I don't see how your Thomas Beale could have done what you say, He was bankrupt with over $800,000 in debt which eventually made him jump over-board and commit suicide in 1841/
If I borrowed $800,000 from you and I filed bankruptcy against this sum, who ultimately lost their money, the borrower or the lender? The lender did. So in essence, the British East India Trading Company and their investors took the loss.
Now then, if I funneled that borrowed $$$ through various shell companies until it had been turned into US dollars in the form of hard currency, which Girard was easily capable of doing, then that currency, your enemy's own money, could be used against that same enemy.
I've tried to explain that the war being fought wasn't a physical war, but rather it was a political and financial war. This is what I was leading up to.
From the day of the Louisiana Purchase the US still lacked two critical things, A) an overland route to the Pacific and the China trade, and B) clearly defined borders around the Louisiana Purchase. The Adam's Onis Treaty gave them both. Beale's sensational bankruptcy paved the way for all of this to happen......until it happened Spain & the British were holding the US hostage for trade goods and they were both heavily dependent on that growing trade. Allowing the US direct access to that trade seriously threatened them.
When Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe were unable to achieve the constitutional amendments they required to battle these global corporations other means were taken, the art of espionage employing a strategy to destroy them from within.
It is no secret that Girard had been very active in trying to achieve this direct passage from the Pacific and it is no secret that he was involved with the insurgents. So in reality, your Patriot army theory was something of accurate, just not quite like what you thought it to be. But I assure, all of the presented pieces fit perfectly, your pamphlet author even pointing directly at this Thomas Beale.
The anagram, "Thomas J. Beale" is in reference to Thomas Jefferson and the principles within the DOI, "Thomas Beale" is reference to the man who paved the way for the future building of this country based on those principles. Hence, "Thomas J. Beale" and the reason why nobody has ever been able to find him.....because by himself he never existed.