You're dodging the simple questions, dancing around them in denial. Fact is, unless you believe in fairy tales, the dates of the Adams Onis Treaty coincide "exactly" to the dates of deposits, and also, the dates of Beale's visits to Morriss were "exactly" 13 months after the signing and ratification. "This is fact, not pretend, but fact." Hence, connected directly to the events in the Beale story. Not a chance this is coincidence...once perhaps, but in both cases? Not a chance.
Another fact for you....the described region in Colorado that was part of the original Beale story....."exactly" the same region of Colorado settled in the Adams Onis Treaty. Again, this is fact, not pretend, but fact...
Look, if you wish to remain in denial of these "facts" then that's your choice. Nothing I can do or present to you to allow you to open your eyes to these facts, the yet to be referenced facts, or the remaining possibilities. But these are facts...and there's no getting around it.