Stone Maps Solar / Lunar Symbols

Ryan, During the era of Conquering indigenous populations the lands were all mined for Gold. The most precious metal that would put you close to God in the afterlife. Donate it all to the Vatican and you buy your way closer to him.

While this happened they erected bill boards on mountains for giant signs so they could navigate through hostile territories and find precious water for drinking. We see billboards everyday along our highways just as they saw and used their billboards for direction.

Think of it as a not so convenient store or a of the path Truck Stop.

They had no other technology or raw materials but the mountains themselves.

It was a very different time and very different mindset.

It's hard for us to fathom in todays world.

There is so few who can see this. I like it when it snows as they stand out really good then. I may have to go take some pictures to add to this post.

I would think it more likely that someone observed a shadow/shape at a certain date/time and used it as a natural marker hidden in plain sight.

Your right RW!

Metamorphosis was a slow moving movie. So slow we can't see it unless you have immense patience and a lot of time on your hands which those guys did. I use lapsed time photo's for finding the symbols.

I never knew this was the case until I came across a symbol on a rock that baffled me. It was telling me there was a numeral "75" some where in the direction of the pointer. It took me two years of photographs and almost living on the site every week end to finally see what it was the marker was telling me.

It happened one afternoon while studying the site. Even then I saw something but did not know what it was.

So I snapped numerous shots of the thing I saw and after settling down to search the photo's I saw what it was the symbol "75" was telling me.

At the right time of day solar "noon" for about fifteen minutes a window of light would illuminate. Inside this window was as clear as day the number "75". It took me two years to "See it" and only then on a computer with a photo.

It's a hard system to fathom much less see. That's why until the invention of the camera these symbols were only for the trained elite and no one else.

Since they are simply shadows we tend to discount or overlook them as being just another shadow.

This was their pencil.

Bill - just a quick comment if you don't mind, I understand the humor in your signature disclaimer but might you consider reducing the length of it or getting rid of it altogether for something else?

Not that I don't find it amusing because I do, but the length of it is taking away from my following threads that you post in. Sometimes your posts are actually shorter than your "signature disclaimer" and the size of it just increases the amount of scrolling one has to do to get to follow-up posts and also lengthens the whole thread into unnecessary pages.

Again, in the grand scheme of things it's not that big a deal but wanted to throw it out there for you to consider.



Paul, that disclaimer is the only thing that is keeping RG1976 from debunking Bill's shadow theory. I would really like to see that video as he catches Bill without the shades, revealing his groundhog eyes.:laughing7:


Lol @ homar That was good

I thought about this more - and given the nature and stories of how brutal the apaches and other natives were to the spanish and others - for trying to take gold from "their" mountains - I don't imagine they would think amiably of the Freemasons defacing their mountains.

Bill, I enjoyed your video. Gotta love the beauty of the place. Thanks for sharing.

I have to admit I am skeptical. I'm willing to listen, but skeptical.

I do have a couple of questions if you would be kind enough to indulge.

Are you talking solely about Masons creating these sculptures. Which Masons? Templars? Spanish Masons? Colonial British/American Masons? What time period?

Are you also attributing some sculptures to Jesuits and/or Franciscans?

Are they Masonic treasures or Jesuit treasures? Together or separate sets of treasure?


Bill - just a quick comment if you don't mind, I understand the humor in your signature disclaimer but might you consider reducing the length of it or getting rid of it altogether for something else?

Not that I don't find it amusing because I do, but the length of it is taking away from my following threads that you post in. Sometimes your posts are actually shorter than your "signature disclaimer" and the size of it just increases the amount of scrolling one has to do to get to follow-up posts and also lengthens the whole thread into unnecessary pages.

Again, in the grand scheme of things it's not that big a deal but wanted to throw it out there for you to consider.



I was thinking the same thing it's done.

Paul, that disclaimer is the only thing that is keeping RG1976 from debunking Bill's shadow theory. I would really like to see that video as he catches Bill without the shades, revealing his groundhog eyes.:laughing7:


Now that's not a nice thing to say "Ground Hog Eyes"!

That borders on breaking the rules there Cubby Cheeks!

I wear shades because of the dark spots on my chubby cheeks from to much hunting in the sun.

Also I'm legally and totally blind with squinty little beady eyes, damn I guess I do resemble a GroundHog!

The statement above is a joke please don't take it as Gospel.

Since your attention span is so small I shortened the disclaimer so you can now read it in less then two hours.

Lol @ homar That was good

I thought about this more - and given the nature and stories of how brutal the apaches and other natives were to the spanish and others - for trying to take gold from "their" mountains - I don't imagine they would think amiably of the Freemasons defacing their mountains.

In the beginning there was no Apache only Aztec's.

Apache's came along later because of the Slavery and Mining as the tribe that rebelled against the horrid Spanish Slave Masters as runaway slaves.

The Masons were the Spanish and the Mines were the trenches. Each line of trenching was a campsite that you lived in so no traveling to your job everyday just wake up and dig!

Indian Slavery in the Americas | The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

Bill, I enjoyed your video. Gotta love the beauty of the place. Thanks for sharing.

I have to admit I am skeptical. I'm willing to listen, but skeptical.

I do have a couple of questions if you would be kind enough to indulge.

Are you talking solely about Masons creating these sculptures. Which Masons? Templars? Spanish Masons? Colonial British/American Masons? What time period?

Are you also attributing some sculptures to Jesuits and/or Franciscans?

Are they Masonic treasures or Jesuit treasures? Together or separate sets of treasure?


These Jesuit Warlock's were 33rd degree Mason's so they utilized all forms of the lower levels of Free Masonry, Witch Craft, Alchemy, Celtic / Druid Witch Craft and so on.

The Jesuit expulsion was a result of the Cloak and Hat riots in Spain and around Europe where by the Jesuit Warlock's claimed they had secret knowledge of numerous Gold Vaults and Mines all over the world.

I believe this may have been what started it, I may be wrong, but, the Jesuit's were secretly coming here under the disguise of the King's Walkers for opening and secreting the Gold Mines of the Kings Hacienda's.

So to answer your question the Treasures belonged to the King and the Jesuit's claimed them as their own for the Vatican.

If this is true than the they may have been tied to the Knights Templar as that was also a sanctioned army of the Vatican.

So it may be Knights Templar Treasures stolen from the Kings.

Now that's not a nice thing to say "Ground Hog Eyes"!

That borders on breaking the rules there Cubby Cheeks!

I wear shades because of the dark spots on my chubby cheeks from to much hunting in the sun.

Also I'm legally and totally blind with squinty little beady eyes, damn I guess I do resemble a GroundHog!

The statement above is a joke please don't take it as Gospel.

Since your attention span is so small I shortened the disclaimer so you can now read it in less then two hours.

Howdy Bill,

Just teasing, meant no harm, I hope all the ground hogs will forgive me.:laughing7: My right "Chubby" cheek is due to a battle scar. Even though I was the fastest runner in my age group while in school, I don't run from danger. I was in a knife fight with two men, and I was the only one without a knife.:BangHead:


For the life of me I can not make the connections you allude to here.

Jesuits and Templars no doubt had allegiance to the Vatican.

Free Masons never had a pledged allegiance to the Vatican. That's the main source of them being scorned by the Vatican yet unto this day. Notice I said to the Vatican……..didn’t say they didn’t have a pledged allegiance to God. Those are two different things, entirely. But; I don’t want to tread to deeply in religion/faith issues.

Jesuit Free Masons would be a strange alliance indeed. And; 33 degree ones would be very hard, if not impossible to find.

If as you suggest, the “Jesuit Warlocks were 33 Deg. Masons”, and they sculpted mountains they would have had to have:
A. Been Operative Masons, skilled in stone work as well as speculative masons initiated in the work of the free masonry and be trained clerics, if not ordained Priest.
B. Secretly accepted obligations to keep secret those things revealed to them in the craft. Which is the big no-no to the Vatican.
C. They would have been busy indeed to have completed the mountain sculpting by 1767 when they were expelled from New Spain.

Even if they suspected they would be expelled I don’t think they had more than 1 or 2 years at most to prepare. Most accounts say they were totally caught off guard by the decree.

The Scottish Rite (higher degrees of Masonic work) didn’t begin to come into existence until around 1763 and didn’t spread to the Americas, especially the Spanish based America’s until around 1801. Highest degrees would have been 25th deg. in the mid 1700’s and that would have been rare. Simon Bolivar is credited with establishing the masonic rites in the Spanish Colonial territory. He was initialed in 1803 at Cadiz, Spain and was recognized as a 33 deg. Mason in 1824.

So, where and when did these Jesuits get their masonic degrees? How many initiates were there? Even if there was 1 skilled Jesuit Mason who oversaw 40 workers over 20 square miles of territory how long would the work take? Certainly longer than a year or two. The numbers, the connections and the time frames just doesn’t work for me. Is it possible a different group performed the work?

I know it’s in vogue to blame the Masons for all manner of things, but I just can’t place them in this scenario. Perhaps I misunderstand what you are trying to convey. That’s a possibility.

I'm a Masonic Past Master of the second oldest lodge this side of the Allegheny Mountains. As a group the Masonic fraternity has zero interest in the Superstition Mountains. Even less interest in the Jesuit Order. Like mixing water and oil. Perhaps I'm a exception. I have a interest in Jesuit gold. But don't we all!
I have a Jesuit map of mine and cache locations in the Superstitions that a old Spanish Priest passed on to a friend. Only my true friends will see this map. I have found gold with the Tesora map. I suspect the Jesuit map leads to something much bigger

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I'm a Masonic Past Master of the second oldest lodge this side of the Allegheny Mountains. As a group the Masonic fraternity has zero interest in the Superstition Mountains. Even less interest in the Jesuit Order. Like mixing water and oil. Perhaps I'm a exception. I have a interest in Jesuit gold. But don't we all!
I have a Jesuit map of mine and cache locations in the Superstitions that a old Spanish Priest passed on to a friend. Only my true friends will see this map. I have found gold with the Tesora map. I suspect the Jesuit map leads to something much bigger


I sometimes wonder why a true understanding of Masonic history isn't a prerequisite for membership into these lodges. The Order of Jesuits and Freemasonry are tied to the hip in history. But as a Past Master, you must know this.

"I have found gold with the Tesora map. I suspect the Jesuit map leads to something much bigger."

Out of respect for you, I watched the episode that you suggest. It's clear that you found some gold but it's also clear that you didn't need a map to do so. And with all do respect, your professed ability to read treasure maps, more specifically the symbols used is, to be kind, unimpressive.

You made quite a few declarations that didn't quite pan out.

"True Friends". You have use this disclaimer several times now. :icon_scratch:


Denver Register May 11, 1952
Denver Register February 24, 1957

Starting at the top of the pyramid....

“From the Jesuit College of Ingolstadt is said to have issued the sect known as ‘the Illuminati of Bavaria’ founded by Adam Weishaupt. Its nominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate though conspicuous role in the organization of this sect.”
[Occult Theocracy, Lady Queenborough, originally published in 1933]

“The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. There chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: POWER. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses....

“The general of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may. Their society is by nature dictatorial, and therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority. Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general.”

[Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, 1968, reprinted from the 1886 edition, quoting Memorial Of The Captivity Of Napolean At St. Helena, General Montholon]

“Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers, and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on Earth and in Hell it is this Society of Loyola’s.”

John Adams to President Jefferson


“I will repeat to you what I said at Urbana, when for the first time you told me your fears lest I would be assassinated by the Jesuits: Man must not care where and when he will die, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty. But I may add, today, that I have a presentiment that God will call me to Him through the hand of an assassin. Let His will, and not mine, be done! The Pope and the Jesuits, with their infernal Inquisition, are the only organized powers in the world which have recourse to the dagger of the assassin to murder those whom they cannot convince with their arguments or conquer with the sword.... It seems to me that the Lord wants today, as He wanted in the days of Moses, another victim.... I cannot conceal from you that my impression is that I am that victim.

So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by Jesuits. But can we expect that God will make a perpetual miracle to save my life? I believe not. The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood, that Henry IV said that it was impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, though he did all that could be done to protect himself. My escape from their hands, since the letter of the Pope to Jeff Davis has sharpened a million daggers to pierce my breast, would be more than a miracle.”

[Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome, Charles Chiniquy, 1958, originally published in 1886]

I am hesitant to post the questionable Jesuit Oath of Indoctrination because of the controversy attached to it. For those who are unfamiliar, read this version and come to your own conclusions:

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I was just looking at the Jesuit locator map. It shows 2 trails and three hearts. But in this case the rivers are named. Now that is cool. It also shows what the drilled holes in the stone maps represent. It's clear there is a second trail going to a second heart area. Wonder if there is a second set of stones near that location. Source of this map is the same. The trails start south of the Gila and work their way north. Ha! The east trail is the Peralta Tesora map with the waterfall trail. The 4's are a cross with a slant line.
Mike I think you will find the locator map very interesting.

Hal put your balloon away. The Jesuit maps were not drawn with a arial view. Unless the Jesuits had a satalite one look at this set and it's clear

Hal put your balloon away. The Jesuit maps were not drawn with a arial view. Unless the Jesuits had a satalite one look at this set and it's clear

Wow, Jesuit stone maps?
That's a frequent and obvious newbie mistake. Been there myself until I did the research. I am hoping that you can prove it but, my faith in your 100% credible sources and research is quickly waning : (

I will make a bet with you.
I'll bet the title to your new claim (ownership) that your ability to ever find the Dutchman's Lost Mine and proving that it is indeed the DLM, using your current interpretation of the stone maps is well, ZERO.
If I am wrong, you keep the claim and the title of FINDER OF THE LOST DUCTHMAN'S Mine and I eat humble pie for the rest of my life. I might even consider a FRANK WAS RIGHT tattoo on my backside.

If you are wrong, you transfer your claim and any of the gold that you took out to me or, place it in trust for some charitable Native American organization. Apache, Pima, your call.
I will even let you set the time constraints. What do you need a month, six months, a year?
I am flexible.

To the best of my knowledge Odd Halseth was NOT a Jesuit.
But he was a DON.

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Ciao Franchesco!

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