Stone Maps Solar / Lunar Symbols

Yes it does Frank yes it does!

Modern Free Masonry has no resemblance to early very religious mason's like the Templars. So naturally they would have no need for anything at all in the Sups.

All I'm saying is back then they were and if it was a Jesuit that studied the art so be it. Those Jesuits had some of the best teachings of all peoples back then.

So possibly the Vatican did keep the old Knights Templar's alive and well after Friday the thirteenth.

My experience with the Jesuit Mapping system has been all you need is there on site no Maps required. I think most paper maps would help one get to the mountain or hill near where the Gold may be hidden but once there the maps levels would need to be worked out on site and the final Warlock campsite located so you know the measurements from the ghost monument for digging and opening the mine vault.

And how.
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I have a interest in Jesuit gold. But don't we all!

I have a Jesuit map of mine and cache locations in the Superstitions that a old Spanish Priest passed on to a friend. Only my true friends will see this map. I have found gold with the Tesora map. I suspect the Jesuit map leads to something much bigger

With all due respect Frank, I have never seen you evince any real interest in anything Jesuit, prior to this post.

Your posting history on this forum simply doesn't reflect this.

If I may ask, why the sudden interest in something that has no factual basis?

Might it have something to do with season 2 of LSM?

Hal put your balloon away. The Jesuit maps were not drawn with a arial view. Unless the Jesuits had a satalite one look at this set and it's clear


It's possible to draw a fairly accurate aerial view from the highest points in the range. From Superstition Peak you can draw the wash down into West Boulder.......etc.

Take care,


With all due respect Frank, I have never seen you evince any real interest in anything Jesuit, prior to this post.

Your posting history on this forum simply doesn't reflect this.

If I may ask, why the sudden interest in something that has no factual basis?

Might it have something to do with season 2 of LSM?

D E D U C E R,
A name that fits.

It's called quasi research or "science".
All kinds of strange things are derived from it.

Few, if any are worth listening to.

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With all due respect Frank, I have never seen you evince any real interest in anything Jesuit, prior to this post.

Your posting history on this forum simply doesn't reflect this.

If I may ask, why the sudden interest in something that has no factual basis?

Might it have something to do with season 2 of LSM?

Joe the one map overlays 1/4 of the state. The maps caught my attention because of something Bob S whispered in my ear.

For the life of me I can not make the connections you allude to here.

Jesuits and Templars no doubt had allegiance to the Vatican.

Free Masons never had a pledged allegiance to the Vatican. That's the main source of them being scorned by the Vatican yet unto this day. Notice I said to the Vatican……..didn’t say they didn’t have a pledged allegiance to God. Those are two different things, entirely. But; I don’t want to tread to deeply in religion/faith issues.

Jesuit Free Masons would be a strange alliance indeed. And; 33 degree ones would be very hard, if not impossible to find.

If as you suggest, the “Jesuit Warlocks were 33 Deg. Masons”, and they sculpted mountains they would have had to have:
A. Been Operative Masons, skilled in stone work as well as speculative masons initiated in the work of the free masonry and be trained clerics, if not ordained Priest.
B. Secretly accepted obligations to keep secret those things revealed to them in the craft. Which is the big no-no to the Vatican.
C. They would have been busy indeed to have completed the mountain sculpting by 1767 when they were expelled from New Spain.

Even if they suspected they would be expelled I don’t think they had more than 1 or 2 years at most to prepare. Most accounts say they were totally caught off guard by the decree.

The Scottish Rite (higher degrees of Masonic work) didn’t begin to come into existence until around 1763 and didn’t spread to the Americas, especially the Spanish based America’s until around 1801. Highest degrees would have been 25th deg. in the mid 1700’s and that would have been rare. Simon Bolivar is credited with establishing the masonic rites in the Spanish Colonial territory. He was initialed in 1803 at Cadiz, Spain and was recognized as a 33 deg. Mason in 1824.

So, where and when did these Jesuits get their masonic degrees? How many initiates were there? Even if there was 1 skilled Jesuit Mason who oversaw 40 workers over 20 square miles of territory how long would the work take? Certainly longer than a year or two. The numbers, the connections and the time frames just doesn’t work for me. Is it possible a different group performed the work?

I know it’s in vogue to blame the Masons for all manner of things, but I just can’t place them in this scenario. Perhaps I misunderstand what you are trying to convey. That’s a possibility.

I am impressed by your insight into Masonic history. I have met so few women that are educated in the subject. Do you mind if I ask how/when you became interested?
Regardless, its refreshing to read about things that were seen through feminine eyes.


I am simply curious as to why Frank has had a sudden change in interest.

Wow, Jesuit stone maps?
That's a frequent and obvious newbie mistake. Been there myself until I did the research. I am hoping that you can prove it but, my faith in your 100% credible sources and research is quickly waning : (

I will make a bet with you.
I'll bet the title to your new claim (ownership) that your ability to ever find the Dutchman's Lost Mine and proving that it is indeed the DLM, using your current interpretation of the stone maps is well, ZERO.
If I am wrong, you keep the claim and the title of FINDER OF THE LOST DUCTHMAN'S Mine and I eat humble pie for the rest of my life. I might even consider a FRANK WAS RIGHT tattoo on my backside.

If you are wrong, you transfer your claim and any of the gold that you took out to me or, place it in trust for some charitable Native American organization. Apache, Pima, your call.
I will even let you set the time constraints. What do you need a month, six months, a year?
I am flexible.

To the best of my knowledge Odd Halseth was NOT a Jesuit.
But he was a DON.

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Ciao Franchesco!

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No deal?
I don't blame you. It's not an easy thing to stand by ones convictions in the real world.

Anyway Frank, I hope that you eventually find what it is that you are looking for.
Here I will leave you, as I found you.

Hal put your balloon away. The Jesuit maps were not drawn with a arial view. Unless the Jesuits had a satalite one look at this set and it's clear

They had Eagle Powers!!

Is that damnation by faint praise?? LOL :icon_scratch:

On the subject of Masonry I know about as much as a thimble full in the ocean. My husband is a 32 deg. Master Mason and Past Master of his lodge. My two brothers, both deceased, were 32 deg. Master Masons and Past Masters. My daughter is an Eastern Star. Both of my sisters-in-law are devout Catholics. Yet, one is a past Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star. I know of the conflicts between strongly held Catholic beliefs and Masonic principles. Know them up close and personal.

My husband’s Masonic birthday is this month, I believe its 37 years. It’s been an important and stabilizing influence in his life. I’m not an Eastern Star. I nicknamed them the Pie Makers years ago and avoided membership. Too much work and meeting time for me.

With that close tie to the Masonic orders it would be hard not to have some working knowledge of their structure and various branches and Orders.

There is much written material available that provides much insight and history. Our home library has many historic volumes. Public libraries have tons of information. Whenever masons gather in public they often fall back on language and gestures shared between them. You hear it, you see it. If you haven’t you should ask one questions on the subject. Much more is openly discussed than you might believe.

As to that New World Order thing……..Yeah <g> They are going to get right on that. Just as soon as they finish up planning the bake sale and barbeque. That’ll be a while. I wouldn’t wait up for that. ::)


Is that damnation by faint praise?? LOL :icon_scratch:

On the subject of Masonry I know about as much as a thimble full in the ocean. My husband is a 32 deg. Master Mason and Past Master of his lodge. My two brothers, both deceased, were 32 deg. Master Masons and Past Masters. My daughter is an Eastern Star. Both of my sisters-in-law are devout Catholics. Yet, one is a past Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star. I know of the conflicts between strongly held Catholic beliefs and Masonic principles. Know them up close and personal.

My husband’s Masonic birthday is this month, I believe its 37 years. It’s been an important and stabilizing influence in his life. I’m not an Eastern Star. I nicknamed them the Pie Makers years ago and avoided membership. Too much work and meeting time for me.

With that close tie to the Masonic orders it would be hard not to have some working knowledge of their structure and various branches and Orders.

There is much written material available that provides much insight and history. Our home library has many historic volumes. Public libraries have tons of information. Whenever masons gather in public they often fall back on language and gestures shared between them. You hear it, you see it. If you haven’t you should ask one questions on the subject. Much more is openly discussed than you might believe.

As to that New World Order thing……..Yeah <g> They are going to get right on that. Just as soon as they finish up planning the bake sale and barbeque. That’ll be a while. I wouldn’t wait up for that. ::)

It is a compliment.
You are the exception to the rule in my experience.
And in all honestly, I know several Freemasons. Black, white, Chinese American, and even Greek. I love the Greeks. Unfortunately, I haven't been much impressed by their knowledge base or their opinion of non-masons. I guess that I find the whole thing "anti-democratic". No criticism of your family. That's just my opinion.

Thank you for explaining it.
Pie-Makers.... Now that is something that I might be part of.
One of my favorite books from the 1950's.... Pies Men Like.

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I finally found it!

The location of the Peralta Stone Maps where they were found!

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I don't know if this is real or not, I can't even remember where I got it from.

You tell me if this is real as I don't know.

Bill, that's not the "traditional location" where people generally think they were found, BUT it IS roughly the location I had quietly heard they were found. Garman knew quite a few things imho. I've never seen that hand drawn map though - thanks for sharing


Another view Bill

Same mountain Bill
Punta Negro? Black Point? Looks like between that and the Creek is the site on the map.

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Since a huge portion of related European documents may have just been released recently from Spanish and other archives it may be possible to find reference to the this system now. I'm hiring a research specialist for the task. All I'm looking for is the smoking gun that proves it no more no less.
The system was aptly named In finiity, Infinidad, Infinito, it was used for hiding of Treasures Mines and Salvaged Ship Treasures until a later ship could retrieve the bounty.
It was discovered by a ship salvage company not my invention or some figment I pulled off of a mountain. They still have the documentation in Florida I'm working on getting it.
Or it could be Ancient Aliens. Kidding!

The Spanish documentation should be very interesting. It's a lot to take in. It's easy to dismiss the whole idea when you think it's just like looking at clouds..."goes and floes of angel hair and ice cream castles in the air", but let's not toss out the baby with the bath. Stranger things have happened. I hope you'll keep posting about the stone maps.

I finally found it!

The location of the Peralta Stone Maps where they were found!

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I don't know if this is real or not, I can't even remember where I got it from.

You tell me if this is real as I don't know.

I think I might have to change my mind Bill - I may be wrong, but the spot I think was pointed out to me once was in the area of your map designated as Black Point - According to Estee Conatser.

I'm having a real tough time gauging where Frank's map is trying to point out and comparing it to this one you posted because the scale seems really out of whack. Yours has all the points of interest in the right areas and the creek flowing the right way to me.

I once tried to start a thread here asking exactly where the Stone Maps were found and I don't remember it taking off - yours and Frank's maps are the reason I asked because the site often pointed to right near the overpass along 60 is not where I was told they were found.

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