Swamp Gold


Did he use the avatar "mindspark"? Did he have an oldmap? Where is all of this coming from? Its always the same location. This may be the only time I agree with you BDD there is something going on. I havent quite put my finger on it but I believe the US government is involved.

I realize its Indian lands but have you been able to determine if the US government is watching?

Last question: Why did you dig in his location and not Ovids?

I don't know or care if the government is involved. I am not doing anything illegal. I am not involved with the T-Net member named mindspark. There is no old map. The electronics guys location was easier to dig and he said his electronics showed that there may have been something where Ovid pinpointed it on "Cloud Mountain" but that it was now gone. I no longer believe anything he says and will still put my money on Ovid's spot. We will dig it when the time is right.

OK thanks I thought maybe you knew something more.

Whatever it is you are after BDD, I dont believe it is related to the cattle gold legend. I think it may be a completely different legend or a very exagerrated version.

Im not doing anything illegal either and certainly I have no plans of intentionally breaking the law. I do however find this whole affair a bit interesting. And I am not the only one.

... There is no old map. The electronics guys location was easier to dig and he said his electronics showed that there may have been something where Ovid pinpointed it on "Cloud Mountain" but that it was now gone...We will dig it when the time is right.
You can't find something that was never there in the first place!

You can't find something that was never there in the first place!

You KNOW this because of what???? Your psychic abilities? Your immense intelligence? Your super-duper research skills? ECS-Go back and hide under that book you are reading!!! Why are you on a treasure forum when you don't seem to believe in any treasure caches? Tell me, if a treasure is buried in the woods and no one writes about it, does the treasure exist? Do the letters f and o mean anything to you?

What kind of electronic equipment did this person have?

You should try to talk to mindspark if you want to solve this mystery.. I emailed him, he replied but my PM box was full. Unknown to me my charter membership was removed by the new TN owners. After solving the problem with the new owners, I emailed him again and again but no response.

You have proven time and again that you are not interested in any research whatsover nor are you interested in anyones opinion but your own.. . Dont jump all over me its just a suggestion.

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What kind of electronic equipment did this person have?

You should try to talk to mindspark if you want to solve this mystery.. I emailed him, he replied but my PM box was full. Unknown to me my charter membership was removed by the new TN owners. After solving the problem with the new owners, I emailed him again and again but no response.

You have proven time and again that you are not interested in any research whatsover nor are you interested in anyones opinion but your own.. . Dont jump all over me its just a suggestion.

What kind of equipment? High dollar. I would share this info and the computer printout of the underground scan, but I choose not to.

Let's see, talk to mindspark. He hasn't found it. He put all his info on another forum, which I read. You can't get a hold of him. Why do I need to talk to him? I already believe in a location. Seems like your the one that needs/wants to talk to him.

Where you get the claim that I am not interested in any research is beyond me. Just because I don't believe everything your pal ECS says? Why should I believe him? He only gets his so-called "facts" from what others have written. How does he know for a fact that they are fact? He also believes nothing I say.

I also listen to all opinions. I just choose not to agree with them all.

I won't jump all over you, you can make all the suggestions you want.

If you want to know more about what happened, you can try to contact my Miccosukee pal, you did meet him when he paid you a courtesy visit. I doubt he will share the story with you. It is also not over.

Yes I am a bit curious to talk to mindspark. Maybe I will try again. I am interested in talking to anyone that might make any sense of this. No he hasnt found it but he has some names, dates, places and a map as I recall that may point to the same area.

I dont recall ever seeing any research from you on this thread and you dont seem to care about anyone elses research but maybe I missed something.. its a long thread lol. I always thought you would dig first and research later.

I havent contacted your Miccosuki connection because I dont have anything substantial to tell him. Hes a nice guy and I promised him if I find anything I will tell him and I plan on keeping my word. I think he stopped by to speak with me because he just happened to be driving by.

Truthfully I havent been working on this. I pretty much put it on the back burner because I basically came to a dead end and I have other things going on in my life. It was over a year ago when I last tried to contact mindspark.

Tell the whole story if you wish. If you dont want to tell I wont jump on you either.

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You KNOW this because of what???? Your psychic abilities? Your immense intelligence? Your super-duper research skills? ECS-Go back and hide under that book you are reading!!! Why are you on a treasure forum when you don't seem to believe in any treasure caches? Tell me, if a treasure is buried in the woods and no one writes about it, does the treasure exist? Do the letters f and o mean anything to you?
I do not have psychic abilities as you claim to have on other threads,nor do I get my information from mystical dowsers swinging pendulums,or from treasure mags.
My information (if you paid attention to my posts)comes from diaries and journals of those who lived the events,military and historical records,genealogical and church records.
If your strawman treasure was buried in the woods and no one wrote about it,it would still be there to be found.
The 1/2 ton of Confederate gold,though,has been written about many,many times since the 1940's when the tale was created,and rewritten many times over in the 1960's-70's in treasure mags and books.
So,I ask you,if a treasure legend is written about many times over,does that make it real and exist?
I leave with you and F & O-FIGURE it OUT!

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Short story-Someone else had thought they knew the location of the gold. They had thought this for over 10 years. We brought them and their equipment in. Their location was 150' from where Ovid said the gold was. They had electronics that showed an object in the ground. We dug. Nothing there. End of chapter. Story not over.
I am curious what gold they are referring to. Are they referring to the cattle gold, the paymaster gold, the Confederate treasury gold, US govt gold, the treasure book legend or something else?

I am curious what gold they are referring to. Are they referring to the cattle gold, the paymaster gold, the Confederate treasury gold, US govt gold, the treasure book legend or something else?

It could be any one or none of these legends/stories. I have always said that I did not know or claim to know or care where the gold came from. I am mainly interested in finding it. There is enough evidence concerning "Cloud Mountain" to give me reason to believe it is a great location for something to be hidden. The fact that an old man led me there from 10 miles away is just a part of the story. You are free to do things your way and I will do things my way. I have dug more than once for the gold. I have not found it and will be digging again. Digging is the ONLY way you will ever find it. I may be guessing but I feel they are educated guesses.

ECS- I do not read treasure mags, you do. I don't really care where you get all your supposed "facts". If you totally believe even half of what you read you are pretty naïve. Keep doing whatever it is you do, I could care less. I will be digging for a serious treasure in the very near future. After all the research you have done, when is YOUR next dig?

I cant speak for ECS but Im not digging anywhere but small holes at the beach. I am only researching the history of something I read in a library book as a teenager.

It could be any one or none of these legends/stories. I have always said that I did not know or claim to know or care where the gold came from. I am mainly interested in finding it.
You misunderstood my question. I was not asking your opinion. I realize you do not know or care where it came from.

Im referring to the people or person with the electronic equipment that thought they knew the location of the gold for 10 years. What gold are they looking for? Did you ask them? Did Ovid bring them to the same location or what?

You misunderstood my question. I was not asking your opinion. I realize you do not know or care where it came from.

Im referring to the people or person with the electronic equipment that thought they knew the location of the gold for 10 years. What gold are they looking for? Did you ask them? Did Ovid bring them to the same location or what?

They had electronic equipment that had led them to the "Cloud Mountain" area. They were never able to get permission to get on the land. We ended up working together. They knew of the stories of confederate gold but like me was drawn/taken to this spot because of the gold itself. Ovid had NOTHING to do with them locating this spot. They were ABSOLUTELY convinced it was there. They had separate electronic equipment that could supposedly pinpoint the gold and show an image. A deal was made with the property owners. An image showed a keg shaped object. We dug. Couldn't find it. More or less end of that deal. The story is not over. I am working on making it part of my new TV treasure hunting show.

I have said more than I probably should. Don't bother asking for more. Kind of a coincidence how they ended up around 150' from the exact spot that Ovid said it was. As you know the Everglades is a pretty big place.

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So 'they' had 'electronic equipment' that 'led' them to the Cloud Mountain area? Wouldn't that be
code for very expensive 'long range locators'? When you dug for the 'keg' the 'long range locator'
said WAS there and it WASN'T what conclusion did you arrive at?

1) the 'electronic' equipment was a piece of bull hockey?
2) the 'electronic' equipment would have picked up Ovid's spot if it was genuine?
3) Aha! This proves Ovid's dowser was better than that high priced piece of BH?

Pick any or all of the above.

So 'they' had 'electronic equipment' that 'led' them to the Cloud Mountain area? Wouldn't that be
code for very expensive 'long range locators'? When you dug for the 'keg' the 'long range locator'
said WAS there and it WASN'T what conclusion did you arrive at?

1) the 'electronic' equipment was a piece of bull hockey?
2) the 'electronic' equipment would have picked up Ovid's spot if it was genuine?
3) Aha! This proves Ovid's dowser was better than that high priced piece of BH?

Pick any or all of the above.
I couldnt have put it better lastleg. Im willing to keep an open mind about dowsing and give BDD the benefit of the doubt but there is no such thing as an electronic long range detector that can locate gold from miles away. .

4)BDD wants his own treasure show.​

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I have said more than I probably should. Don't bother asking for more. Kind of a coincidence how they ended up around 150' from the exact spot that Ovid said it was. As you know the Everglades is a pretty big place.
Maybe and it depends. The everglades is a pretty big place but there are only about 3 exits off 1-75 and only 2 places to exit on the reservation. Anyone can easily guess which exit it is by reading this thread. Im pretty sure I can come within 1000 feet of your location. And if I was your partner I could come within 150 feet..

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So 'they' had 'electronic equipment' that 'led' them to the Cloud Mountain area? Wouldn't that be
code for very expensive 'long range locators'? When you dug for the 'keg' the 'long range locator'
said WAS there and it WASN'T what conclusion did you arrive at?

1) the 'electronic' equipment was a piece of bull hockey?
2) the 'electronic' equipment would have picked up Ovid's spot if it was genuine?
3) Aha! This proves Ovid's dowser was better than that high priced piece of BH?

Pick any or all of the above.

At the moment I am going with all three. This was not the first time all this happened. I am giving different people with different technologies the chance to prove themselves and their equipment. If you don't dig you will never know. I am not afraid of digging or being wrong. We will see who is the next to find a major treasure.

Maybe and it depends. The everglades is a pretty big place but there are only about 3 exits off 1-75 and only 2 places to exit on the reservation. Anyone can easily guess which exit it is by reading this thread. Im pretty sure I can come within 1000 feet of your location. And if I was your partner I could come within 150 feet..

So if you were my partner what method would you be using? Research? Dowsing? LRL? Deep detector? GPR? Huge backhoe? Psychics? Old Maps with X's marked on them? No matter where you go there is junk. If you are ever going to find buried treasure, you have to dig. Most people are afraid to commit to a spot, spend the time money and energy, travel, and do an actual dig with the likely chance that there will be nothing of value to be found.

I have spent a LOT of time money, energy, blood, sweat, and tears in my quest for treasure. I have been laughed at by many people, mostly behind my back. It really doesn't bother me that much. I am only doing things because I want to. I have a lot of perseverance and if I keep at it, something of great value will be found.

BCH-If you think you can find something then go for it.

As far as me wanting a treasure hunting show, I am about to get it. In fact we are now working on the title for the show. I am sure the critics on here will come up with a bunch of "clever" names for it. Keep it all coming. I WILL have the last laugh.

Myself I have never said anything behind your back that I havent said here on this forum. Ask anyone they will tell you.

The only gold I find is on the beach with my Pulse Unit.

If I was your partner? I dunno I think I would try to prove that the gold actually exists before I spend time money energy and travel and that is exactly why I have created this thread called Swamp Gold. So "more research" is my answer. After 6 -1/2 years and 1,322 replys, (I have no idea how many views) I have managed to prove the Confederate Gold legend is true. We have found through research that gold came from the Confederate Cow Cavalry, as I always suspected, and its real .

Im not sure whether or not I will take it to the next step. I dont believe in LRLs so Im not sure how to locate something in the vast Everglades region other than more research. Much of the area is protected anyway.

If I were you and I really believed that it exists and I knew the location, after requesting permission from the tribe, I would try my Pulse Induction Unit first. Then I would look into a magnetometer or Ground Penetrating Radar but I would stay away from LRLs and the scammers that build them. I know my Pulse Unit but I am not familiar nor do I claim to be familiar with GPR or Magnetometers but I hear the latter can locate iron and its not considered whacky technology. That is how iron shipwreck cannons are located... So much gold its possible to be in a metal container. Have you considered a Magnetometer? Im sure you have friends that could do this.

Other than that I really have no idea. Im not sure that there is any technology to locate gold at that depth. I dont think such technology exists.

Its not so much that you are doing anything wrong. You are willing to try anything and everything. Myself I just dont see any proof that a half of ton of gold actually exists at that location. Its possible that rumors were started and it continues to this day and honestly Im not sure I believe in Ovid either...

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