Stone Maps Solar / Lunar Symbols

I guess I'll start simple. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and just assume others can see the shadows. This is where most get lost and say "Poppycock"!

Walkers are cast in shadow everywhere in bed rock outcrops. They're range from small too as large as a mountain.

The Walkers were the Free Mason's.

Just to the center left of this Photo you'll see some long upright shadows appearing in a bedrock outcrop. Zoom in and look closely.

Knowing the sacred times and angles of view is everything to the Masons.

The "Walkers" were very important not only for traveling to and from campsites or Gold mines, but, Treasures also. Here's an example of two Walkers one standing (A "Stander") instructing and watching the "Walker"! All in shadow of course! The main 'Walker" is looking up at the numeral "4" with a flourish or "Pull Sign". (Chuck Kenworthy) There is also a shadow "Dagger" on the left side (His Right) of the Walking "Walker".

These "Walkers" are what you might consider as "Treasure Walkers". They give instructions for locating a Treasure Room and Storage Vault. 4 "Vara" away and dig.

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Welcome to the forum Kim. Oklahoma is OK in my book. Many Treasure signs there!

(Since the last post I made does not hold the interest of enough people or it's just too advanced for most I pulled the pictures. I take Treasure Hunting very seriously and don't like wasting my time. I thought it might be of help to some out there. I was wrong. Thanks to those that did like some of it just not enough interest for me to go through all the trouble. I feel I'm just posting for nothing).

It was fun while it lasted!

Have a great day!

C'mon Bill, Your pictures are of interest and help us,(me), to see things through someone else's eyes and keep me from being as narrow minded as I once was. To date, I can't think of one picture you posted to date that I have NOT liked and your videos are great as well.

That's interesting , I have seen a pair of shadow stick legs, separated from a shadow man body that was part of number 4 cut in a cliff side. And yeah there is or was something about 4 varas aways, and it was pretty much marked to dig under the backside of an owl silhouette if you read signs alot.. A few other things on the panel, including ORO in 4 foot letters, but a long ways down in a canyon though, be a while till I make it back there. There was another marker there as well saying to go another direction, the direction in which I have something maybe a little better that has a better chance of still being there. I guess you never know for sure till you try it.

No pictures of the other one I can show, but here is one that kinda looks like a shadow turtle man running. The boulder it's on looks familiar as well. Kind of like a gator. Doubt I 'll ever get back to it so might as well show it. Shadow turtle running on alligator rock.webp

Well, in the place with the picture I just posted, the boulder is just barely sitting there, on top of bedrock on a slope. Something is out of whack there. I am probably standing on about the given dig spot. If you were to dig, I'm sure alot of things will be running if you don't wedge in that boulder.. I mainly have been sign reading to get close or for possible traps. But not sure you can ever really tell the difference anymore. Every place you encounter could be different. I wouldn't fully trust any signs that indicate dig. Everyone is always looking for that one sign that confirms it. It may very well be at one old site, but its also used as a decoy at another where it was already found.

That's a Crocodile to be exact a symbol of the East and usually located near a treasure or mine site. What it's saying is go east down hill to the next sign which may be a small part of these combined signs.

No pictures of the other one I can show, but here is one that kinda looks like a shadow turtle man running. The boulder it's on looks familiar as well. Kind of like a gator. Doubt I 'll ever get back to it so might as well show it.View attachment 1220453

What is truly interesting is the use of black patina on bedrock. Like shadows the black patina on rock can and is used for the construction of "Walkers" along Treasure trails. They get crowded around any special sites that have a Warlock nearby as he needs them for "Spell Binding" the landscape and to ensure the deathtraps are evil enough. I believe some of these walkers sacrificed their lives in order to be Martyred as a shadow Knight Protecting the King's Golden Grail. The Shadow "Walkers" represent the souls of the people used in the Black Magic rituals. I hope to one day open one of these vaults and take the Book of Shadows and the dark / light power it possesses. Don't need any gold then.

When you see a walker with a hunch back or Turtle like shell and a strange knob or handle sticking up from it's shoulder, it is in reality a Sword and Shield on their back. FYI

No pictures of the other one I can show, but here is one that kinda looks like a shadow turtle man running. The boulder it's on looks familiar as well. Kind of like a gator. Doubt I 'll ever get back to it so might as well show it.View attachment 1220453

I guess I'll start simple. Sometimes I get ahead of myself and just assume others can see the shadows. This is where most get lost and say "Poppycock"!

Walkers are cast in shadow everywhere in bed rock outcrops. They're range from small too as large as a mountain.

The Walkers were the Free Mason's.

Just to the center left of this Photo you'll see some long upright shadows appearing in a bedrock outcrop. Zoom in and look closely.

Knowing the sacred times and angles of view is everything to the Masons.

The "Walkers" were very important not only for traveling to and from campsites or Gold mines, but, Treasures also. Here's an example of two Walkers one standing (A "Stander") instructing and watching the "Walker"! All in shadow of course! The main 'Walker" is looking up at the numeral "4" with a flourish or "Pull Sign". (Chuck Kenworthy) There is also a shadow "Dagger" on the left side (His Right) of the Walking "Walker".

These "Walkers" are what you might consider as "Treasure Walkers". They give instructions for locating a Treasure Room and Storage Vault. 4 "Vara" away and dig.

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I see the turtle head on the right, would that be the correct direction for locating the Vault and/or storage area?
It looks to be about 4 varas away from the "walking walker"?

The Turtle is looking at the Walker telling you to slow down and read. My experience with Turtles is they convey a message of looking further and not pointing out an exact spot. Usually the Turtle shows the way along the Walkers Trail and give a clue to the next monument which has a turn in it. The Turtle head also resembles a Rats head which is an indicator of eastern travel the same direction the Walker is looking but not traveling. In other words he's walking away from the symbol he's looking at but the symbol points east and down while he's looking up and walking west. Typical Alpha Omega language. Make you walk in Circles.

I see the turtle head on the right, would that be the correct direction for locating the Vault and/or storage area?
It looks to be about 4 varas away from the "walking walker"?

I know this area very well.

Below the 4 vara symbol is a cracked lightening heart shaped rock about two feet big with a large "!" exclamation point shaped rock near it both glued in the bedrock with moss.

Both of those symbols indicate death traps! But I do believe that there is a vault there just haven't figured out the placement of the death traps yet! The Skull with a sun lit heart shaped map I posted earlier is with in feet of this shadow Walker as is the Witch. Small area lots of signs and symbols. Verification you are close! This is the Mapping site and camp site of the Warlock or Wizard whatever you want to call him.

Quinoa, Abstracts can be disembodied pieces. I've seen torsos or just legs or even just arms and a head before.
It's only a representation of a Walker's soul. I guess if the Indian's got a hold of one of the Walkers he may have been dismembered and his soul cast into the cliff by fellow masons for the bidding of the Warlock! My problem with the "X's" as the in bound signs and the "+'s" as the way to the Mission, Campsite or Shrine is they're all over the place once you get to the final site leading one everywhere!

That's interesting , I have seen a pair of shadow stick legs, separated from a shadow man body that was part of number 4 cut in a cliff side. And yeah there is or was something about 4 varas aways, and it was pretty much marked to dig under the backside of an owl silhouette if you read signs alot.. A few other things on the panel, including ORO in 4 foot letters, but a long ways down in a canyon though, be a while till I make it back there. There was another marker there as well saying to go another direction, the direction in which I have something maybe a little better that has a better chance of still being there. I guess you never know for sure till you try it.

These sun induced symbols can be produced in some of the most inconspicuous rock piles on bed rock. Like the heart map and the Horse they are giving a clue to the symbols required for measurement to the dig point. Each 15 minute sun and shadow symbol for triangulation for this feat is located at such a distance that you could not possibly make it there in time to view the next one. So if you have three symbols that are required for the Triangle it would take you three days to find and measure from each one thus you have a three or four day map. Seeing one symbol by itself without knowing this just makes the one an anomaly and you'd never give it a second look, but, in reality your looking at one of the corners of the map Triangle.

These Jesuit Warlock's were 33rd degree Mason's so they utilized all forms of the lower levels of Free Masonry, Witch Craft, Alchemy, Celtic / Druid Witch Craft and so on.

The Jesuit expulsion was a result of the Cloak and Hat riots in Spain and around Europe where by the Jesuit Warlock's claimed they had secret knowledge of numerous Gold Vaults and Mines all over the world.

I believe this may have been what started it, I may be wrong, but, the Jesuit's were secretly coming here under the disguise of the King's Walkers for opening and secreting the Gold Mines of the Kings Hacienda's.

So to answer your question the Treasures belonged to the King and the Jesuit's claimed them as their own for the Vatican.

If this is true than the they may have been tied to the Knights Templar as that was also a sanctioned army of the Vatican.

So it may be Knights Templar Treasures stolen from the Kings.
The Jesuits priests where sons of the King , Phillip, Charles etc. sometimes illegitimate sons of the king .

Here is an example , Don Juan Jose Valaos Candilo , was son of Joanna queen of Spain , His step father was King Charles . Candilo rode with Don Francisco Gomez Valaos y Orosco , Francisco de Ulloa , Don Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo , This was all one Company < Order of St. John , of her Majesties Royal Navy and Templars of Malta . Look up John of Austria, And John of Austria the younger,

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These sun induced symbols can be produced in some of the most inconspicuous rock piles on bed rock. Like the heart map and the Horse they are giving a clue to the symbols required for measurement to the dig point. Each 15 minute sun and shadow symbol for triangulation for this feat is located at such a distance that you could not possibly make it there in time to view the next one. So if you have three symbols that are required for the Triangle it would take you three days to find and measure from each one thus you have a three or four day map. Seeing one symbol by itself without knowing this just makes the one an anomaly and you'd never give it a second look, but, in reality your looking at one of the corners of the map Triangle.
Bill I have found a site with a heart, looks like a giant elk print , from the waybill, I found a + under a ledge and several hundred feet from this sign the lightning bolt represented the ravine running down from the + symbol . one person stands under the + symbol the other on the point of the heart , this is the line to follow . Across the canyon was a Rabbit , carved on a large limb of a pinion tree , this tree is 30" in diameter the rabbit is headed for his hole . This site is in NM .I have also seen an owl on the rocks at another site there was a hole in his beak . am 1 stick in his mouth , points at the Tesoro . This Tesoro was found on the Back side of the rock it pointed to. This area is in central NM near Grants. Around 500 lbs. was remove 100 by the hunters the rest by the feds . The fed filled the hole with Concrete , not knowing Onate had buried 200 cargas there.


When you say a waybll are you referring too a paper waybill or a stone map?

If Onate buried two hundred Cargas there I would be renting a jackhammer! The Tesoro was under the rock?

The Giant Elk Print Heart, do you have a photo of this? I would sure like to see it.

Bill I have found a site with a heart, looks like a giant elk print , from the waybill, I found a + under a ledge and several hundred feet from this sign the lightning bolt represented the ravine running down from the + symbol . one person stands under the + symbol the other on the point of the heart , this is the line to follow . Across the canyon was a Rabbit , carved on a large limb of a pinion tree , this tree is 30" in diameter the rabbit is headed for his hole . This site is in NM .I have also seen an owl on the rocks at another site there was a hole in his beak . am 1 stick in his mouth , points at the Tesoro . This Tesoro was found on the Back side of the rock it pointed to. This area is in central NM near Grants. Around 500 lbs. was remove 100 by the hunters the rest by the feds . The fed filled the hole with Concrete , not knowing Onate had buried 200 cargas there.

It is a large stone map , one of many , the panel with the heart is map 3 , it faces south, there are two panels side by side , one gives you direction at the site , the other is a drawing of an Indian holding a spear ,when you turn this photo 90 , it is the mountains the horizon, the rivers , the gravels and of coarse the mines in those mountains . I will try to find those photos , they are in a photo album and not on my computer . I took these pics in about 97 or 98 , before I took these pics a Hawk was circling across the canyon , I was walking up the canyon on the other side , when I got even with the hawk it started screeching , naturally I thought to myself it had a nest close by , I walked across the canyon , a couple hundred yards or so . found the panels and the names above was a D with a line coming off one corner , I took photos of these panels then moved back to the names , mean while the hawk kept screeching , so I took a photo of him , to the right of the names was a perfect square removed from the sandstone , above that was another name and was appeared to be a buckhorn site , like your looking down a barrel open sites , to the right of this was a Tobias cross pointed straight up , or long arm up and a hole to the left side . these marks were in natural cracks but dug out a good 12 ", this was telling me to go up . I returned back to the names , the Hawk started screeching again so I took another photo of him , when I took the picture I noticed he was missing a feather in its right wing . when I put the camera down , hanging on a strap around my neck , the feather landed at my feet , This sent chills down my back . I still have that feather in the photo album . One Tesoro has been found here , in the 60's , I know there are at least 3 more because there are 4 starting markers on the 4th panel . I won't post any of the names on this site , but I will try to get some photos posted soon of the panels , have to get them on the computer soon , I believe I have found the location of the treasure vault , but need some ground penetrating radar to find the exact location, it is under the canyon wall .

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