Swamp Gold

I used to collect treasure stories as a kid. I cut an article from a newspaper and saved it. In around 1970ish, some heavy equipment digging in a New Orleans street uncovered a large stash of gold and silver coins all dating from the Civil War era and older. It was quite a surprising large amount. The article says that people jumped into the hole fighting and clawwing to fill their pockets with gold and silver coins...

The article is proof positive that somebody had a large amount of gold and silver during the Civil War and buried it.
Gold and silver coins were common currency during that time period,also gold and silver coins from Mexico were in use.
The US mint at New Orleans minted both gold and silver coins and was captured by the Confederates,who continued to mint US silver half dollars.What blanks that weren't used where shipped to CSA ASSAY OFFICE in Dahlonega,Ga to be converted into bars.

ECS-You are just overflowing with facts. Here is a fact for you. 1000 pounds of gold could be placed in a medium to small cooler of today. It could be divided into a couple of small ammo kegs in Civil War times. 1000 pounds of gold is less than the amount of 1 cubic foot. In reality it is not that much. You're continued argument seems to hinge on your opinion that the Confederates were broke. This is a VERY weak supposition. The CSA involved hundreds of thousands of people from up in Virginia to southern Florida and a thousand or more miles west. To even think that you could come up with a figure of how much gold existed is beyond naïve in my opinion.

Is the ONLY argument that you can come up with for there not being gold where I think it is being you think there was no gold? Is that it? Is that the best you have? I just don't get it. You are great at coming up with tons and tons of mostly useless information as far as anything that will lead to treasure. Treasurenet.com is about treasure, not the LACK of treasure. If anyone other than ECS reading this does not understand my frustration and anger it is because you have not had ECS follow you from thread to thread doing his best to discredit everything I say. He does it with impunity from the moderators and I get the feeling that a lot of people like hearing him putting myself and my story down.

I think you impress a lot of people when you post a bunch of names and dates on here. I am no more impressed with that than when you tried to impress us all with your Latin and German phrases.

I have tried my best to play nice. I have invited him to my home as he only lives an hour and a half away. I have invited him to the treasure barbecues. I have invited him to be on my future TV show. He ignores it all. I think there is a hidden agenda here. Something is fishy. I would like to know and understand his motivation.

I am very close to quitting Treasurenet because of him, vor and other highly negative people. It has gotten old. I think I have very little to gain from sharing any more with anyone on here.

I am in the process of being the lead character in a treasure hunting reality show. ECS and others seem to be very bothered by this and are trying to make me feel guilty for mentioning it. I am willing to go in front of EVERYONE and risk making a fool of myself by claiming to know the location of vast amounts of treasure and attempting to dig it up with the cameras rolling. To anyone wishing me luck, thank you. To anyone hoping I fail, GO TO HADES!

I know if I keep all this up I may get kicked off of Treasurenet. That might be a good thing for me. I think it will be best for me to stay away from the "Swamp Gold" thread. Good bye and this time I mean it.

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Gold and silver coins were common currency during that time period,also gold and silver coins from Mexico were in use.
The US mint at New Orleans minted both gold and silver coins and was captured by the Confederates,who continued to mint US silver half dollars.What blanks that weren't used where shipped to CSA ASSAY OFFICE in Dahlonega,Ga to be converted into bars.
Someone had a lot of it and buried it. I wish I could find the old article.

BDD I realize this is TreasureNet and you are welcome on my thread but this thread is not necessarily about digging or dowsing and you are not the center of attention. Most of South Florida is protected lands. This thread is for gathering research about Florida's fascinating history. Some of us find historical bits to be interesting. Dont discourage research. You dont know where it will take you.

Many of us have wished you luck with your digs. I am encouraging a search for the source of the 1000 pounds (it was in the news and in your treasure book)but that doesnt make it fact and it may take more time to verify it. I have publically acknowleged its possible existance but we have to consider the possibility that it was exaggerated. Thanks for your input and opinions. ECS is entitled to his opinions as well. This is the internet and you never know when someone will come up with some information. There is not much else we can do.

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I am very close to quitting Treasurenet because of him, vor and other highly negative people. It has gotten old.

I don't post much on this thread as I have little to contribute to BCH's research. However, in response to your statement above, note that I have always wished you luck on your ventures.
We just don't see eye to eye when it comes to dowsing so I discount any "treasure sites" that were initially located by dowsing. Call me negative if you want but I prefer to call it realistic.
Again, good luck and I hope you stick around.

BDD, think about what you are saying about others, than look in the mirror, it hasn't been that pleasant for the other's either! You have proven to be an entity in yourself, and you methods of persuasion and debate absolutely are alienating any of the points you try to make, perhaps you are right, but so might the others. You seen to want to work alone, so I for one think that's where you should be, and I say this from following this thread with interest in the history, not you adventures.

I search for the history and source behind a treasure legend,if it is written about,as with the the 1/2 ton of Confederate gold in the Everglades,there is a record of the event in archives somewhere.Many times some treasure stories are created from tall tales and lore and are embellished by future tellings,but that doesn't make them true.I post my research findings and let the chips fall where they may.I am open to any and all discussion and debate that question my findings, provided that one provides supportable facts in a reasonable counter argument.
Historical records and facts I post are not to offend or disclaim,but to provide an historical context from which the true nature of a treasure legend can be determined.

I search for the history and source behind a treasure legend,if it is written about,as with the the 1/2 ton of Confederate gold in the Everglades,there is a record of the event in archives somewhere.Many times some treasure stories are created from tall tales and lore and are embellished by future tellings,but that doesn't make them true.I post my research findings and let the chips fall where they may.I am open to any and all discussion and debate that question my findings, provided that one provides supportable facts in a reasonable counter argument.
Historical records and facts I post are not to offend or disclaim,but to provide an historical context from which the true nature of a treasure legend can be determined.
Sound logic.
i have wasted site time on a hot idea because i did not as the saying goes throw cold water on it and see whats left after the steam clears. To improve i need to do that while researching,only one other hunter i run leads by usually.
Through patient forum members i,ve gained better researching ability.To much a plus to get upset if some one offers some thing in contrast to my ideas or findings.
Selfish maybe, but learning some sobering history in the process too.

Research is really an art and science unto itself, and we all do it from a different angle. My career started doing research in the forest sciences in 1973, prior to the everyday use of computers, and without the internet. My fascination with history and geneology is what eventually drew my to the art form of Th'ing, and is what also drew me to this thread. The lure of sunken and buried treasure has mesmerized all of us here, and I have files filed with the stories of sunken ships, and wrecks, both discovered and undiscovered, and the constant reading and researching of these stories and legends fills my very little bit of free time.

The site has fostered so many revelations of what I thought was true, that wasn't, and what I thought was only myth, has often proven true. Enough of my rant, but want you all to know how much I like reading, and thinking through the questions to these puzzles that we try to complete, and perhaps actually benefit from. But we all benefit from the hard work that a few individuals do researching the facts, and relaying the to us to do with as we please. Keep the posts coming! Thank you.

Im not really a very good researcher. I am guilty here of letting others do the hard research work. Someday soon when I retire I may be able to sort this all out and organize it. No information will be ignored. Someday I need to print this all up.

BDD your input is appreciated. It hasnt been ignored. Nobody is out to get you. If you have anything new to add to the discussion, we will all be glad to hear it.

Ive managed to obtain gas money and Im heading out to the Everglades tommorrow for a day or two. EBay can wait. I wont feel better until I get there. Also Im going back to work (in the swamp somewhere) in late August! Hooray!!!

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On another note I have some great information on lost Seminole War Fort Harrel. Its extremely remote deep swamp. There will be no digging or treasure involved. I just want to find it. If I do, I will turn the information over to the National Park Service.

BDD, if you want to make a movie first with your connections, I might be interested as long as dowsing is not involved. But of course I need to find it first.

Fort Harrel was established in 1837 at the head of the Acotofia River(New River) near Pinecrest.Hope you find it BCH.HH

Fort Harrel was established in 1837 at the head of the Acotofia River(New River) near Pinecrest.Hope you find it BCH.HH
Its not near Pinecrest (that information is false) but it may be near New River. The Indians called it Al-tot-sup-pop-KA which I believe means "Cypress Bank Creek." See bottom of map Fort Harrell spelled with 2 Ls..

I hope to search later this year. Its too far away to walk so I need to fix my ATC to get halfway there. Im working on it. Im also in touch with a man from National Geographic that would be interested if I can re-discover the rock wall of the old fort. The location (if found) will be turned over to the NPS for preservation because they own the land. Im surprised someone hasnt re-discovered it yet but it is off the beaten path.. Its only a matter of time.


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There is so much new information out there and on this thread, on the location of Fort Harroll, that Im afraid if I dont make the time to search for it this year, it will be discovered by someone else and we will be reading about the discovery in the newspaper.. Its certainly not about treasure, but rediscovering and preserving history before all trace of this structure is gone.

When Rock Hudson made the movie on the Seminole War the producer cleared an area in the
swamp for the cameras. Shooting was delayed several days when Hudson's assistant stubbed his
toe on a protruding metal bar. Hudson immediately had his assistant drive him to Miami while the
film crew waited for his return. He arrived back two days later without his assistant and resumed
the shoot. He told the producer his assistant had to be flown to Hollywood for medical treatment.
Is there more to this story than meets the eye?

... Notice this paragraph from the Miami News 1949. Yes it says a half ton of gold which Im sure you noticed..
Don Petit was a staff writer for THE MIAMI DAILY NEWS and wrote this article as a "human interest story",similar to a certain 2012 story about buried pirate treasure.Petit "beefed" the story from local lore tales that were common at that time in south Florida.
There were a few short mentions in treasure mags and books of the 60's,but the tale took off after Bill Henry's "Confederate Gold in the Everglades" story on page 55 of LOST TREASURE magazine,March 1970.
In grew with Capt Riley and the firefight in WESTERN TREASURE magzine Oct 1972 with "Lost Treasure of the Everglades" by Erberwich.
Then again in Mar 1985 TREASURE MAGAZINE with Kell's "Clues to Everglades Treasure".
Once again,LOST TREASURE had an article by Anthony M Belli on page 20,"State Treasures of Florida"which revisited Henry's earlier story,and Belli cited Henry as his source.
It appears that Petit's MIAMI DAILY NEWS article and local lore of the time are the source of the later versions of the Confederate swamp gold legend.

When Rock Hudson made the movie on the Seminole War the producer cleared an area in the
swamp for the cameras. Shooting was delayed several days when Hudson's assistant stubbed his
toe on a protruding metal bar. Hudson immediately had his assistant drive him to Miami while the
film crew waited for his return. He arrived back two days later without his assistant and resumed
the shoot. He told the producer his assistant had to be flown to Hollywood for medical treatment.
Is there more to this story than meets the eye?
I doubt there is any connection between the movie site and the site of Fort Harrel. The Fort site is 40 miles from town, and then a 7 mile ride by buggy or ATC and the last few miles will need to be on foot through deep swamp just to reach the headwaters of the New River. The reason the Fort remains unknown is access is limited. Its very hard to access. Actually Copeland erected a monument, close to where he believed was the forts location, with a brass plaque in 1941, but its also lost.

I believe the reason its not found yet is that everyone believes its on the New River and my latest information says its not. Everyone including archaeologists have been searching the wrong river. The river is more like a creek and these can change over the years. I believe I have the location. Its just a matter of setting up a camp 7 miles out and searching on foot from there. But it will take a very determined person to search it out with no reward other than your name in the paper. Myself, I would do it just to help document history but I doubt I will have the time or the financing to do it myself. My sources tell me the only thing remaining in the early 70s was a coral rock foundation/wall and my source was never able to locate it again..


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Don Petit was a staff writer for THE MIAMI DAILY NEWS and wrote this article as a "human interest story",similar to a certain 2012 story about buried pirate treasure.Petit "beefed" the story from local lore tales that were common at that time in south Florida.
There were a few short mentions in treasure mags and books of the 60's,but the tale took off after Bill Henry's "Confederate Gold in the Everglades" story on page 55 of LOST TREASURE magazine,March 1970.
In grew with Capt Riley and the firefight in WESTERN TREASURE magzine Oct 1972 with "Lost Treasure of the Everglades" by Erberwich.
Then again in Mar 1985 TREASURE MAGAZINE with Kell's "Clues to Everglades Treasure".
Once again,LOST TREASURE had an article by Anthony M Belli on page 20,"State Treasures of Florida"which revisited Henry's earlier story,and Belli cited Henry as his source.
It appears that Petit's MIAMI DAILY NEWS article and local lore of the time are the source of the later versions of the Confederate swamp gold legend.
Hello ECS. Your theory is plausible and also most likely but its just your theory. Have you spoken with Don Petit?

In the 1940's and 50's,Florida was mostly rural and wilderness,and was considered as "exotic"jungleland in other states.In the photo with Petit's article,Harvey is outfitted in cliched "jungle explorer" garb,complete with pith helmet.
During this time many stories appeared in Florida newspapers containing Florida lore,from Gaspar and other pirates hidden treasures and Confederate lost gold tales, to a 1948 sighting of a 15ft penguin on Clearwater Beach,swamp skunk ape in the Everglades,to sea srepents in the Gulf and brontosaurus and plesiosaurs in the St Johns River.
Human interest stories,then as now,do not carry hard journalist restrictions.
Do you not find it curious that the Confederate swamp gold can be traced from 1949 forward ,but is not tracked backward to an earlier origin?

Do you not find it curious that the Confederate swamp gold can be traced from 1949 forward ,but is not tracked backward to an earlier origin?
No not at all. Thats exactly my point. It tells me that the treasure book versions most likey all came from the news (not vice versa) that was printed in newspapers all over the country. We need to continue searching backward.

You know when I first started this thread, SWR insisted that there was no buried gold in the Everglades whatsover that it was all completely fictitious. He insisted there was no reason for Confederate gold to be in South Florida. But I discovered the cattle connection. We now know that Capt Riley was a real person and gold was indeed buried in the NW Everglades by Confederates.

I appreciate your help ECS but I can not just simply concede that the story was beefed up by the Miami News writer. I would imagine that all those involved are dead but I can try to keep searching (with or without your help).

South Florida is full of interesting history. Spanish Conquistadors, Treasure Fleets, Pirates, Ancient Calusa Indians that dug canals by hand and constructed Shell Mounds, Seminole Indian wars, lost forts, moonshiners, Colombian Mammoths and Giant Sloth bones, burial grounds and lost ancient villages have been uncovered in the Everglades. There have been many ancient villages discovered by accident in the Everglades region and they are still being disovered today (although strictly off limits). Did you know there was a Florida Black Wolf and a Monk Seal that thrived in Floridas waters when the Spaniards arrived? My point there is really no need to make anything up. Truth is better than fiction.

LP Harvey says the information came from a historical society. LP Harvey was a Game Warden that worked for the State of Florida. He was very familiar with "the jungle". Its possible that his jungle garb was worn to help cope with the extreme heat. I think its possible Harvey found the source of this legend and the source may not be Don Petit.

But yes of course its possible you are correct ECS, but I see no proof that Don Petit beefed up this story. At this point its just an intelligent guess from you with no proof. Common sense tells me that 1000 pounds of gold is probably an exagerration but I think its certainly worth researching. You know how I feel about dowsing and I wont go there, but I dont think LP Harvey nor Capt Bill were making it up.

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