numbers, and somehow those numbers can relate and connect to meaningfull stuff, is amazing!

I just explained how it worked somewhere in all my postings, it's only a theory to those that don't know it.
No, this is not tied into black magic, like Ouiji board, or Orogone pyramids. This is the good energy. You can dowse and use this energy to locate bad energy, and good targets..

Talking about specific frequencies, let's talk a tasty one. So we easily separate a specific, awesome smelling frequency, then generate that frequency. Mother nature resonates it ever few seconds, and wham, the sweet smell of success.
Of course this has to be figured out further. If you have a ripe strawberry, and it smells good and ripe. It continues to smell good, until it rots. If fruit smell has frequencies, like the scientist claim. Then what is carrying the smell, molecules I thought. If it was not a molecule only a resonant frequency mimicking a fruit smell, it wouldn't be continuous. Mother nature triggers frequency in everything, only its in-between during a moderating pulse, and when it's raining the frequency signal is blocked. We smell the strawberries, we see the strawberries, but they don't stop smelling on a rainy day. So where does molecule frequencies tie into smell frequencies? How do they know a strawberry smell frequency is constant? Because the berry keeps smelling, but what is generating the smell frequency, what continuous power.?

Of course this has to be figured out further. If you have a ripe strawberry, and it smells good and ripe. It continues to smell good, until it rots. If fruit smell has frequencies, like the scientist claim. Then what is carrying the smell, molecules I thought. If it was not a molecule only a resonant frequency mimicking a fruit smell, it wouldn't be continuous. Mother nature triggers frequency in everything, only its in-between during a moderating pulse, and when it's raining the frequency signal is blocked. We smell the strawberries, we see the strawberries, but they don't stop smelling on a rainy day. So where does molecule frequencies tie into smell frequencies? How do they know a strawberry smell frequency is constant? Because the berry keeps smelling, but what is generating the smell frequency, what continuous power.?
One possibility is, that since it takes a resonated frequency 2 minutes to come to rest. And the Schumann is firing off within 30 times in an hr. Rain or shine its still getting thru enough, to create smell resonation, though its barely dowsable.. Smell would be continuous. OK, makes sence, got it! I dont know any other way to understand continuous smell. For now..

But that doesn't fit either. What takes 2 minutes to come to rest is tumbling water and electricity. A smell molecule resonated by mother nature's one second pulses would have to resonate more often, and not be allowed to rest. It's posible that there is actually gaps in smell, it's not continuous. But like dowsing has shown me, our brain likes to fill in the blanks. The brain is most likely just making us believe there is a certain smell in-between resonated real smell. That makes more sense, goodnite..

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I should start a new topic, but I was doing a night dowsing test, and had interesting results. Knowing that my house keys, know which door they belong to, I check dowsed them tonight. The keys created their connection to the door, the last time they unlocked was 6 hrs ago. I determined years ago that a symbolic relationship connection line takes 2 days to come to rest. Not like tumbling water, 2 minutes is the time it takes the tumbling water molecules to realign with the earths poles. Come to rest I call it. But key hold on longer, not by misalignment of molecules, but some other reason. It does make it handy when out in the woods, if you get lost you have 2 days to dowse yourself back to the car, before they quit signaling a connection line to the car.
The curios thing was that it's nite, and the connection line between the door handle and keys is quite strong at 15 ft away. Normally nite time lacks Schumnn frequencies, they say, not me. Where would it go? Yes, maybe it is weaker, but I have dowsed it quite strong at nite in the past, though rare. It has to be the same at nite as in the day. We smell strawberries at nite.
I'll have to think up new tests, and reconfirm the 2 day key connection. To check dowse, how long a cell phone retains its connection line to its owner. Remember, we can't dowse our own connection lines, but we might be able to dowse our own frequency by using a personal item, to another personal item, and both would be connected to me.
Possibly 2 of my belts, would cary my frequency thru, and alow me to dowse my personal frequency between the belts. The problem with that is a belt comes to rest, after 2 minutes. If i put 2 belts on, and take both belts off, I only have 2 minutes to dowse their connection line. The thing that I'm not sure of, is the connection line, between my 2 belts, a symbolic relationship line, based on they know who they belong to, or a symbolic relationship line from belt to belt? Or is the connection line, from the belt clamps?


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Talking about specific frequencies, let's talk a tasty one. So we easily separate a specific, awesome smelling frequency, then generate that frequency. Mother nature resonates it ever few seconds, and wham, the sweet smell of success.
To figure a specific frequency for a scent or smell, someone or something would have to smell something. We know molecules travel through the air, and some smell. We're told we smell frequencies, right. So if frequency of smell is dowsable, I should be able to dowse a connection line, between a smelly thing, and a master key frequency. If it signals, I dowsed a smell frequency. How delicate is that dowse, I will find out with a onion after this post, if it's even possible.
Dowsing an onion connection line is worthless. You don't have a specific onion frequency you can dowse, out of the master signal.
To determine a specific smell frequency, would take a human, using our nose, or an animals nose. Not excluding bugs. A dog can smell a scent much better and faster than us. If you trained the dog to bark when he smells the scent you want the frequency of, then the dog becomes the indicator of that scent. Yes, it could take too long to find the correct scent frequency, running 13 digits, through Hz, kHz, mHz, and you can only smell the frequency during a resonating pulse. So if Schumann resonance is firing on all 3 pulses, a human might register the smell, within a minute, and a dog much quicker. Before the next frequency # is played, we need time to smell it.
Training a dog for a specific smell and letting the device mimic the smell is the key. But, is there an electronic device, already invented?, that can smell any smell, not just specific smells? Let's train the dog to bark at any and every smell. Then turn a frequency generator on, set it up to change the number, one digit at a time, every 1 minute. The days the dog barks, record the frequency, see what he's smelling. Is it a good smell to us or a bad smell to us, then continue the test, till the dog barks again. Either us or the dog, it might take a while.
If you totaled all the numbers in Hz, kHz, mHz scale, and played a diffrent # every minute or three. How long would it take? Once that specific frequency is obtained, it can be easily mimicked.

In this test I used Element Sulfer, I've dowsed Sulfer before, and that little yellow glass is one of my signal Elements.
The reason I chose Sulfer is, there is a frequency number labeled Sulfer. In theory, because smell is frequency, that number 5.08/9 kHz should smell when it's frequency is triggered. But, I have no idea how that list was created.. The crazy thing is, when I set the generator on some of his #s, the machine does mimic what his list matches. Gold is one at 3.025 resonates, his water # resonates. But he's wrong on others. He has separate numbers for Carbon, being Carbon, Diamond, and Graphite numbers. None of those work to diamond, his Nickle number is wrong, but his Silver number works. How he figured any of them out is beyond me.
That brings to question, is his Sulfer frequency # correct. It's either no it doesn't work, because it's incorrect setting, or I'm full of it, on the whole idea. I think his Sulfer frequency number is incorrect. That's too bad, I would have freaked out if the machine started smelling. But that is what I expect to happen, if I only had 1 smell frequency number, to test.. Bummer that didn't work!


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In this test I just did, I had to use my most sensative rods to dowse it, but yes the onion easily dowses, and when I turned the resonator on a master key number, it does form a connection line. I don't know if the onion is signaling over top, from scent only, just as I'm not sure if the master key connection line is scent related, or onion related. Am I dowsing scent frequency only, is all the molecules that resonate the onion scent, or all just onion molecules? Is there a separation from scent molecules and life force molecules? If we took one of the triiions of molecules in our body, and smelled it, would it smell like the individual? If we are nothing but molecules, wouldn't the base molecule, contain a smell, or is the smell the base molecule that is the building block of all specific things?


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More food for thought
I ran a dowsing lead weight test. I had a working Gold frequency, but the list had a lead frequency. His lead number is correct, and it resonates lead on pulse. I was checking if the leads specific frequency, caused a weight change, showing on the scale, with the generator set to lead. I know the frequency # mimics lead, but what part of lead? How is weight figured, by quantity of atoms or molecules?
Is weight a frequency, and a thick matrix of frequencies would cause weight?
To test this stupid theory, I placed my lead frequency set generator on scale, and waited. Did mother nature's pulses turn the generator into lead?

I think it's an amazing picture. A frequency with dew settled on it.. One of the first pic ever of one.. A beautiful creation by mother nature's energy, I will say!! yes, they are dowsable..


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