Stone Tablet Symbols?

DNA proves they originated in China as all of the American Indian. If they walked across the ice from Russia as they say, the polar ice caps would have been considerably lower. I've always heard that the Aztec's main gold mine was in Utah and that the Ute Indians still kept verbal record of it when the big hats or French Jesuits first entered the territory. They were said to be kind and got along fine with the Utes. The Spanish Jesuits soon found out about the mine after 1562, when two scouts leaving the Cortez Colorado search party worked their way as far as an Indian encampment at the South end of Utah Lake. One of them caught eye of a nugget laying on a blanket after a young brave had dumped out the contents of his medicine bag. After shooting a couple of the tribal members, the medicine man agreed to go to the sacred mine of their forefathers and get them a basket of the ore. When he returned the next day, the two explorers jumped on their horses and backtracked their way to the mine. After another day, they returned to the encampment with a loaded packhorse. The tribe was scared, but also mad as hell about these two strangers. Still, the medicine man signaled to the braves to encircle them in an effort to force the gold back from them. It had rained during the night so when the two riders tried to shoot down their aggressors, nothing happened as their powder had become wet on the trail. The braves quickly pulled them off their horses and took back the gold. They sent the two explorers on they way empty handed with a warning never to return. The Shaman spent 3 days carrying the gold back to the mine by hand and then sealed up the entrance once again. This legend was handed down through the Ute tribe. Of course the Spanish returned in force and took this mine as well as several others of Ute legend, but by the time the Mexican American war was over, the Indians were fed up with gold hunters invading the sacred mines of their forefathers and would kill even their own people if anyone so much as got near one of them. 12 Ute brothers died with the secrets of the mine locations and other than a Mormon father and son who had an arrangement with the Chief to get gold for the church president, little is known today. The Jesuits called it Carrie Shin Ob ( slang similar to "sacred womb" ) Be fair warned, there is plenty of bull circulating about it's location.

the best camp fire stories can be beleived .. if they sound fake , no one well enjoy them . who is to say there is not a few people at this site just telling stories .. miss leed others and maybe just want to see other peoples opioions ...

many legends come from camp fire story telling .. it true ... beleive it or not ...

Oroblanco said:
There are theories and then there are theories. As for the location of the original homeland of the Aztecs, I would follow the original source as we all do when researching anything related to treasure hunting. Here is a little quote, which includes the relevant direction to look for Chicomoztoc:

"We have known for a long time, from the chronicles of our forefathers, that neither I, nor those who inhabit this country, are descendants from the aborigines of it, but from strangers who came to it from very distant parts; and we also hold, that our race was brought to these parts by a lord, whose vassals they all were, and who returned to his native country, and had many descendants, .... "

Good find, Oro. Montezuma turned the keys of the kingdom over to Cortes because he believed him to be his 'lord'. Call 'him' who you will, Quetzalcoatl, Viracoca, Kulcucan, Pahana, et al, the history of the Western Hemisphere generally points to a race of people who arrived from the east led by a 'lord', who educated and organized their ancestors, then left and promised to return as their masters. This goes back to at least the Toltecs in Central America. The record of many groups, from the Hopi all the way through Central America and to the Andes say the same thing. Figure out who these guys were and you'll answer a lot of historical questions, and even a few treasure legends I'll bet.

As far as the Mexica are concerned (late-comers), we know they migrated to their final location from the north. Their pre-migration homeland has not been determined. Arizona? Utah? New Mexico? Even Chaco? Maybe all these places and more. We can be reasonably sure there were seven prominant sites of some sort that they identified with. We don't know if these were caves, cities, tribes, sacred spots or whatever. It's all speculation based on anecdotal evidence and hearsay at this time.

Their DNA is Chinese; Go figure.........

Greetings friends,

Twisted fork wrote:

DNA proves they originated in China as all of the American Indian.

Their DNA is Chinese; Go figure.........

I beg to differ mi amigo, recent DNA studies have proven that Amerindians have a rather different origin (or to be more correct origins plural) than simply crossing over a Bering Strait land bridge, which almost certainly would have been covered with a thick ice cap of glaciers, and if not covered with ice it would have been cut through by hundreds and hundreds of ice-melt streams and rivers, rushing madly at the sea - which would present a terrific obstacle to anyone trying to cross by foot especially considering there were NO bridges. An alternate theory has the first colonists coming by sea, and across both Pacific and the Atlantic, which is supported by DNA and artifact evidence as well.

A minority of Amerindian tribes have a type of DNA which is common to Europeans, but not common to east Asians - referred to as "Haplogroup X". This group represents only 3% of the total Amerindian population today, but among certain groups it is far higher than 3%, such as many Northeastern tribes, as well as western tribes such as the Navajos and Lakota. This coupled with the so-called "Solutrean Solution" theory which points to a European origin for at least some of the Amerindians.

*The Solutrean Solution was based on comparisons of American Clovis type points with European Solutrean type points, which are virtually identical, while no points similar to Clovis have ever been found in Northeastern Asia, which would have to be present if the Bering Straits land bridge route was truly the way people came to America during the Ice Ages.

Springfield wrote:
Call 'him' who you will, Quetzalcoatl, Viracoca, Kulcucan, Pahana, et al, the history of the Western Hemisphere generally points to a race of people who arrived from the east led by a 'lord', who educated and organized their ancestors, then left and promised to return as their masters

How true mi amigo Springfield - I think we can identify who those "lords" were in the Phoenicians. There is evidence the Phoenicians were visiting the Americas for gold, precious stones, timber and furs as well as fish - and were keeping the lands secret from their Mediterranean competitors and enemies such as the Greeks and Romans. It is also possible that Norse explorers ventured considerably further south than NYC too, such as the Mayo tribe of the Pacific coast of Mexico, among whom it is quite common to find such Norse traits as blond hair and blue eyes, plus they have a myth which would "fit" with Norse colonists. The Pahana legend of the Hopi appears to root in Phoenician visitors/traders, as there are a number of Phoenician words in the Hopi language.

Several of our usual posters are absent from here at the moment, as they are trading tales and swapping lies at the annual Dutchman rendezvous in Arizona. I am sure they will have more to add when they return.


A tomb was found in Utah years ago, and in it were two thrones with the crowned skeletons of male and female red haired giants sitting in them. Other mummies have been located as well from time to time. Not to many years ago, a stone was pulled back from the base of Timpanogos Mnt. and behind it was a treasure chamber with two thrones as well. This time the chairs held the dressed skeletons of two cowboys who had years before dropped into a nearby ceiling vent, only to find that they could not climb back out. There they sat in the dark waiting for the end.

Here is a link pertaining to some Utah finds and legends; Enjoy

Thia area is now blocked by the Park Service.

excerpt from Archeological Coverups by David Hatcher Childress

Perhaps the most amazing suppression of all is the excavation of an Egyptian tomb by the Smithsonian itself in Arizona. A lengthy front page story of the PHOENIX GAZETTE on 5 April 1909 (follows this article), gave a highly detailed report of the discovery and excavation of a rock-cut vault by an expedition led by a Professor S.A. Jordan of the Smithsonian. The Smithsonian, however, claims to have absolutely no knowledge of the discovery or its discoverers.

The World Explorers Club decided to check on this story by calling the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., though we felt there was little chance of getting any real information. After speaking briefly to an operator, we were transferred to a Smithsonian staff archaeologist, and a woman's voice came on the phone and identified herself.

I told her that I was investigating a story from a 1909 Phoenix newspaper article about the Smithsonian Institution's having excavated rock-cut vaults in the Grand Canyon where Egyptian artefacts had been discovered, and whether the Smithsonian Institution could give me any more information on the subject.

"Well, the first thing I can tell you, before we go any further," she said, "is that no Egyptian artefacts of any kind have ever been found in North or South America. Therefore, I can tell you that the Smithsonian Institute has never been involved in any such excavations." She was quite helpful and polite but, in the end, knew nothing. Neither she nor anyone else with whom I spoke could find any record of the discovery or either G.E. Kinkaid and Professor S.A. Jordan. While it cannot be discounted that the entire story is an elaborate newspaper hoax, the fact that it was on the front page, named the prestigious Smithsonian Institution, and gave a highly detailed story that went on for several pages, lends a great deal to its credibility. It is hard to believe such a story could have come out of thin air. Is the Smithsonian Institution covering up an archaeological discovery of immense importance? If this story is true it would radically change the current view that there was no transoceanic contact in pre-Columbian times, and that all American Indians, on both continents, are descended from Ice Age explorers who came across the Bering Strait. (Any information on G.E. Kinkaid and Professor S.A. Jordan, or their alleged discoveries, that readers may have would be greatly appreciated.....write to Childress at the World Explorers Club at the above address.)

Is the idea that ancient Egyptians came to the Arizona area in the ancient past so objectionable and preposterous that it must be covered up? Perhaps the Smithsonian Institution is more interested in maintaining the status quo than rocking the boat with astonishing new discoveries that overturn previously accepted academic teachings.

Historian and linguist Carl Hart, editor of WORLD EXPLORER, then obtained a hiker's map of the Grand Canyon from a bookstore in Chicago. Poring over the map, we were amazed to see that much of the area on the north side of the canyon has Egyptian names. The area around Ninety-four Mile Creek and Trinity Creek had areas (rock formations, apparently) with names like Tower of Set, Tower of Ra, Horus Temple, Osiris Temple, and Isis Temple. In the Haunted Canyon area were such names as the Cheops Pyramid, the Buddha Cloister, Buddha Temple, Manu Temple and Shiva Temple. Was there any relationship between these places and the alleged Egyptian discoveries in the Grand Canyon?

We called a state archaeologist at the Grand Canyon, and were told that the early explorers had just liked Egyptian and Hindu names, but that it was true that this area was off limits to hikers or other visitors, "because of dangerous caves."

Indeed, this entire area with the Egyptian and Hindu place names in the Grand Canyon is a forbidden zone - no one is allowed into this large area. We could only conclude that this was the area where the vaults were located. Yet today, this area is curiously off-limits to all hikers and even, in large part, park personnel.

I believe that the discerning reader will see that if only a small part of the "Smithsoniangate" evidence is true, then our most hallowed archaeological institution has been actively involved in suppressing evidence for advanced American cultures, evidence for ancient voyages of various cultures to North America, evidence for anomalistic giants and other oddball artefacts, and evidence that tends to disprove the official dogma that is now the history of North America.

The Smithsonian's Board of Regents still refuses to open its meetings to the news media or the public. If Americans were ever allowed inside the 'nation's attic', as the Smithsonian has been called, what skeletons might they find?


from the front page of THE PHOENIX GAZETTE of April 5th, 1909 EXPLORATIONS IN GRAND CANYON

Mysteries of Immense Rich Cavern being brought to light

Jordan is enthused
Remarkable finds indicate ancient people migrated from Orient

The latest news of the progress of the explorations of what is now regarded by scientists as not only the oldest archeological discovery in the United States, but one of the most valuable in the world, which was mentioned some time ago in the Gazette, was brought to the city yesterday by G.E. Kinkaid, the explorer who found the great underground citadel of the Grand Canyon during a trip from Green River, Wyoming, down the Colorado, in a wooden boat, to Yuma, several months ago.

According to the story related to the Gazette by Mr. Kinkaid, the archaelogists of the Smithsonian Institute, which is financing the expeditions, have made discoveries which almost conclusively prove that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in solid rock by human hands, was of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt, tracing back to Ramses. If their theories are borne out by the translation of the tablets engraved with heiroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the fictionist.

A Thorough Examination

Under the direction of Prof. S. A. Jordan, the Smithsonian Institute is now prosecuting the most thorough explorations, which will be continued until the last link in the chain is forged. Nearly a mile underground, about 1480 feet below the surface, the long main passage has been delved into, to find another mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel.

Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and another 634 feet. The recent finds include articles which have never been known as native to this country, and doubtless they had their origin in the orient. War weapons, copper instruments, sharp-edged and hard as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached by these strange people. So interested have the scientists become that preparations are being made to equip the camp for extensive studies, and the force will be increased to thirty or forty persons.

Mr. Kinkaid's Report

Mr. Kinkaid was the first white child born in Idaho and has been an explorer and hunter all his life, thirty years having been in the service of the Smithsonian Institute. Even briefly recounted, his history sounds fabulous, almost grotesque.

"First, I would impress that the cavern is nearly inaccessible. The entrance is 1,486 feet down the sheer canyon wall. It is located on government land and no visitor will be allowed there under penalty of trespass. The scientists wish to work unmolested, without fear of archeological discoveries being disturbed by curio or relic hunters. A trip there would be fruitless, and the visitor would be sent on his way. The story of how I found the cavern has been related, but in a paragraph: I was journeying down the Colorado river in a boat, alone, looking for mineral. Some forty-two miles up the river from the El Tovar Crystal canyon, I saw on the east wall, stains in the sedimentary formation about 2,000 feet above the river bed. There was no trail to this point, but I finally reached it with great difficulty.
Above a shelf which hid it from view from the river, was the mouth of the cave. There are steps leading from this entrance some thirty yards to what was, at the time the cavern was inhabited, the level of the river. When I saw the chisel marks on the wall inside the entrance, I became interested, securing my gun and went in. During that trip I went back several hundred feet along the main passage till I came to the crypt in which I discovered the mummies. One of these I stood up and photographed by flashlight. I gathered a number of relics, which I carried down the Colorado to Yuma, from whence I shipped them to Washington with details of the discovery. Following this, the explorations were undertaken.

The Passages

"The main passageway is about 12 feet wide, narrowing to nine feet toward the farther end. About 57 feet from the entrance, the first side-passages branch off to the right and left, along which, on both sides, are a number of rooms about the size of ordinary living rooms of today, though some are 30 by 40 feet square. These are entered by oval-shaped doors and are ventilated by round air spaces through the walls into the passages. The walls are about three feet six inches in thickness.

The passages are chiseled or hewn as straight as could be laid out by an engineer. The ceilings of many of the rooms converge to a center. The side-passages near the entrance run at a sharp angle from the main hall, but toward the rear they gradually reach a right angle in direction.

The Shrine

"Over a hundred feet from the entrance is the cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which are found the idol, or image, of the people's god, sitting cross-legged, with a lotus flower or lily in each hand. The cast of the face is oriental, and the carving this cavern. The idol almost resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it represents. Taking into consideration everything found thus far, it is possible that this worship most resembles the ancient people of Tibet.

Surrounding this idol are smaller images, some very beautiful in form; others crooked-necked and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil. There are two large cactus with protruding arms, one on each side of the dais on which the god squats. All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble. In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all descriptions, made of copper. These people undoubtedly knew the lost art of hardening this metal, which has been sought by chemicals for centureis without result. On a bench running around the workroom was some charcoal and other material probably used in the process. There is also slag and stuff similar to matte, showing that these ancients smelted ores, but so far no trace of where or how this was done has been discovered, nor the origin of the ore.

"Among the other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and gold, made very artistic in design. The pottery work includes enameled ware and glazed vessels. Another passageway leads to granaries such as are found in the oriental temples. They contain seeds of varous kinds. One very large storehouse has not yet been entered, as it is twelve feet high and can be reached only from above. Two copper hooks extend on the edge, which indicates that some sort of ladder was attached. These granaries are rounded, as the materials of which they are constructed, I think, is a ver hard cement. A gray metal is also found in this cavern, which puzzles the scientists, for its identity has not been established. It resembles platinum. Strewn promiscuously over the floor everywhere are what people call "cats eyse', a yellow stone of no great value. Each one is engraved with the head of the Malay type.

The Hieroglyphics

"On all the urns, or walls over doorways , and tablets of stone which were found by the image are the mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institute hopes yet to discover. The engraving on the tables probably has something to do with the religion of the people. Similar hieroglyphics have been found in southern Arizona. Among the pictorial writings, only two animals are found. One is of prehistoric type.

The Crypt

"The tomb or crypt in which the mummies were found is one of the largest of the chambers, the walls slanting back at an angle of about 35 degrees. On these are tiers of mummies, each one occupying a separate hewn shelf. At the head of each is a small bench, on which is found copper cups and pieces of broken swords. Some of the mummies are covered with clay, and all are wrapped in a bark fabric.

The urns or cups on the lower tiers are crude, while as the higher shelves are reached, the urns are finer in design, showing a later stage of civilization. It is worthy of note that all the mummies examined so far have proved to be male, no children or females being buried here. This leads to the belief that this exterior section was the warriors' barracks.

"Among the discoveries no bones of animals have been found, no skins, no clothing, no bedding. Many of the rooms are bare but for water vessels. One room, about 40 by 700 feet, was probably the main dining hall, for cooking utensils are found here. What these people lived on is a problem, though it is presumed that they came south in the winter and farmed in the valleys, going back north in the summer.

Upwards of 50,000 people could have lived in the caverns comfortably. One theory is that the present Indian tribes found in Arizona are descendants of the serfs or slaves of the people which inhabited the cave. Undoubtedly a good many thousands of years before the Christian era, a people lived here which reached a high stage of civilization. The chronology of human history is full of gaps. Professor Jordan is much enthused over the discoveries and believes that the find will prove of incalculable value in archeological work.

"One thing I have not spoken of, may be of interest. There is one chamber of the passageway to which is not ventilated, and when we approached it a deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our light would not penetrate the gloom, and until stronger ones are available we will not know what the chamber contains. Some say snakes, but other boo-hoo this idea and think it may contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients. No sounds are heard, but it smells snaky just the same. The whole underground installation gives one of shaky nerves the creeps. The gloom is like a weight on one's shoulders, and our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker. Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly daydreams back through the ages that have elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in space."

An Indian Legend

In connection with this story, it is notable that among the Hopi Indians the tradition is told that their ancestors once lived in an underworld in the Grand Canyon till dissension arose between the good and the bad, the people of one heart and the people of two hearts. Machetto, who was their chief, counseled them to leave the underworld, but there was no way out. The chief then caused a tree to grow up and pierce the roof of the underworld, and then the people of one heart climbed out. They tarried by Paisisvai (Red River), which is the Colorado, and grew grain and corn.

They sent out a message to the Temple of the Sun, asking the blessing of peace, good will and rain for people of one heart. That messenger never returned, but today at the Hopi villages at sundown can be seen the old men of the tribe out on the housetops gazing toward the sun, looking for the messenger. When he returns, their lands and ancient dwelling place will be restored to them. That is the tradition.

Among the engravings of animals in the cave is seen the image of a heart over the spot where it is located. The legend was learned by W.E. Rollins, the artist, during a year spent with the Hopi Indians.

There are two theories of the origin of the Egyptians. One is that they came from Asia; another that the racial cradle was in the upper Nile region. Heeren, an Egyptologist, believed in the Indian origin of the Egyptians. The discoveries in the Grand Canyon may throw further light on human evolution and prehistoric ages.


WOW! hahaha, how did this happen i just asked about the symbols on the stone tablets and was wondering if a few of them could maybe be spanish treasure symbols and for some reason this post has gone from "Stone tablet symbols?" to "The Knights Templar and there many voyages in history" hahahahahaaa! what happend?


Did anyone do any research on the fellows who wrote the article ?
or even look for the original articles they wrote?
The trail cannot be totally erased.


part of that legend may be true look at the codex of the seven caves , one of the tribes has a snake on their headdress the same as those of the ancient Egyptians . this tells me true or not this legend can not be dismist with do cause ...if i am right , and the sevens caves were there as early as the 1200's , then it is possable they did have conections to ancient Egyptians ... my research takes me in another dirrection but if i recover any evidecne in that dirrection i will try to post it ...

The fact that the article was brought forth by David Hatcher Childress gave me reason to pause from further research.

you do know there is a nother mine that dose have gold in quartz much the same as the LDM . is the 16 to 1 mine .....


I am of the school that your research is just that, yours. You know how deep you went,
You know what you researched and what you didn't.
If I do the research and arrive at the same conclusion there will be no doubt in my mind.
The information is cool enough that after reseach I may ignore the statute and go look for myself anyway. then I can prove above all that yes or no there is or isn't a cover up.

Mr Childress is very good at what he does but I am sure he would agree with me when I say it is because of my own doubts that I must research before I take even his word as gospel.

this forum teaches us all to do the research first
to eliminate doubt.
Until then
I must doubt all.
But it is a good story,
and yes, I'll look into it.
Thanks for sharing


Serious researchers of the 1909 Kinkaid expedition (Jack Andrews, et al) are concentrating on the east wall of lower Marble Canyon. Unfortunately, the top of the canyon's wall is on the Navajo Reservation, which complicates access from the top. Andrews has closed down his webpage, but here is a link showing the terrain there.

MOtreasurehunter said:
WOW! hahaha, how did this happen i just asked about the symbols on the stone tablets and was wondering if a few of them could maybe be Spanish treasure symbols and for some reason this post has gone from "Stone tablet symbols?" to "The Knights Templar and there many voyages in history" hahahahahaaa! what happend?


It was the voyages of the Templars that brought us the timeless preserved Middle Eastern/Oriental geometry you see on the tablets and maps. Ever wonder why none of the paper maps make sense? They would start with a piece of "blank" map paper stock and cut it into pieces at right angles most repetitive in nature, overlap them onto each other into a familiar animal shape unique to the mines location, and then draw a scale map of the landforms surrounding the mine upon the puzzle. Then they took the animal apart and reassembled the page pieces back into a square stock page leaving what would appear to be a page of childlike scribbles of nonsense; a little more touching up in the right places produced a square paged map to hell and back if you didn't know the simple Masonic secret to unlock this timeless dot to dot origami puzzle. Charcoal trace over the tablets and your ready to go with this ancient preserved record. To make it that much more interesting, they drew 8 map combinations into 1. Thats just for starters; people forget these boys designed, quarried and built the cathedrals of Europe, and that this map thing was just a common game of child's play to them. Dark ages?

Twisted Fork said:
It was the voyages of the Templars that brought us the timeless preserved Middle Eastern/Oriental geometry you see on the tablets and maps. Ever wonder why none of the paper maps make sense? They would start with a piece of "blank" map paper stock and cut it into pieces at right angles most repetitive in nature, overlap them onto each other into a familiar animal shape unique to the mines location, and then draw a scale map of the landforms surrounding the mine upon the puzzle. Then they took the animal apart and reassembled the page pieces back into a square stock page leaving what would appear to be a page of childlike scribbles of nonsense ; a little more touching up in the right places produced a square paged map to hell and back if you didn't know the simple Masonic secret to unlock this timeless dot to dot origami puzzle. Charcoal trace over the tablets and your ready to go with this ancient preserved record. To make it that much more interesting, they drew 8 map combinations into 1. Thats just for starters; people forget these boys designed, quarried and built the cathedrals of Europe, and that this map thing was just a common game of child's play to them. Dark ages?

Ever see something like this?


  • Map Cave 2.webp
    Map Cave 2.webp
    54 KB · Views: 710
Would it surprise you if I said I had a copy of that same map?

Wish your photo was more complete,
try back lighting next time.
You missed some.


Why , I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Same system, different author; like comparing the hand writing of two different people. A way of working it is to separate the character styles into groups according to their size. Then separate the squiggles from the pictures. Read the pictures roaming counterclockwise at right angles from bottom to top, in order to define the region referenced in a picture story, bringing you in close enough to the location where the canyons, trails, and tributaries match up aerial outlines. Looks like a sequential master map of various sites in one frame. A process of map character elimination, singles out the parts, following from one site to the next in a chain; this breaks down the picture as you go along the treasure trail. Notice the Mason's I.D. square at the upper left for scale math figures and reading rotations.

Old Dog said:
Would it surprise you if I said I had a copy of that same map?

Wish your photo was more complete,
try back lighting next time.
You missed some.


Nothing surprises me anymore Dog. I'd be interested in your knowledge/ideas of these carvings. Here's the other half (east) of the main panel. These are old scans from photos I took about 25 years ago and you're right, they need to be updated with some better digital pics.

Yes, Twisted, many have tried to match the carvings to aerials and quad sheets.


  • Map Cave 1.webp
    Map Cave 1.webp
    46.8 KB · Views: 666

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