Swamp Gold

Doing good BCH. Hope you are doing likewise.
While I am not a believer in conspiracies in general, I trust that you are correct.
Very interesting indeed.
Is that a question? I am not a believer in conspiracies in general either. Im just trying to figure out what the heck has happened in the past on the Indian Reservation..

Hello how are you? 20130509_190127.webpHH Borisfacebook_-1364001872.webp

My Treasure Story/ My Treasure Show? I was asked to do an interview for a South Florida newspaper but I declined. Myself I dont like attention. You seem to be the type that thrives on attention, so more power to you. Other than that I have no comment. Good luck to you.

That is not the name of the show although I do like it. I don't mind attention and sometimes I really like it. Other times I just want to be left alone. It is hard to have them both, I don't want the wrong kind of attention.

I talked this morning with my Miccosukee pal. We may do an episode or two on the possible treasure at the "Cloud Mountain" site. There are LOTS of details that would have to be worked out. I personally think it is meant to be and part of my destiny to find what I think is buried there. I know that I sometimes come across as an abrasive braggart but that is probably because I choose to. It is just the way I am, deal with it.

Whether anyone chooses to believe any or all of my story is up to the individual. Any one that has taken the time to meet me in person and sat down and discussed things on a one on one basis has come away realizing that I may be on to something big. I am looking for any one that thinks they have the ability to locate a buried treasure target consisting of gold, silver or diamonds. You can PM me at anytime. I have a deal in place to go onto the reservation to look for the treasures.

"but richer by far with a satisfied mind"-PORTER WAGGONER

Actually the hole was not empty. I am not claiming I found treasure. I found what I was looking for.

Trembull-I did laugh at the video. I am now thinking of calling our show "The five stooges."

Were you looking for dirt or air?

I suppose you are again trying to be funny. Ha Ha! You don't make me laugh. I was looking for clues and evidence while doing my RESEARCH. As I stated, I found what I was looking for. I think it is important to actually get out in the real world when looking for treasure. After all, that is where it is. I have narrowed it down to a very small area as to where to dig for the big treasure. All good things may come to those that are willing to do what it takes. Anybody else on here dedicated enough to drive almost 1600 miles by yourself over a 48 hour period just to check something out? FTR-This trip had nothing to do with swamp gold.

I am lining things up for the treasure show. The production company will have the "sizzle" completed in a day or two and will be presenting it to all the major networks in just a few days.

As far as I am concerned I believe I may know the exact location of a large amount of gold in the Everglades. There may be no known story as to how it got to be where it is. I have a deal to detect and dig. I want to give an opportunity to anyone that thinks they have the equipment or skills to pinpoint buried treasure. The best way to test or prove these skills or equipment is to do a dig. I am not afraid of being wrong and have dug many empty holes. I am not going to cry about spilled dirt. I will keep trying until I am successful. Once I have a system in place that works, we will go after the treasures one by one. I have learned many new things since joining T-Net. I will be putting it all to use on the show. Anyone care to join me?

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Hello Boris. Can you please remove the banana sculptures? It has nothing to do with the subject. Yours to Rebel please. Thanks.

I want to give an opportunity to anyone that thinks they have the equipment or skills to pinpoint buried treasure. The best way to test or prove these skills or equipment is to do a dig. I am not afraid of being wrong and have dug many empty holes.
With all do respect BDD, cant you come up with a test before you bring out the heavy digging equipment?

I can guarantee you will have all kinds of LRL scammers and wannabe's coming to apply. My guess about 90 percent will be outright frauds. The rest will actually believe they have skills. If I try to keep an open mind, the percentage of hunters that actually possess the type of LRL (Long Range Locator) skill you are seeking will be way under 1 percent, if that, and if they really had this skill they wouldnt need you.

Just saying if you could devise a test, you could save yourself a lot of aggravation....unless you somehow are enjoying this.

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With all do respect BDD, cant you come up with a test before you bring out the heavy digging equipment?

I can guarantee you will have all kinds of LRL scammers and wannabe's coming to apply. My guess about 90 percent will be outright frauds. The rest will actually believe they have skills. If I try to keep an open mind, the percentage of hunters that actually possess the type of LRL (Long Range Locator) skill you are seeking will be way under 1 percent, if that, and if they really had this skill they wouldnt need you.

Just saying if you could devise a test, you could save yourself a lot of aggravation....unless you somehow are enjoying this.

There is a reason that we have not already brought any heavy equipment onto this site. Come up with a test first? That is what I am trying to do. I know that you seem to abhor anything to do with LRL's or dowsing. There are all types of different methods and equipment out there in the real world. I am open-minded enough to give anyone possessing skills or equipment that claims to be able to locate hidden objects, a chance to prove it. The only way I know to prove it is to find what they say is there. My old pal Ovid WAS tested and passed those tests. That does not mean we dug up a pile of gold or silver. That was MY fault.

I am trying to find some "Swamp Gold". Is that not what this thread is about? Besides the endless looking at old info what is anyone else's plan on finding it? I have been to the area multiple times with different groups. One group seemed to know what they were doing. After doing a background check I did have some reservations about bring them onto the Reservation. We did a simple dig without heavy equipment. We did a dig and found nothing. That's all I will say. End of that particular story.

You started this thread a long time ago. How many people besides me have come forward claiming they may know the location of treasure, are willing to publicize it on here, and actually put shovels into the ground? Most of what I have received on this thread is endless harassment about my story and methods. I challenge ANYONE to do any better. We WILL be digging at some time in the location Ovid pointed out. I know that dowsing has limitations but that it can work. I am just trying to learn of any modern means of locating the objects. I now have a GPR expert on my team and will be using that technology, although it to has limitations.

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Besides Ovid, have you found anyone to pass your tests?

Im willing to keep an open mind on this next suggestion. Have you tried psychics?

Only one other person besides you that has come forward with claims to the location of treasure on this thread. Mindspark says he had a map that put the location 1000 feet from Alligator Alley if I recall but it was fenced off or something and that is why I suggested you talk to him.

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Bury a huge pile of metal somewhere and see if anyone can find it. Better yet, bury 2 piles in case they get lucky. See if they can find 2 piles of large metal. Go to the beach and see if they can dowse some gold jewelry. As far as I know no dowser has ever been able to pass these types of simple testing.

Im not going to keep talking about it. Im not a treasure hunter. I use my detector at the beach, thats about it. I love history. I like research. Im a deerhunter. I love the swamp. . Good luck with the treasure show.

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Besides Ovid, have you found anyone to pass your tests?

Im willing to keep an open mind on this next suggestion. Have you tried psychics?

Only one other person besides you that has come forward with claims to the location of treasure on this thread. Mindspark says he had a map that put the location 1000 feet from Alligator Alley if I recall but it was fenced off or something and that is why I suggested you talk to him.

I have given different LRL owners a chance to show what they can do. I was actually quite impressed. I am not sure how much of it was electronics versus dowsing. I would like to see an LRL that has no human input as far as holding it or having to use L-rods to make it work. I will give you an example of what I saw. I had two completely different LRL's operated by different people one month apart, at my house. They both were led by their device to my neighbors property which encompasses 5 acres. Both of them went to a spot behind his barn. Each of them drew the EXACT same size square on the ground in the EXACT same spot. They BOTH said there was silver buried there. I had a chance to try to dig right after that as my neighbor had a friend with a backhoe spreading some dirt. We dug the spot. Saw nothing. The guy was in a hurry. I plan on spending more time on this location in the future. I will be using anything or anybody that comes along to see what they come up with.

Perhaps it was just a coincidence that they both located the same spot. I don't think so. I took both of them to other locations and had the same type of thing happen. It just so happens that map dowsers marked the same area. There is more to what I am telling here but this is just a small example of giving people a chance to show what their machines, devices or whatever can do. I have seen WAY too much over the years to not take it all seriously.

As far as Mindspark's possible location 1000 feet from Alligator Alley behind a fence, I would guess that it is the same place Ovid led me to. The difference was that I ignored the fence, signs, and gates 23 years ago and let Ovid lead me to the spot.

I have read this entire thread quite awhile back. Everything that I have read on here just helps confirm my belief in this location. As I have now been able to spend a lot of quality time on the spot I have also found evidence that makes me even more convinced of past activity and the likelihood that something of value is buried there. Ovid was convinced it was a large amount of gold.

I have repeatedly stated on different threads that I don't tell everything I know about these stories. You can read between the lines, fill in the blanks or interpret it all any way you want. I am getting closer by the day to getting to the point of being able to go after all the treasures on a full time basis. It will also be videoed for the future yet to be named TV show. The "sizzle" is being shopped to the Networks this week. Sizzle or sizzler is what they call a short version of what a show would be like. I am considering putting a copy of it, once I get it, on here. That is only if the producers say it is okay.

As far as trying psychics, I am a psychic. I know I am psychic because I am psychic. Laugh if you want. I have proven my abilities.

BCH-I am going to take your advice and try to contact Mindspark. Thanks for your input and this thread. Without this thread I would not have been contacted by a member of the Miccosukee tribe and given the chance to go after the "Swamp Gold".

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I met BDD in person last year. We sat down and discussed things. He is on to something big.

I know I have discussed this before, but I will mention it again. I had two guys riding in the van with Ovid and I that day 23 years ago on Alligator Alley. They were very big critics and non-believers in dowsing when we met. It was they that came up with the various "tests" of Ovid's dowsing abilities. After watching him pass them all they had to change their way of thinking. That was why they wanted to see where Ovid led us to. Earlier in the day they'd had Ovid do a simple locating of something in a field just for kicks. As usual he succeeded. They were known to have books and surveys that were hard to find or get. These guys had put tons of effort into their search for treasure. They were at the time way more serious about it all than me, and that says a lot.

They had an old book that talked about some gold in the Everglades and gave coordinates for the location. It ended up being right where we went. I took them on another long out of state trip with Ovid. They brought their "equipment" along. It confirmed some different things for me. While they busy testing Ovid, I was testing them. They passed my tests. It could have all worked out great but they had totally different philosophies about life in general and I decided it would be best to not associate with them. They ended up trying to double cross me and it bit them in the butt. This was a long time ago. Things have come full circle and its about to get VERY interesting.

I may talk a lot and dig a lot of empty holes, but I also listen well and don't miss the small details. I was trained as an engineer in the army and my specialty is figuring things out. I have always been a problem solver. This whole treasure thing has been by far my biggest challenge. My immediate goal is to get this TV show off the ground to where I can pursue the treasures as part of my "job". I may not have all the answers on how to get to the gold, silver and jewels that await me, but I will assure you that I will get them. Technologies are constantly evolving. What was old is now new, to some. Experience is the best teacher. It may take many failures before that first success, as the first one is usually the hardest. I am the most persistent person that I know. Just keep watching. I will make it happen. It won't just be big, it will be GIGANTIC!!!

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I think a dowsing rod is only as good as the operator. It is odd that they will go to the same spot. But Im not sure that means treasure is there. Maybe an underground water source? Maybe someone will record the show and I can watch it and maybe I will learn something. Maybe I need to broaden my horizons.

I think a dowsing rod is only as good as the operator. It is odd that they will go to the same spot. But Im not sure that means treasure is there. Maybe an underground water source? Maybe someone will record the show and I can watch it and maybe I will learn something. Maybe I need to broaden my horizons.

I did "water-witching" (aka Dowsing) for water lines at my old home-place, when I was younger; used two coat hangers, L-shaped; short part of "L" was 3 '' & long part was 7 ". My MIND was "charged" as I visualized water lines; found 'em.
Same for Treasure(s), I reckon; "charge" for GOLD... find GOLD.

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