Swamp Gold

If I was your partner?... I think I would try to prove that the gold actually exists before I spend time money energy and travel...I have managed to prove the Confederate Gold legend is true. We have found through research that gold came from the Confederate Cow Cavalry, as I always suspected, and its real .

... Myself I just dont see any proof that a half of ton of gold actually exists at that location. Its possible that rumors were started and it continues to this day and honestly Im not sure I believe in Ovid either...
If BDD had paid attention to my posts and read the links provided,he would have realized that the 1/2 ton of Confederate gold tale is just a legend,probably based on the lost 50 lbs of Spanish and Cuban gold coins of the "COW CALVARY" from Fort Meade.
The only evidence BDD cited for his belief is the dowsing of Ovid,2 guys with an LRL,a guy telling it was called "CLOUD MOUNTAIN"(there is no Cloud Mountain mentioned in the legend,a "camel hump",maybe)and a Native American shaman holding a ceremony at one time at this location.Logic ditates that if a shaman held a ceremony on this hummock,it was probably a Calusa burial mound,and not for Confederate gold.
BCH,this thread contains a vast quanity of good sound research,and maybe the real location of the cattle gold is contained somewhere within.

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The credit goes to you ECS for finding the smoking gun. 50 pounds of gold may not sound like much but because gold does not corrode the value of these old Spanish gold coins is way over melt depending upon the dates and enough for most average people to retire on if ever located.

The only thing that ECS has proved is that he likes to read a lot and post what he finds on here. We all pick and choose what we wish to believe. Old writings are only as good as the person that wrote them. I know for a fact that you cannot and should not believe most of what you read. If you all want to keep believing the fantasy of finding that "smoking gun" of evidence that will lead you directly to some pile of gold, I wish you luck. If it were that simple it would have been done a long time ago. Just keep on sitting at your computer reading what others have written. It is certainly easier than going out and getting all dirty digging. Besides the fact that it is hard work to actually use a shovel.

I will guarantee you one thing. NONE of the super researchers on here is ever going to find ANYTHING if they are not willing to take a chance and actually come up with a specific spot to dig. You all are afraid of being wrong and probably just don't have what it takes to be a finder of real treasure. Good luck to you all and good bye. It is 4:00 A.M. in Florida. The treasure van is packed and ready. I have a dig site waiting for me. We will see what happens. Not skeered.

Are you bringing the camera crew?

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The site wont allow me to edit. The success percentage of LRL technolody seems to be less than chance and happenstance.

The only thing that ECS has proved is that he likes to read a lot and post what he finds on here. We all pick and choose what we wish to believe. Old writings are only as good as the person that wrote them. I know for a fact that you cannot and should not believe most of what you read. If you all want to keep believing the fantasy of finding that "smoking gun" of evidence that will lead you directly to some pile of gold, I wish you luck. If it were that simple it would have been done a long time ago. Just keep on sitting at your computer reading what others have written. It is certainly easier than going out and getting all dirty digging. Besides the fact that it is hard work to actually use a shovel.

I will guarantee you one thing. NONE of the super researchers on here is ever going to find ANYTHING if they are not willing to take a chance and actually come up with a specific spot to dig. You all are afraid of being wrong and probably just don't have what it takes to be a finder of real treasure. Good luck to you all and good bye. It is 4:00 A.M. in Florida. The treasure van is packed and ready. I have a dig site waiting for me. We will see what happens. Not skeered.

Go dog go. And best of luck to you.

It is certainly easier than going out and getting all dirty digging. Besides the fact that it is hard work to actually use a shovel.

Well Im certainly not afraid to get dirty lol.

I told you this in a private email and maybe its time I tell the readers.

I have been approached, not once, but 3 different occasions by Federal law enforcement officers about this thread. When I started this thread, years ago, I may have been a bit naive. If I were to discover research pointing to a specific location on federal lands, I would have no choice but to turn the information over to federal authorities who are actively reading this thread and have been for years. I would certainly not be doing any digging.

If we were to discover through research that the location is on Indian lands, I have given my word that I will contact our Miccosuki friend. And my word is good. I will certainly not do any digging there without permission.

If we were to discover a specific location on private lands I may contact the landowner. At this point I have nothing specific and Ill take it one step at a time. I have some latest information that seems to point to state lands but its really just conjecture.

One thing Im sure of is that I will not use dowsing or LRL technology and I doubt I will be doing any digging whatsoever... But who knows? Im a lover of history and who doesnt love a good mystery? I happen to think its interesting. Good luck BDD.

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Hello vor. HRu?

Hello vor. HRu?

Doing good BCH. Hope you are doing likewise.
While I am not a believer in conspiracies in general, I trust that you are correct.
Very interesting indeed.

I am back. 43 hours later. 1575 miles. 24 hours drive time. I probed, detected, dug, videoed. Very interesting, indeed.

Where is the video? What kind of signal did you get? Is it a top secret Dick Tracy detector with new technology? What did you find when you dug?

Headlines: Top secret detector signals 1/2 ton of gold!
beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.... dick tracy.webp

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Well for one thing it was in the opposite direction of Alligator Alley. The video is for the treasure show. You will have to wait to see it as I am certainly not sharing it on here. Thanks for asking. I will leave you all to each other. Good luck.

Well for one thing it was in the opposite direction of Alligator Alley. The video is for the treasure show. You will have to wait to see it as I am certainly not sharing it on here. Thanks for asking. I will leave you all to each other. Good luck.

WHAT Treasure Show...?

I think I may have found the trailer to the show: Three Little Pirates

At minute 00:43

Starring Bigdogdad as Your Excellency ​Come on you knows thats funny

Bigdogdad in blue

And Pete (In red) As Moe

Cookout 5 Bigdogdaddy.webp

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I think I may have fun the trailer to the show: Three Little Pirates

At minute 00:43

Starring Bigdogdad as Your Excellency ​Come on you knows thats funny

Bigdogdad in blue

View attachment 807532

That's one of the big dog's, Pete the Pirate, and the producer for the TV show at Pirate John's Barbecue. Laughing all the way to the bank. Anybody need any more rope? You're in a hole so quit digging.

MY treasure show. Were not releasing details at this time. Sorry.
My Treasure Story/ My Treasure Show? I was asked to do an interview for a South Florida newspaper but I declined. Myself I dont like attention. You seem to be the type that thrives on attention, so more power to you. Other than that I have no comment. Good luck to you.

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