Did he use the avatar "mindspark"? Did he have an oldmap? Where is all of this coming from? Its always the same location. This may be the only time I agree with you BDD there is something going on. I havent quite put my finger on it but I believe the US government is involved.
I realize its Indian lands but have you been able to determine if the US government is watching?
Last question: Why did you dig in his location and not Ovids?
I don't know or care if the government is involved. I am not doing anything illegal. I am not involved with the T-Net member named mindspark. There is no old map. The electronics guys location was easier to dig and he said his electronics showed that there may have been something where Ovid pinpointed it on "Cloud Mountain" but that it was now gone. I no longer believe anything he says and will still put my money on Ovid's spot. We will dig it when the time is right.