Stone Maps Solar / Lunar Symbols

WTF dude... you forgot Rudolph! :BangHead:


If you look at the Royal Reindeer you'll notice it's looking
at a sun seven with a dot or door symbol above. Many other
stacked symbols are in the area once you line up the main large
symbols other come into play like a rabbit, bell.
That's the Infinity of the Stone Maps they cover all seen.
Daaayyyummmm... that's exactly what I was thinking! :notworthy:

This came close but instead of the long arm pointing to camp, its the arrow formed by the 7 that's pointing directly to the entrance to what I call my camp.
The arrow is the entrance from the NARROW Canyon. The circle my camp.
Still, down canyon there may be another camp site to find.

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The knife handle points directly to the hidden valley (green circle). See the above pictures. I think that it may have been a protected camp.
The green arrow points to the Sun Wheel.

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Peralta Stone Map Priest Map decoded using Gematria, Anagrams, a compass, and two languages.

Using a compass and Gemtaria I uncovered a riddle about the wheel symbol which finally yielded the answer "It is a Bowl" the sacred bowl of Free Masons called the 'Golden Bowl" which simply means a Human Skull. The Human Skull was used in all free mason rituals as a cup for drinking wine.

From the Peralta Stones using a compass, bible gematria, and anagrams of two langauges.

Do you have the Life Magazine article that, I think, first introduced the stones to the general public?

I just thought I would Start a new thread where I can consolidate the Solar Lunar signs found with the help of the Stone Maps coded system.

Superstition Peralta Road
View attachment 1137369
Horse, Arrows, and Goose or Duck upper right zoom in for symbol
A Water and Directional Symbol same as in the range below only smaller

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Catalina Mountains, Tucson, Goose or Duck Symbol

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Catalina Mountain Range Tucson Bird in Flight
Change Direction into this canyon and go up, Elevate

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Mid Afternoon Shadow Symbols
and Directional Arrows.
All Shadow Symbols Appear at early morning,
Mid Morning, Solar Noon,
Early Afternoon, and
Late Afternoon

Most Sun Symbols happen at day break,
noon, not solar noon,
and again
at Dusk
Sun Reflection Symbols are the
Hardest Ones to see

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Symbols in Metamorphosis
Mid Morning Shadow Glyph
"Only Lone Fish"
Contains a Face looking at an
Arrow, some sort of blessing Priest or Witch,
and a in flight laying down bird at the top.

"This direction to blessed safe water, Campsite,
Protection and abundant Food"

I'll stick more up as I get them ready.

Enjoy, Thanks for looking.

heres another giant bird shadow.View attachment 1148418

heres another giant bird shadow.View attachment 1148418

Very Nice you see what I do that is refreshing! I see a sombrero or Hat symbol and eye catchers
with many pointers this must be near a superior campsite! You can even see the eyes and feathers of the Bird!

Not Google Earth I hope?

Tell me this is a photo taken from a mountain top please.

But this is how the they did it.

Do you mind me asking the time of day and year that was taken?

Very Nice you see what I do that is refreshing! I see a sombrero or Hat symbol and eye catchers
with many pointers this must be near a superior campsite! You can even see the eyes and feathers of the Bird!

Not Google Earth I hope?

Tell me this is a photo taken from a mountain top please.

But this is how the they did it.

Do you mind me asking the time of day and year that was taken?

Its a photo Bill,taken from a east west trail. Taken in August, taken in the afternoon, iam guessing about 3-4 pm.
Another giant size sign to go along with yours. I read your post and watch your videos,and enjoy them. Thanks for the info. on the photo. I havent been up there yet,but looking forward to getting up in there to look around. Thanks

Do you have the Life Magazine article that, I think, first introduced the stones to the general public?


The riddle I solved with these gematria numeral's has three phrases.

'I tie Him'
'The Beating'
'It is a Bowl'

The first two are spells to ward off any would be solvers of the riddle.

"I tie or bind him that who ever finds this phrase will be cursed with the ropes times three."

" The Beating will be severe for those that dare defy those who solve this riddle so be it may your heart will surely stop beating".

The last is the answer to the riddle: "What does the compass represent"?

It is a Bowl.

"The Golden Skull is the key to all gold mines hidden."

But the Ritual of the Skull is sacred a symbol of the death bestowed on anyone that dares to find it.

You must us the compass to find the entrance.

The keys lie with the Master pointing to the Warlocks Skull.

Kind a cool there hey?


The riddle I solved with these gematria numeral's has three phrases.

'I tie Him'
'The Beating'
'It is a Bowl'

The first two are spells to ward off any would be solvers of the riddle.

"I tie or bind him that who ever finds this phrase will be cursed with the ropes times three."

" The Beating will be severe for those that dare defy those who solve this riddle so be it may your heart will surely stop beating".

The last is the answer to the riddle: "What does the compass represent"?

It is a Bowl.

"The Golden Skull is the key to all gold mines hidden."

But the Ritual of the Skull is sacred a symbol of the death bestowed on anyone that dares to find it.

You must us the compass to find the entrance.

The keys lie with the Master pointing to the Warlocks Skull.

Kind a cool there hey?

Yes, very.

Bill, IF there was a mining operation in the Superstitions prior to 1847,48, who, in your opinion, would have done the physical work?

Mexico first banned slavery with the Sentimentos de La Nacion (1813) then formally in 1820 with the Plan of Iguala. So, who do you believe would have provided the labor?

This is the exciting part of Superstition history. Once proof of a mining operation is established, Spanish or Mexican, the next question will be... who did the digging?

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Yes, very.

Bill, IF there was a mining operation in the Superstitions prior to 1847,48, who, in your opinion, would have done the physical work?

Mexico first banned slavery with the Sentimentos de La Nacion (1813) then formally in 1820 with the Plan of Iguala. So, who do you believe would have provided the labor?

This is the exciting part of Superstition history. Once proof of a mining operation is established, Spanish or Mexican, the next question will be... who did the digging?

It was only the guys that were in the contingent of the mining discovery. I believe that since they only worked the gold mines seasonally that the group of miners and the Witch or Wizards that hid the mines were multi-generational. As one of their brethren would die or pass along the next mason would take the task at hand and continue the work of hiding the mine with a confusion of
rock work and landscaping.

They did this also while prospecting it was the way of De Re Metallica landscape trenching following seams for gold.

Peralta Trailhead from a distance

Side by side comparisons of the shadow symbols on the Peralta Trailhead. Notice a Priest looking at the large Church Bell on the left and the smaller one on the right under the Birds foot. One is Mission probably towards Gold Field and the other a Vista towards the Burns Ranch area.

Notice the arrows point to the side of the Rock Mountain in the background.
Notice the upside down and angled Roman Numeral "V" as in Chuck Kenworthy's Royal verification symbol of King Charles the Fifth.

Five Leagues possibly? Or the five holes on the Horse Map!

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Another way of drawing craving mountains to look like animals?

And I thought Borglum had the edge on this form of art. Who knew?

I was curious.

I often thought some of the things I see when I gaze at a mountain looked familiar and were not the result of heat exhaustion. Wow was I wrong!

And I always suspected the Knights Templers and the Jesuits might have been a bunch of chiseler's.....but they took the meaning of moving a mountain to a whole new level.

Speaking of chisel's where are the chisel marks?? There must be chisel marks left on some of these so called "machines" and on the clefts of the cravings.

As well there must be piles of tailings or alluvial fans near these anomalies from all the carving, I mean look the debris pile at Mount Rushmore that is still there.

Bob are you saying there is no physical evidence these are man made. That nature just happened to place all these sites in exactly the right location. Or perhaps there are those who see things in these areas and then fit then into their theories. Now I can picture someone in the past locating a deposit. Then there happens to be a natural feature nearby that stands out using that on a map. Of course there are a lot of formations that look like something. Just like floating in the pool looking at clouds. That is when there are some to look at.

Bob are you saying there is no physical evidence these are man made. That nature just happened to place all these sites in exactly the right location. Or perhaps there are those who see things in these areas and then fit then into their theories. Now I can picture someone in the past locating a deposit. Then there happens to be a natural feature nearby that stands out using that on a map. Of course there are a lot of formations that look like something. Just like floating in the pool looking at clouds. That is when there are some to look at.


I have always suspected that many of the LDM maps were reverse engineered by people very, very familiar with the range.
The Stone Maps would fit into that theory quite well.:dontknow:

Take care,


Bob are you saying there is no physical evidence these are man made. That nature just happened to place all these sites in exactly the right location. Or perhaps there are those who see things in these areas and then fit then into their theories. Now I can picture someone in the past locating a deposit. Then there happens to be a natural feature nearby that stands out using that on a map. Of course there are a lot of formations that look like something. Just like floating in the pool looking at clouds. That is when there are some to look at.

I guess you could say that is what I am saying. Having been in the both the placer and hard rock mining business for years I know that if you take something off of something then you have to do something with the something that you took off. So if you landscape the side of a mountain in order that your next generation can see a Duck or a Flying Squirrel that points them in a certain direction there has to be some waste material. And what about the lack of chisel marks.

I agree there are a lot of formations that look like something. Near Sedona AZ you can see Snoopy Rock, maybe the Templers craved this as well and Charles Schultz plagiarized them when he made his cartoon strip. Who knew.


You're right on a few levels. It's just not shadow it's also rock, plant, light and contrast.

One or two images made from shadow can be attributed to a natural feature or a simulacra.

When you have many images in many mountain ranges unless god has a strong sense of humor we have a pattern of images. Points in question the Dragoon Mountain Range, Santa Catalina Mountains, Superstition Mountains all have similar types of abstract images the most common one being a horse or an arrow pointer. I have a collection of chisels and pieces of such from some of these sites. I have a camera that has about the same power they had back when this stuff was made in their telescopes for my pix. In order to be a free mason one wasn't required to be a monk only dedicated to the order. There is a shadow heart that forms in the Santa Catalina Mountain Range up on top roger peak and you can clearly see the rubble piles of the masons around the abstract shadow images and the rock carved faces, hearts, etc. on the face of the range.

Shadows were just part of their system rock, angle, light, contrast, static compilation of one image on top another I have some examples of those I can post later.
Stacked Images and symbols are common in this system. It helps hide the messages and highways to only those that read it. It's not that complicated really it's still a pain to figure out some of these old symbols or stacked signs! I just recently found some drill holes near were the Peralta Stone were found. A rock out crop was chiseled into the faces and shadows required for trail heads or in this case Bronze Crosses.

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Another way of drawing craving mountains to look like animals?

And I thought Borglum had the edge on this form of art. Who knew?

I was curious.

I often thought some of the things I see when I gaze at a mountain looked familiar and were not the result of heat exhaustion. Wow was I wrong!

And I always suspected the Knights Templers and the Jesuits might have been a bunch of chiseler's.....but they took the meaning of moving a mountain to a whole new level.

Speaking of chisel's where are the chisel marks?? There must be chisel marks left on some of these so called "machines" and on the clefts of the cravings.

As well there must be piles of tailings or alluvial fans near these anomalies from all the carving, I mean look the debris pile at Mount Rushmore that is still there.

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I recall when joining the Masons their requirement that I chisel a mountain in the Superstitions. Only took 20 years. I was lucky. They gave me a small hill.

As far as certain rocks being machines that share their secrets at certain times of day, week or year. They would be useless unless they could self adjust themselves to account for cloud cover, falling leaves, creatures building nest in alcoves, growing vegetation, dust storms, the wobble of the earth on it's axis in relationship as to where the sun is. As an example of dust accumulation, estimates vary, but the USGS says at least 1,000 million grams, or roughly 1,000 tons of material enters the atmosphere every year and makes its way to Earths surface. Plus any information to tell someone when and where to look would have to be recorded some where, other wise all that work would before naught.


De re metallica (Latin for On the Nature of Metals (Minerals)) is not Roman. It is a book cataloguing the state of the art of mining, refining, and smelting metals, published a year posthumously in 1556 due to a delay in preparing woodcuts for the text. The Author Georg Baue 24 March 1494 – 21 November 1555 was a German Catholic, scholar and scientist. Known as "the father of mineralogy", he was born at Glauchau in Saxony, whose pen name was the Latinized Georgius Agricola. The book remained the authoritative text on mining for 180 years after its publication. It was also an important chemistry text for the period and is significant in the history of chemistry.

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Only Sunny clear days for the shadow and sun, rock and contrast could be viewed anytime. Some were even made to be followed during the rainy season in case they got to their destinations late. If you make something like a road sign somewhere why would it need to be recorded? These were never intended to be anything other than exploration signage for camps and mining. They cared not for Archeological of other cultures no need for recording. The system was recorded as I learned parts from a Ship Wreck Hunter in Florida whom had found documents about the system. That door closed when the Indies Archives were sealed from all treasure hunters and ship wreck hunters.

De Re was a compilation of mining techniques handed down from the Romans, Greeks, you name it.

I have the book I'll see where I read it in there. Never mind, I'll have to look online I just boxed up my entire library of books we're in the middle of a move. It was all pretty much the same mass trenching and following of quartz veins.

As far as certain rocks being machines that share their secrets at certain times of day, week or year. They would be useless unless they could self adjust themselves to account for cloud cover, falling leaves, creatures building nest in alcoves, growing vegetation, dust storms, the wobble of the earth on it's axis in relationship as to where the sun is. As an example of dust accumulation, estimates vary, but the USGS says at least 1,000 million grams, or roughly 1,000 tons of material enters the atmosphere every year and makes its way to Earths surface. Plus any information to tell someone when and where to look would have to be recorded some where, other wise all that work would before naught.


De re metallica (Latin for On the Nature of Metals (Minerals)) is not Roman. It is a book cataloguing the state of the art of mining, refining, and smelting metals, published a year posthumously in 1556 due to a delay in preparing woodcuts for the text. The Author Georg Baue 24 March 1494 – 21 November 1555 was a German Catholic, scholar and scientist. Known as "the father of mineralogy", he was born at Glauchau in Saxony, whose pen name was the Latinized Georgius Agricola. The book remained the authoritative text on mining for 180 years after its publication. It was also an important chemistry text for the period and is significant in the history of chemistry.

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