Do you not find it curious that the Confederate swamp gold can be traced from 1949 forward ,but is not tracked backward to an earlier origin?
No not at all. Thats exactly my point. It tells me that the treasure book versions most likey all came from the news (not vice versa) that was printed in newspapers all over the country. We need to continue searching backward.
You know when I first started this thread, SWR insisted that there was no buried gold in the Everglades whatsover that it was all completely fictitious. He insisted there was no reason for Confederate gold to be in South Florida. But I discovered the cattle connection. We now know that Capt Riley was a real person and gold was indeed buried in the NW Everglades by Confederates.
I appreciate your help ECS but I can not just simply concede that the story was beefed up by the Miami News writer. I would imagine that all those involved are dead but I can try to keep searching (with or without your help).
South Florida is full of interesting history. Spanish Conquistadors, Treasure Fleets, Pirates, Ancient Calusa Indians that dug canals by hand and constructed Shell Mounds, Seminole Indian wars, lost forts, moonshiners, Colombian Mammoths and Giant Sloth bones, burial grounds and lost ancient villages have been uncovered in the Everglades. There have been many ancient villages discovered by accident in the Everglades region and they are still being disovered today (although strictly off limits). Did you know there was a Florida Black Wolf and a Monk Seal that thrived in Floridas waters when the Spaniards arrived? My point there is really no need to make anything up. Truth is better than fiction.
LP Harvey says the information came from a historical society. LP Harvey was a Game Warden that worked for the State of Florida. He was very familiar with "the jungle". Its possible that his jungle garb was worn to help cope with the extreme heat. I think its possible Harvey found the source of this legend and the source may not be Don Petit.
But yes of course its possible you are correct ECS, but I see no proof that Don Petit beefed up this story. At this point its just an intelligent guess from you with no proof. Common sense tells me that 1000 pounds of gold is probably an exagerration but I think its certainly worth researching. You know how I feel about dowsing and I wont go there, but I dont think LP Harvey nor Capt Bill were making it up.