Swamp Gold

so it is written down that "a trusted" naval officer had 86,000 in confederate gold coin / bullion to be taken out of the country handed to him at washington .ga (the end of the train line coming from richmond at the time)-- HUUMM naval officer --say taking it out VIA a "blockade runner"? -- by slipping thru the waldo area in florida (AN AREA WHERE KNOWN CONFEDERATE ESCAPEE HELPER CAPT / COL J J DICKISON WAS AT HELPING FOLKS ESCAPE ) he and the few men with him just had to head toward the known blockade runner haven area near tampa - to "link up" with a blockade runner vessel to get away on --- as they got close to the area -- he and his men were set upon by union troops and they were chased into the swamps--- where they were forced to bury the gold to keep out of union hands.--after they left the swamps , they were caught by union troops and taken prisoner for the rest of the war --afterwards they returned to claim the goldbut were unable to refind the money in the green hell of the swamp .--as they left word of "the treasure" some howleaked out to the locals ---- thus the tale begins .

by "dutch money" I mean that the dutch "consul" folks claimed it as theirs**** not that it actually was theirs ::) -- they were most likely engaged helping to smuggle silver out of the south to europe to pay for arms and other illegal war goods for the souths use --the the former us mint in new orleans and any silver that was left there was most likely used to assist in pressing out these "mexican silver coins "--which then could be used for "payment" in europe --- to hood wink folks by saying the goods were headed for mexico (thus the payment was made in mexican silver) when in fact the goods bought with it were headed for the confederate cause (it also allowed european suppliers to say -- what they paid me with mexican silver --how was I to know it was confederate buyers? -- if any fuss came about) -------note the steel die set used to make the "mexican" coins was with those coins when they were found . :wink: so this "mexican money" could have be the crooked "dutch concul's payment for past services rendered or payment for future supplies that they could not get out to europe before the us govt forces closed in .

sabre15 said:
I have been curious for a long time now on Thomas Terry, I have volume 3 and wonder where did his info come from? Was he known to embellish some stories to add to the appeal of his treasure book? He has some stories in there which I have tenaciously studied and cannot find the information he puts forth. For example in this story about the land being like a camels back or the other Florida legend I have been researching regarding the Scottish Traders being executed. Has anyone ever met Mr. Terry? Is he just selling books or was he a true researcher?
What is the copyrite date on your book?

I have another question and this will dove tail to a few other stories. The payroll was thwarted at the Tampa area and forced to hide out into the swamps, is it plausible that either by horseback or walking that they made it that far down into the everglades/big cypress? Being Florida, we are one big swamp, could over the years the story have gotten misunderstood and maybe they went south torwards Okechobee or Sebring area?
Its just weird that some of these stories it only took a few days to cross a vast area that even in todays terms would be really hard to duplicate. I personally believe the story but wonder if they ever did get that far south.

so he said , he thinks that another guy Terry got it wrong and the proof he offers of this fact is? he thinks

now thats refreshing----- thats clearly --- a solid historically documented based bit of info if there ever was one.

I grew up in new orleans and yes the term "damn yankees" was used there a lot , a good bit of the things general butler and his union troops did to and in new orleans would be called "war crimes" today .

nope I did not live at that time of course SWR --- but I lived amoung the folks who kin folks great grand dads and grandmas lived there during that time frame and a lot of those families "oral histories" had a lot of stories of horrible things done to them and they told their kids of the history of what really occured there from father to son / mother to daughter -- real living "family" history --not some white washed history book lesson version

So the NAME of Major Thomas Reynolds is probably wrong, but SWR did not say whether the author had said the whole story was false or not? From your extract, it sounds like the story is true, just the NAME of the officer involved is wrong. What is the case? Thank you in advance,

Where did Tom Terry get his info and also where does the info from treasurelore.com come from?

Sabre15 wrote
Where did Tom Terry get his info and also where does the info from treasurelore.com come from?

I sure don't know the answer to that one amigo - but am pretty sure that T. Terry was simply compiling all the stories he could find from all available sources, without checking to see if they were based on real events or not. From what I have found in tracking down some of the very short entries you find in his Treasure Atlas-es it looks to me like he got many of the stories straight from old newspaper accounts. I don't know the real answer though. Maybe someone else here knows the answer to your questions?

Still waiting for our amigo SWR to answer my simple question viz the author of the story, or if he was simply satisfied that with the NAME of the Confederate officer incorrect, that must prove that the whole story is utterly false.

I see SWR's logic: if Major Thomas Reynolds never existed, I guess the whole Civil War is just a fable.

Have the fires in the swamp exposed anything yet?

sabre15 said:
Have the fires in the swamp exposed anything yet?
The latest fires will help in the coming hunting season but this place is so huge something can remain lost forever.

Anything can be found.
A. It needs to exist
B. Get rid of government interference

there is information that used to be out in the open that is not ---the state of florida acrhies are the "ONLY" state of florida dept that does not have to comply with the "sunshine law" --- if thats not for blocking public access to data --- pray tell why is the "exception" on the books?

288 : 9626 FS

the "reseach" is selling data the state of florida has --the state via our "publicly funded"-- "archives" and (tax payor assisted" --colleges have collections of "data" or information that they sell to the private sector ( so why allow "free" public access to the information ---if you can "sell" the info? get it now?) ----hello anybody home? --- can you think for yourself a bit ---or must everything be "spoon fed" in print to you?

ok lets do this the easy way SWR --- since you do not trust anything I say or print --- you can personally call the state archie headquaters * and ask the "powers" that be if they have "exemption status "--from the florida sunshine laws (for releasing information)--- now once "you" personally know via thier answer because YOU personally verified it YOURSELF IN PERSON *** then you can can "man up" and post saying ---- gee Ivan --I was wrong -- I guess you did know what you were speaking about.--- and dealing with you is like having a toot ache I agree.

master site file -- chapter 267 .135**** --- allows public access to this information to be "shutoff" if the state deems it to be needed ---its always "needed" it seems :wink: not all that hard hard to figger out . now is it?

ok try 276.135 --- master site file index -- the archie dept can --deny public access to the site file records **** if they deem it nessicary --- funny the way its always "nessicary"

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