Swamp Gold

Keep in mind that all I want from this is the right to video it and use the video as I please. The gold is on their land and belongs to them. As far as an agreement, I would trust dealing with them more than I would trust dealing with any "white man". I believe they would be good to live up to their word. I know they don't need anything from us. They may already know the location of any gold on the reservations. If they don't know this location, they may want to.

I have been self-employed for the last 30 years. 99.99+% of the work I have done did not have any paper contract. I have not had a problem yet and would be willing to provide dozens (and could provide 100's) of references. Get me a face to face meeting with the tribal elders or leaders. I will take it fom there.

Keep in mind that all I want from this is the right to video it and use the video as I please. The gold is on their land and belongs to them. As far as an agreement, I would trust dealing with them more than I would trust dealing with any "white man". I believe they would be good to live up to their word. I know they don't need anything from us. They may already know the location of any gold on the reservations. If they don't know this location, they may want to.

I have been self-employed for the last 30 years. 99.99+% of the work I have done did not have any paper contract. I have not had a problem yet and would be willing to provide dozens (and could provide 100's) of references. Get me a face to face meeting with the tribal elders or leaders. I will take it fom there.
Yes I think we can get a face to face agreement and I also think they are good to their word. (unlike our goverment).

The gold may belong to them but I cannot do charity work. I was considering a share of the prize and Im sure Salvor6 and the others are as well or am I mistaken?

The video is yours to do as you please I am not interested in the video. I was only stating that from my experience the Indians dont like cameras. My friend had his video camera confiscated at the rodeo.

We have plenty of time to work out these details. Im not worried about that.

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Im trying post and it posts an old post in the wrong place. This site is not working for me today or its my computer. And its super slow.

I ran a virus and spyware sweep. Maybe Ill try restore. Sorry.

I would take anything they would be willing to give as a reward. Anyone involved that has a part in making this happen would be due something for their effort. The indians do not need to be on camera.

Actually according to one newsclipping its 45 miles west from Fort Lauderdale which places it on the reservation..

I have another clipping that places it 10 miles west of Andytown so there is conflicting data.

swamp gold signal.webp

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The spot that I want to dig may have nothing to do with a known story.

The spot that I want to dig may have nothing to do with a known story.
Yes I understand but it is the same approximate location but I dont want to reveal any more than whats already known. The same exact location was posted here by a member named mindspark.

I tried to write him a PM. He responded but my inbox was full.

In other words, its a known treasure location published in newspapers in the 1940's and repeated by treasure hunting books since at least 1964 and throughout the 70's and 80's.

Could there be 2 treasures in the same general area? I guess its possible. :dontknow:

Mindspark had a map and thinks there are 2 buried treasure sites. He tried many years ago to get permission from the Indians but gave up. Actually he got scared that he would never return if the gold was discovered.
"it is on the Seminole Indian Reservation, and they do not like anyone on it. You could end up as alligator food for being and doing something they don't care for. You will also need an airboat to get there. I had a connection who would get me there with a few trusted Indians with airboats and make everything OK for a cut, but if I ever were to actually find it, I think I would end up being reported lost in the everglades. So, I decided not to do it."

I am also waiting on a reply from Jeff k who wrote the treasure story in 1964.

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Here is the other quote from minsdpark on March 7, 2009. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/c...ederate-gold-stories-others-any-help-one.html "Now the other gold shipment or payroll is on Federal Land. One of the locations is less than 1000 feet from alligator alley. Federal Land, fenced, posted, swamp, snakes and alligators. But it is there. Actually seen the map of the locations back in 1984. Long, long story of were the map came from. A treasure hunter friend of mine was contacted by an attorney to contract salvage rights for his client who's father left him the map. The client was 78 in 1984. My friend lived on the west coast and contacted me to determine the feasibility. Not knowing the location I needed something to determine the effort required. So the old fellow snapped some pictures of the map. It was about 3' x 4' and an original. Then took close ups of a few locations and cut them out so there was no reference to the rest of the map and sent them to me. He sent me a picture of the map he took at a distance so as not to reveal anything. I had it blown up at a photography studio and bam there it all was. I was also able to identify the locations after comparing the cut outs to the same copy of the map I got from the historical society.

I said I would do it and then he says, "OK, now let's contact the government so I can legally claim it" I told my friend to tell him if he does that he loses it all. And that is were we parted ways. I doubt seriously he ever did anything with the map and the area is so treacherous for someone that age, who by now is 103 or dead. So the stuff is probably still there. Great Story eh? I had the gold bug bite me and I was fanatic over it for 10 years. I even gave away my detectors and quit altogether. I still like to research and read the forums."


These are known storys from 1944 to present, many variations, many embellishments. Hard to seperate fact from fiction.

Is your treasure different or the same? :dontknow: Hard to say. Only you know the exact location of the dowser unless he told someone else besides you ...or vice versa.

So far I have been unable to trace it back further than 1944 and that is why I started this thread. Im researching backwards.

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I also have a story were someone was arrested trying to dig treasure off Alligator Alley a few years back but Im not sure I can find it.

Someone also keeps cutting the fence for some reason unknown.

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Here is the post in its entirety

Mar 07, 2009, 06:33 PM

Mar 2009


Re: Confederate Gold-Stories & Everglades Lost Gold
I am new to this forum, but have been reading it for some time but only joined recently. It is amazing on how much misinformation circulates. As far as the lost gold in the everglades; there may have been two separate incidents or have been actually the same. One was transporting 500,000 in 20 dollar gold pieces from the New Orleans mint to Havana. (Supposedly KGC) They got lost and "I think" the shipment was split up and buried at a few separate locations. The second story is that they were transporting $200,000.00 in payroll and got lost, being chased by the enemy, burying the gold at a junction of two creeks. (not Shark and Harney rivers) Between Alligator Alley and SR41. I spent 10 years looking for both of these and can tell you a five square mile area that is definitely not in. But if you are looking for one of them, the last camping place of the Confederates was on an island in the Big Cypress called Horseshoe Head. This was discovered by Hully Sterling who was giving flying lessons out of Ft Lauderale in 1949 when he spotted Royal Poincania trees (not native to the region) Flying closer he saw the remnants of cabins. It took him 3 days by airboat to find the place and when he did, he found Confederate stamped "CSA" items left behind. This was supposedly the last camping place. I rented an airplane and found the head myself back in the 80's and have a video of it. It is 8 miles south of alligator alley. You can google it. (Go across alligator alley west from the beginning and about halfway you come to a canal with a pumping station on the north side of the road. On the south side a dirt road runs next to the canal south for about 7 miles and turns east. Just south of the east road 1 mile there is a big hammock (island) that is Horseshoe Head. It used to be a pineapple plantation back in 1860's. This was probably the Confederates last camping spots. This is where the cabins were found. Now that I told you, here's the catch... it is on the Seminole Indian Reservation, and they do not like anyone on it. You could end up as alligator food for being and doing something they don't care for. You will also need an airboat to get there. I had a connection who would get me there with a few trusted Indians with airboats and make everything OK for a cut, but if I ever were to actually find it, I think I would end up being reported lost in the everglades. So, I decided not to do it.

Now the other gold shipment or payroll is on Federal Land. One of the locations is less than 1000 feet from alligator alley. Federal Land, fenced, posted, swamp, snakes and alligators. But it is there. Actually seen the map of the locations back in 1984. Long, long story of were the map came from. A treasure hunter friend of mine was contacted by an attorney to contract salvage rights for his client who's father left him the map. The client was 78 in 1984. My friend lived on the west coast and contacted me to determine the feasibility. Not knowing the location I needed something to determine the effort required. So the old fellow snapped some pictures of the map. It was about 3' x 4' and an original. Then took close ups of a few locations and cut them out so there was no reference to the rest of the map and sent them to me. He sent me a picture of the map he took at a distance so as not to reveal anything. I had it blown up at a photography studio and bam there it all was. I was also able to identify the locations after comparing the cut outs to the same copy of the map I got from the historical society.

I said I would do it and then he says, "OK, now let's contact the government so I can legally claim it" I told my friend to tell him if he does that he loses it all. And that is were we parted ways. I doubt seriously he ever did anything with the map and the area is so treacherous for someone that age, who by now is 103 or dead. So the stuff is probably still there. Great Story eh? I had the gold bug bite me and I was fanatic over it for 10 years. I even gave away my detectors and quit altogether. I still like to research and read the forums.

Oh yeah, the Calico Jack treasure... I been there too. It is in the Everglades National Park. They take a dim view of detectors. You need a boat to get there. If you get caught, they take the detector, and the boat and throw you in jail. The islands are nothing more than mangrove islands with perhaps a small bit of land in the center. You would have to climb over mangrove roots to get to the center. Wouldn't be able to swing a detector unless you burnt everything off. I camped at the Canepatch (a park campsite) and once supposedly used by pirates and plumehunters. Didn't get much sleep because an alligator came up on shore around our tent. The only way I would go look for the Calico Jack treasure is if I had a map with an x marks the spot and was signed by him personally... not this lifetime. If you ever been the the everglades during mosquito season, you can be drained of all your blood in an hour.

Hope you enjoyed reading of my exploits...

The locals refer to the location of Horseshoe Head as "Lost City". I am born and raised in Florida (Broward County, born at Broward General).

if you google "airboat" and "lost city" you will see man airboat people talk of the gold there, talk of the stories, confederates, gold, etc.

Tree Rat - Southern Airboat Picture Gallery

Walking into Lost City in 1963 - Southern Airboat Picture Gallery

Sounds like Crazy Bob Pendleton may be someone for you to track down

J-Howell also in the above thread says his father is the owner of that campsite!

They also speak of Hully Sterling

So the air boaters have a bit of the legends too, and maybe a good source to run up some leads.

The locals refer to the location of Horseshoe Head as "Lost City". I am born and raised in Florida (Broward County, born at Broward General).

if you google "airboat" and "lost city" you will see man airboat people talk of the gold there, talk of the stories, confederates, gold, etc.

Tree Rat - Southern Airboat Picture Gallery

Walking into Lost City in 1963 - Southern Airboat Picture Gallery

Sounds like Crazy Bob Pendleton may be someone for you to track down

J-Howell also in the above thread says his father is the owner of that campsite!

They also speak of Hully Sterling

So the air boaters have a bit of the legends too, and maybe a good source to run up some leads.
OK thanks. Good sluething. This seems to be something that we havent read yet. Thanks.

I would still like to find a historical record older than 1944.

There are camps in Miccosuki lands. I think they pay rent to the Indians. Im not sure what kind of arrangement they have. It sounds as if the island has been searched years ago and its not there.

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OK thanks. Good sluething. This seems to be something that we havent read yet. Thanks.

I would still like to find a historical record older than 1944.

There are camps in Miccosuki lands. I think they pay rent to the Indians. Im not sure what kind of arrangement they have. It sounds as if the island has been searched years ago and its not there.
Sent you a PM concerning a research error I made on this thread.

The video gives you an idea of the terrain. I used to own a fulltrack and several swamp buggies. This may help explain why Im trying to research backwards to find if the legend has any truth to it.

Apparently the Lost City of moonshiners is true. But I dont yet know about Confederate gold outside of treasure books, 1940's newsclippings, treasure hunters, swamp rats and dowsers.

Here are a couple of pics of my old swamp vehicle. I think it was about 1978-79 or early 80's
.full track everglades cropped.webp

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Sent you a PM concerning a research error I made on this thread.
Hello ECS. No worry. I think the "lost city" of the moonshiners has just been confirmed as Horseshoehead. I think the mileage whether it be 40, 45, or 50 doesnt matter lol. I just got excited for a second. Keep researching.

Yes, I just received it yesterday. I was still considering whether to post it online.

I think you have pretty much confirmed the Lost city or Ghost Village was on Horseshoehead in the Miccosuki Indian Reservation.

What I really need is confirmation from 1865, that the gold shipment actually exists. It may be none other than a moonshiners camp as they are scattered throughout the swamp. Its common knowlege Al Capone was set up in the area.

The link posted by signal says the ghost town is 30 miles west of here. (Fort Lauderdale). Records indicate from 10, 30, 40, 45 and 50 miles west of Fort Laud so it makes it hard to pinpoint a location.

It would seem a great place for moonshiners. Al Capones casino was off the old Tamiami Trail. I have pictures but I cannot post them out of respect for the homeowner who lives on the property.

Im thinking Horseshoehead is the Ghost City location 40 plus miles west and it was abandoned after prohibition as there was not as much money to be made. There would no longer be any reason to live in such a remote godforsaken mosquito infested area. Or they could have been murdered by Al Capones men. The Confederate relics were probably brought home by ex-soldiers or Seminoles that may have lived on the island prior to the moonshiners. Or it may have originally been a Seminole War Outpost.
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    swamp gold ghost village news.webp
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bigcypresshunter were you able to eventually download the links I posted?

Here is some exciting confederate treasury stuff i dug up, including entries in a diary of someone who was part of the transport


Also another really good read, but I could not find it online (try the library or purchase it) is:

Last Train South: The Flight of the Confederate Government from Richmond by James C. Clark

I am going to try to dig up more, so far some of the stories talk about Archer, Fl and the Cotton Plantation and all that, so thats exciting but nothing that would give indication of transport over the Everglades, I did not read each article in detail I just skimmed, but let me know if there are any "references/bibliography" that you want me to pull the articles from

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