Besides Ovid, have you found anyone to pass your tests?
Im willing to keep an open mind on this next suggestion. Have you tried psychics?
Only one other person besides you that has come forward with claims to the location of treasure on this thread. Mindspark says he had a map that put the location 1000 feet from Alligator Alley if I recall but it was fenced off or something and that is why I suggested you talk to him.
I have given different LRL owners a chance to show what they can do. I was actually quite impressed. I am not sure how much of it was electronics versus dowsing. I would like to see an LRL that has no human input as far as holding it or having to use L-rods to make it work. I will give you an example of what I saw. I had two completely different LRL's operated by different people one month apart, at my house. They both were led by their device to my neighbors property which encompasses 5 acres. Both of them went to a spot behind his barn. Each of them drew the EXACT same size square on the ground in the EXACT same spot. They BOTH said there was silver buried there. I had a chance to try to dig right after that as my neighbor had a friend with a backhoe spreading some dirt. We dug the spot. Saw nothing. The guy was in a hurry. I plan on spending more time on this location in the future. I will be using anything or anybody that comes along to see what they come up with.
Perhaps it was just a coincidence that they both located the same spot. I don't think so. I took both of them to other locations and had the same type of thing happen. It just so happens that map dowsers marked the same area. There is more to what I am telling here but this is just a small example of giving people a chance to show what their machines, devices or whatever can do. I have seen WAY too much over the years to not take it all seriously.
As far as Mindspark's possible location 1000 feet from Alligator Alley behind a fence, I would guess that it is the same place Ovid led me to. The difference was that I ignored the fence, signs, and gates 23 years ago and let Ovid lead me to the spot.
I have read this entire thread quite awhile back. Everything that I have read on here just helps confirm my belief in this location. As I have now been able to spend a lot of quality time on the spot I have also found evidence that makes me even more convinced of past activity and the likelihood that something of value is buried there. Ovid was convinced it was a large amount of gold.
I have repeatedly stated on different threads that I don't tell everything I know about these stories. You can read between the lines, fill in the blanks or interpret it all any way you want. I am getting closer by the day to getting to the point of being able to go after all the treasures on a full time basis. It will also be videoed for the future yet to be named TV show. The "sizzle" is being shopped to the Networks this week. Sizzle or sizzler is what they call a short version of what a show would be like. I am considering putting a copy of it, once I get it, on here. That is only if the producers say it is okay.
As far as trying psychics, I am a psychic. I know I am psychic because I am psychic. Laugh if you want. I have proven my abilities.
BCH-I am going to take your advice and try to contact Mindspark. Thanks for your input and this thread. Without this thread I would not have been contacted by a member of the Miccosukee tribe and given the chance to go after the "Swamp Gold".