Status On TAYOPA

ALL of you "old timers" (I hate that word) are a vanishing breed. So many adventures,, when they were adventures.
Ahhh,, and the tales,,, (of all kinds eh ? <wink>)

And then there is the stories of times bygone. So old that only the dust knows the truth.
You who have actually chased,,,read the sign,, then found those ancient treasures.

DAMN IT,,,I was born 15 years too late. And I am STILL waiting for y'all to finish those books,,HURRY UP !!,, I want mine AUTOGRAPHED !!!


Hey it is never too late to go hunt for treasures amigo, and there are literally hundreds, possibly thousands of lost treasures and mines to hunt for. It is still very much an adventure to go too, for besides the potential dangers of wildlife, storms, or simply getting lost or injured, today we have smugglers, drug lords etc so things are more like the "wild west" than unlike it. In fact I am sure that 100 years from now, people will be saying that THESE were the great old days for treasure hunters, when the new technologies and devices were making it possible to search in ways never before possible, and with such huge areas un-searched. Without even touching on the undersea treasure possibilities, today you have a better chance than a treasure hunter even twenty years ago had.

Good luck and good hunting to you all I hope you find the treasures that you seek. And keep us posted when you do! :thumbsup: <It helps me pick out whom to ask for a "loan" hee hee>

:coffee2: :coffee2:

Crew on old trail.webpsdc, Beat ya by a year :laughing7::laughing7: Using an air spring Japenese gasoline drill.

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I have been wanting to add one of those gas-engine drills like this one:
Tanaka Gas-Powered Drill — 1.3 HP, 1/2in. Chuck, High Speed, Model# TED-262HS | Gas Powered Drills| Northern Tool + Equipment

Of course unless you can figure a way to be there to show the team where to drill, a lot of wasted holes could be drilled too.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

That drill looks pretty good. Back in the day when it was required to drill a ten foot deep "validation hole" on each new mining claim, we rented a Swedish Pionjar gas drill when we couldn't get an air compressor to the site. That's a heckuva job for a portable gas drill, but the Pionjar had an on-board compessor to blow out the rock chips. The first four or five feet of drilling was easy, but the rest of the hole was a bear.

:coffee2:When in doubt,just ?. or have some one else Dig.:dontknow:np:cat:

Happy 4th of July to you all! Just think, if not for our forefathers, we might be speaking ENGLISH! :laughing7:

On a more serious note, without giving too much away here Don Jose el Tropical Tramp, you have touched on an "escape tunnel" that you knew of, that ran from the former church or church grounds, to some point outside of the mission/real. I presume the exit would be in a spot out of sight of the buildings, so that someone trying to get away from attackers could do so without being seen. Have you found the exit? Is any of the tunnel still intact, and not caved in? Thanks in advance.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

I agree J.A.A., unfortunately that type of a drone = $$$$$$$$$ which " I ani't got " :laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Where's that coffee ?

Could strap a couple miniature cams to some of the local reptiles and see where they go when it's time to get out of the sun, and cheaper than a drone. :notworthy:

Could strap a couple miniature cams to some of the local reptiles and see where they go when it's time to get out of the sun, and cheaper than a drone. :notworthy:
Simon 1,:coffee2::BangHead::BangHead::BangHead::dontknow:NP:cat:

Oro, that's wht I am tryig to access, but the second guessers ----------------?

ORO, it runs from the floor of the capilla down to the main workings in the barranca, East side. the workings are composed of two stopped areas

One would not be seen be any besiegers since it only a cliff area where the portal of the mine is hidden on the E side, they would be on the W side..

WE need the escape tunnel to locate the main portal down in the barranca, although it shows the Capilla ( Small Church) on the vertical fault i.E. almost directly below the Capilla. some 900 ft. down on the eastern face of the cliff. I have sent you a photograph of this. before, but without an explanation.

I do not want the men to go down in the escape tunnel yet, since it is a closed off area ( some 400 years ) and will probably be deficient in oxygen, if not with poisonous gases..

Except for beng in a vertical fault are it s all rock hence prob still intact..

Picture coming up.

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This topic is still just as fascinating to me as it was when I first read about it years ago.. And with hearing about the place from someone with first hand knowledge....Please do continue DJ!!

And thank you in advance for doing so!!

All the best-

Real, Amigo:coffee2: you have to have electricity:dontknow:, get that mule to peddle faster.:whip2:NP:cat:

Real Amigo,:coffee2::icon_salut::crybaby2::crybaby2::crybaby2::crybaby2:NP:cat:

NP, ya hafta get down on your knees in an appol. to that lovely mule. :hello::laughing7: She is on retirement status. carried me through thick and thin, sides, she is good company, listens to me drone on about adventures with a patient look, just twitches her Long lovely, ears every once in a while. Never gets bored.

... she is good company, listens to me drone on about adventures with a patient look, just twitches her Long lovely, ears every once in a while. Never gets bored.

Well, as far as that goes, I can listen with a patient look, and never get bored with your adventures. I may not be as good company, though, and I certainly can't twitch my ears.......



Guys & Gals, I was forced to form a company on Tayopa - financial reasons = as a result I had to give up certain rights, icluding how to run it, so I let them play after have given them most of th information, but they seem to be trying to second guess me. They have been playing around with the main deposit with lack of success, it is constructed almost like The Cabalos and victorio peak.

They seem to be expecting a magic door to appear for them but don't investigate the natural voids for an entrance.They hve reached the end of the trail but still no door, naturally, the entrance is before the end of the trail.:laughing7:

But it was this or forget Tayopa.

The same goes for the entrance to Tayopa itself. I have told them what to look for - but.

So in the meantime,I, like you , just wait on the side lines., but for me it is even more frustrating since I know the answers already, but I
need the pictures for you.


Why not have your (partners) pressurize the complex and spend some time looking aound with a FLIR. One would think
that the temperature of complex air escaping would show up in at least a few places?? I may know a feller who has one.

Hi Mike,an interesting concept. :occasion14: In this case merely getting the compressor to the location would be almost impossible,, $$$ wise alone.

Hmm perhaps the ancient Greek low-tech, low-cost method might do? A smoky fire, a drum or some way to collect the smoke and funnel it into a hole, and a bellows to pressurize the smoke into the hole? Then just watch for smoke escaping elsewhere. I don't know of any picture or drawing of this kind of device, but you can certainly come up with one perhaps even improved on the ancient model.

If only it were NOT solid rock, you might be able to trace the tunnel with a simple steel probe and a hammer. I sure wish your team the best of luck, from what I have read it sounds like a rather difficult puzzle to find the answer to.

:coffee2: :coffee2:

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