Stupid things we ate as kids

olepossum said:
peanutbutter and mayo sandwich with cheese and bolognia

Not even close. I've tried that combination, but left out the mayo when I was about 10, or 11. I just wanted to see what the taste would be like. When it come to regular food there are still very few combos I will will try..

When I think of it, today one of my favorite sandwiches is a tuna melt. In the 60's no, I can't remember anyone that would mix Swiss cheese with tuna and heat it :icon_scratch:

I hate to ask this, but I will... Anyone ever try roadkill
Yea, fresh rabbit, tenderized by a Pontiac about 2 or 3 am. I cleaned it & while my buddy
got a fire started, I decided to grope around in the dark to find some seasoning, like onion
grass or whatever. Can't recall how the meat tasted, but I won't forget stumbling into a big
patch of those %#2@&xxx stinging nettles in shorts & a tee-shirt. :'(

Tubecity said:
I decided to grope around in the dark to find some seasoning, like onion
grass or whatever.

Well the good thing is now that you know what you went though, you can carry some assorted spices in the trunk :icon_thumleft: Scout motto "Be Prepared" :laughing7:

Blacksheep said:
spartacus53 said:
I hate to ask this, but I will... Anyone ever try roadkill :dontknow:

In the form of white-tail deer, anything salvageable made it to the table. :coffee2:

I really need to get to know you guys better. Between truckingbutch, tubecity and blacksheep, I am sure I can get enough recipes to write my cookbook "Roadkill Remain Recipes" I will also have chapters on proper skinning and tanning techniques and the last chapter will be dedicated with a list of articles you can make.

Crap, where do I begin?!?! I remember when Rocky first came out. EVERYONE was drinking down raw eggs thinking they were gonna be the next champ. That was pretty awful :help:

Aside from the usual suspects like: boogers (come on, you know you did too), paint chips, ketchup sandwiches, etc., I always wondered what the appeal was to jawbreakers. Heck, you couldn't do anything with it. You'd just look like a complete ass with this huge ball in your mouth for days sometimes trying to break it. I'm sure that candy single-handedly put more dentists through medical school than anything else :laughing7:

I remember one time I got the brilliant idea to chew on some tin foil. Ever try it? Go ahead. It's about 100 times worse than getting a root canal :tongue3:

Back in the 60's I always had an eggnog for breakfast. Dumped eggs into a glass of milk with chocolate syrup and stirred up. Later we learn we shouldn't be eating raw eggs. I learned the hard way and had to visit Dr. Sal Manila :tongue3: Like everyone else, you had to taste your own blood from a cut.. not to mention scabs....

ewwww scabs I'm pretty sure most have tried them too :laughing9:

Oh this is disgusting! lol When I was in elementary school I used to love the white glue the teacher would spoon onto our desks for craft time. ewwww Didn't everyone eat that?

Raw deer liver. It is a local custom to eat a big bite of the raw liver of the first deer you ever harvest while hunting. It wasn't near as bad as I had imagined but I wouldn't want to make a steady diet of it. Somebody told me that deer had liver flukes, some kind of parasite, but the vet told me they were harmless to humans.
As kids in school we use to swallow BBs, the copper coated ones and they would come out shiney and bright just like they went down! Lucky not to get lead posioning.
One junebug by accident while motorcycling. Either had to swallow or choke. Had no flavor at all.
My inlaws cooking which was pretty disgusting after being use to eating spicy food all my life. No salt or pepper or anything. Tasted a lot like that junebug! No flavor at all!
Habenaro pepper relish. Tasted like a blow torch!
European beer at room temperature when I was in the service. It was all I could do to down about 12 pints. Caused me to throw up and speak in tongues. Almost a religious experience! Monty

cntrydncr1 said:
Oh this is disgusting! lol When I was in elementary school I used to love the white glue the teacher would spoon onto our desks for craft time. ewwww Didn't everyone eat that?

Not at all, I think at least 95% tasted that.... I got hooked in kindergarten on that stuff

Now as far as nasty.. here's another one I bet many tasted earwax :laughing7: Funny as kids I guess we just had to know...

I thank all of you for your contributions, and I will compile a list we can check and see what's missing :laughing9:

I can name a few "strange" things from across the big pond.

Jellied eels..
Tripe and onions.

If you need a translation on any of the above please ask.. :read2:


Unicorn, those are all just nasty foodstuffs. I see you left out blood pudding too :laughing7:

When I was a kid mom caught me eating dirt,dog food(big brother's dare),a cricket covered in chocolate,later on in life,mntn. oysters,mullet,goat,ox tails,and others I can't say or I'll throw up on myself. :laughing7:

Dumb things...yes, the molasses from cow feed, also "licked" the salt block too, ate some hay. :tongue3:

Fried eel, ate that then someone told me what it was, I have not touched it since. :-\

I do not eat Italian or Hungarian sausage, and I don't touch hogshead cheese or boudin.

:wink: RR

When I was 5 we had a little parakeet and they made special treats for them too. I had to taste it because I smelled the anise it had in it.. not bad :icon_thumleft:

I remember back in the 80's. Everyone was raving about Spanish Fly. If you drank some it would drive the women W-I-L-D. Well, guess I didn't drink enough of it :laughing7: It was putrid to say the least. I would venture to say skunk piss would've tasted better :tongue3:

They also had the kind you can put on like cologne too. Shoulda tried that instead. Maybe I'd be in bed right now with Salma Hayek smoking a cigarette :icon_sunny:

OK, had to consolidate a few items, but it's still a healthy list

1- dog/cat - food/treats
2- Tetra Fish food
3- bird seed
4- dirt
5- Night Crawlers
6- paint chips (w/ lead)
7- Boogers
8- Curled cows milk
9- Crow
10- Scabs
11- BB's
12- raw deer liver
13- earwax
14- tin foil
15- salt block
16- Hay

Sub Group - Roadkill
1- rabbit
2- deer

Back when I was big into the foraging, survival stuff my huntin buddies would just shake their heads
& almost never tried the stuff like roots, stems & other things the books said you could eat. Trust me,
it is a learning experience, I learned a lot by trial & error. Those guys got a kick out me spitting stuff
out & making them funny faces when I picked the wrong stuff. Which was usually when they were
watching , them damn sissies just had no sense of adventure. ::)

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