Swamp Gold

On what do you base your disbelief in the "camera thing"? What happened to that more "open" mind? Polaroids are old school. Some film is still available. First gold aura photo I took was in 1987. It was by accident. Did some on diamonds in mid-nineties. The new hot-tip is digital with special lens and filters. There is software to enhance the effect. You don't have to try to believe me, look into it. You all should not continue to under-estimate me.
There is a thread here about it somewhere, very technical.

How much gold do you need to give off an aura?

You know I guess I should keep an open mind. My buddy helped clean up the body parts at the Valuejet crash site in the Everglades and he told me the area gave off an aura as he flew over a few days later.. He will never go back to the area.

I posted about gold found by Python hunters and nobody even noticed.

My guess is small amount-small aura, big amount-big aura. The jewelry piece looks like it got melted, maybe it was from the crash.

Why would different forms of an aura be so hard to believe? Our own bodies are believed to give off a recognizable aura.

There is a thread here about it somewhere, very technical.

A friend of mine downloaded a book by a guy in England that was working with digital cameras and computers for aura photography. We were going to get more serious about it. I will probably go into sometime on my show. Like I said I am willing to look into ALL methods for locating treasure. I would share my photos but I don't want to give away locations and this is not the right thread.

BTW-Mindspark and I are having some great conversations. Thanks.

I want to give you another angle on all this. I think it is very possible that the gold at "Cloud Mountain" was buried by members of the tribe. I am reasonably sure that the tribal member that held ceremonies over the top of where Ovid said the gold was knew the gold was below him. It is no coincidence. It takes no stretch of the imagination to think that the golds location could have been passed down from the elders or tribal members from Civil War times or earlier...

There is so much more I know about all this that...
BCH,I acknowledge your concern about burial mounds,and they should never be disturbed.
I question the "or earlier" reference in the above statement.

BCH,I acknowledge your concern about burial mounds,and they should never be disturbed.
I question the "or earlier" reference in the above statement.

What is it that you question? Gold has been passed around forever. There were hundreds of years in Florida before the Civil War where the tribal members may have had access to large sums of gold from northern tribes, Conquistador times, pirates, cattlemen and more. The Civil War lasted just a few years. You seem to insist that the gold would be from this time period although at other times you don't seem to believe that any gold could be buried anywhere near where I think it is.

If gold is buried in the forest and no one writes about it, did it exist? YOU CANNOT EXPECT TO FIND TREASURE IF ALL YOU DO IS READ ABOUT IT.

What are YOU doing up so late?
I was on the late shift at my job and now I cant get back to a regular routine. I cannot sleep at nite.

What is it that you question? Gold has been passed around forever. There were hundreds of years in Florida before the Civil War where the tribal members may have had access to large sums of gold from northern tribes, Conquistador times, pirates, cattlemen and more. The Civil War lasted just a few years. You seem to insist that the gold would be from this time period although at other times you don't seem to believe that any gold could be buried anywhere near where I think it is.

If gold is buried in the forest and no one writes about it, did it exist? YOU CANNOT EXPECT TO FIND TREASURE IF ALL YOU DO IS READ ABOUT IT.
ECS has discovered through research the lost cattle gold and that was the purpose of this thread but we have not found anything with such large amounts.

Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda tells us in his writings the Calusa had large amounts of gold and that maybe why he commented but that is not the topic of this thread. At least I hope not and I am not really interested in discussing the Calusa, Conquistadors or Pirates gold.

I have a feeling Mindspark could shed some light and he is invited to join the discussion at any time.

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ECS has discovered through research the lost cattle gold and that was the purpose of this thread but we have not found anything with such large amounts.

Wow! I didn't realize ECS has discovered gold. How much is it worth? Is he going to sell it? How deep was it buried? What was it in? Was it hard to dig up? What kind of detector did he use? I am so jealous.

What is it that you question? Gold has been passed around forever... The Civil War lasted just a few years. You seem to insist that the gold would be from this time period although at other times you don't seem to believe that any gold could be buried anywhere near where I think it is...
What I question is the story of Confederates in the Everglades with a 1/2 ton of gold,as I have stated many times on this thread.
There are at least 5 variation to this story that first appeared in the 1940's,and made the rounds in many treasure books and mags since then.
If one takes the tale to its basics,it would be:
Near the end of the Civil War Confederates departed Fort Meade with a wagon loaded with 1/2ton of gold and were pursued by Union forces into the Everglades.A skirmish was fought and the Confederates fought like devils but were all killed,but not before burying the gold".
The Fort Meade blockade running route was well established which was to Punta Rassa on Florida's west coast,not across the Everglades to the east.
The Union detachment was located at Fort Meyers,and would be the pursuers,but there is no record of this event.
A 1/2 ton of gold,was it bars of bullion or specie,or both-it was never described,just a vague mention.
Burying a 1/2 ton of gold during a firefight-the fight would have been in close proximity,and the Union would have seen what was going on,especially if they had knowledge of what and why they were chasing the Confederates.
Now after the firefight,would not the Union victors see a freshly dug hole and investigate?
The Confederate turncoat,Green,conducted many foreys against his former neighbors and the "cow calvary",and was a known looter of their valuables.Green would be the most likely to lead this pursuit,and by his prior actions,would not have left the gold behind.
This legend seems to combine two actual events,the lost cattle payment of 50lbs of gold specie,and that of Judah P Benjamin escaping from Ellenton with a remaining portion of the CSA Treasury.

ECS has discovered through research the lost cattle gold and that was the purpose of this thread but we have not found anything with such large amounts.

Wow! I didn't realize ECS has discovered gold. How much is it worth? Is he going to sell it? How deep was it buried? What was it in? Was it hard to dig up? What kind of detector did he use? I am so jealous.
ECS has discovered the research proving that its not just a legend or rumor but historic fact. Even Mel Fisher believed in hard research. Its about 40-50 pounds I think. The coin value should be quite a bit. I believe I stated enough to retire. He could sell the research I would imagine if he so desires., It cannot be very deep because its in the Everglades region. We dont know what kind of container. A metal detector was not needed for the research. Im not jealous but I am grateful. Any other questions?

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Hey BDD, if you could make a TV episode without actually ever finding anything, I dont see why ECS couldnt do the same with historic facts. :laughing7:

Actually the hole was not empty. I am not claiming I found treasure. I found what I was looking for.

Hey BDD, if you could make a TV episode without actually ever finding anything, I dont see why ECS couldnt do the same with historic facts. :laughing7:
He said he found what he was looking for, whatever that was we'll have to wait and see.

ALL ECS found was a bunch of written words. What is actually true or not is up to the reader of those old records to decide. He seems to be able to combine all these so-called "facts" into whatever version fits his own details of what happened. He is only guessing at all this. Great. Good for him. Good for you BCH. Good for this overly long thread. Where does that get you? Will that make this an official "Legend"? Will you get a real title for it on this forum? Is that all you want? If so, maybe you have accomplished your goal. Maybe it's time to stick a fork in it.

I have loftier goals. I actually want to find some of the shiny stuff and hold it in my hands. I have not put on here a detailed version of how the gold I seek got there. That is because all I would have to go on is a bunch of old stories and legends most ALL of which should be taken with a big bag of salt. There are so many variations of this particular story that for anyone to think they have the correct one is very naïve on their part. I DON"T CARE HOW MUCH THEY READ! NONE OF IT SHOULD BE ACCEPTED AS FACT!

While some of you sit in your easy chairs reading, I am out actively looking for treasure. I have been to Alligator Alley numerous times. I have met with the Miccosuki's numerous times. I have brought in others that think they know where it is. Some digging has been done. I have shown the tribal member's the exact location as to where I think the gold is. Unfortunately/fortunately it is not an easy dig. Various types of electronic equipment has been used. For the record most metal detectors don't read more than a few feet. We plan on bringing in every means of location we can get our hands on.

I came onto this thread with my own story and that I thought there might be gold at a certain spot. ECS and others have done their best to try to prove my story CAN'T be true. Why they chose to not try and prove it COULD be true just shows their true motives. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that has been printed on this thread or ANYTHING that has occurred in the Everglades has changed my opinion even one teensy-weensy bit.

ECS and others, keep digging with your nose in the books, web, or wherever, all you want. I hope you are enjoying yourselves. I will guarantee you will not find gold if you are not willing to pick a spot and dig.

diggummup-What I said I found was over 1000 miles from "Cloud Mountain".

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diggummup-What I said I found was over 1000 miles from "Cloud Mountain".
Okay, I missed that part. I'm glad your out there pursuing your dreams. Not many people can say that. Regardless of the outcome, you did and still are trying.

Nautico did a one hour special program on the search for Amelia Erhart. They didn't find anything. Another show was the search for the USS Indianapolis. They even had some survivors on board the search vessel. All they found was a big rock shaped like a boat. Then there was Geraldo Rivera's famous search for Al Capone's hidden vault. When they opened the vault, it was empty.

Here is the deal.

With my own show I get to hunt treasure full time instead of working construction.

I pick who I want to come on to the show.

I can go after whatever treasure I choose.

I can bring in any equipment or methods of detection and not have to pay for it myself.

I will learn what works and what doesn't.

Since nobody seems to think I am going to find a big treasure all I have to do is be entertaining.

The show could be a huge hit and it will help promote my other ventures, (book, movie, songs, inventions, etc.)

If we find treasure the producers of the show get none of it. (It is in the contract).

If we find treasure we will be superstars.

The "Swamp Gold" may very likely be one of the episodes for the first season.

I am willing to take the chance that all of this will work out for me. Ain't skeered!

BDD you need to seperate written diaries of Civil War soldiers from 20th century treasure books. You realize there is a difference, dont you?

BDD I was just sticking up for ECS. He is a great researcher and there is no need to keep trying to belittle him and his work.

I wish you luck on the treasure show BDD. I am very interested to see what mindspark has to say. Im glad you contacted him. Please stop trying to make others look bad. It doesnt help you look any better, if anything, it has an opposite affect.

Here is the deal.

With my own show I get to hunt treasure full time instead of working construction.

I pick who I want to come on to the show.

I can go after whatever treasure I choose.

I can bring in any equipment or methods of detection and not have to pay for it myself.

I will learn what works and what doesn't.

Since nobody seems to think I am going to find a big treasure all I have to do is be entertaining.

The show could be a huge hit and it will help promote my other ventures, (book, movie, songs, inventions, etc.)

If we find treasure the producers of the show get none of it. (It is in the contract).

If we find treasure we will be superstars.

The "Swamp Gold" may very likely be one of the episodes for the first season.

I am willing to take the chance that all of this will work out for me. Ain't skeered!
"... all I have to do is be entertaining". This is true. Nobody ever said you were not entertaining. Its obvious you have some entertainment value and I have said this to others.

Im not going to go on and on but I thought your treasure hunting methods would look so much better if you actually found something big one time but I can see where I am wrong. I guess its like the Shealy brothers Skunk Ape legend in the Everglades. http://www.skunkape.info/ They have claimed to see it, have some pictures, footprints, written statements, even their own TV episode but have yet to produce any substantial evidence. Some people actually think they are dishonest, running a scam for publicity. But others believe in the Skunk Ape legend. Either way its interesting and they are profiting from it.

You know him from his appearances on national television; Discovery Channel, Travel, Channel, TLC, Unsolved Mysteries, The Daily Show, The Pulse, Inside Edition, and you have read about his adventures in the Enquirer, The Sun, Miami NewTimes, and Readers Digest.

You gave me the honest answers I was looking for. I will support you only if you continue to be honest and stop putting down ESC for being a researcher.

Actually I really believe you need to include research into your episodes. It sets the table for the mystery. Mindspark loves to talk. Put him in the show as well. Put our Indian friend on. Set the history of the legend first and then bring in the modern and/or controversial search equipment.

Just dont talk about burial mounds.

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Nautico did a one hour special program on the search for Amelia Erhart. They didn't find anything. Another show was the search for the USS Indianapolis. They even had some survivors on board the search vessel. All they found was a big rock shaped like a boat. Then there was Geraldo Rivera's famous search for Al Capone's hidden vault. When they opened the vault, it was empty.
I see what you mean Salvor but they are all based on real historical events. I think BDD is missing or ignoring the history.

Imo he needs to find a way to tie Ovids location into a known historical event. Mindspark may be able to do this. Actually I am hoping he does.

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