Status On TAYOPA

Geeze gals, blushing. Incidentlly I am very glad to see both of you gals posting again.

Ditto - on several points including this statement from Don Jose. Joe, there is no getting away from it, you have spent too many years in the sun and saddle, with the rugged good looks, you are the real deal. You could not ever be anything else, even were you to dress in pink pajamas and bunny slippers, you are still going to look like a genuine Old West type of man. Ala Clint Eastwood type. :notworthy: Now don't start looking for a bigger hat, your mule will not recognize you! :tongue3:

Please do continue, keep TAYOPA coming!

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Today was a red letter day. My wifie of almost 70 years was looking at me at breakfast when she exclaimed "You're cute" Cute,? cute,? the most damaging words that red blooded, devil may care, adventrer can hear. sigh. Why not rugged or masculine looking, or even like that man of the year guy, the one with a whiteish semi beard ?? but cute ???/

Those bad 4-letter words ! That is what my wife says just before she hands me a receipt now saying I own half of QVC.:BangHead:

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Don Jose, hear anything from our black feathered one, el cuervo?

Thanks and I agree it is best for him to not publicize his project……
Still in the states and looking forward to returning home soon…..

Don Jose de la Alamos :coffee2:

And now about the map which you posted in another thread . Fits very much with the location which i have mentioned in few Tayopas threads . I want to show you some GE pictures from the site .

Tayopas region


Tayopas map caches

Tayopa caches.webp

Tayopas map sketch

map sketch.webp

The Sun symbol above the Real


And the map

Map to mt..webp

Many similarities , but also i could be wrong .

Looks very interestng. I see that you have oriented the map picture correctly, that is a skyline in Sonora, looking from Chihuahua GRACIAS Marius

The three small circular marks are from the binder ring holes.

The top center circular mark is the Sun, which I have mentioned. It is in Chihuahua.

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Today was a red letter day. My wifie of almost 70 years was looking at me at breakfast when she exclaimed "You're cute" Cute,? cute,? the most damaging words that red blooded, devil may care, adventrer can hear. sigh. Why not rugged or masculine looking, or even like that man of the year guy, the one with a whiteish semi beard ?? but cute ???/

pardon me, but holy ****. married almost 70 years. and still walking mountains and hunting treasure??? i am amazed, you must have found the fountain of youth.
then i think, maybe your treasure was sitting across the table calling you cute, and you dont need to search further.

Just making my yearly check-in to see if progress has been made, to say 'Hi!' and hope you are all well.

hi fellow some of you maybe don't believe what i have to say but is real,some where in sonora is at mountain next to three pillars, inside the have two big halls is where the jesuit they left Their precious treasure in those two halls that they build to keep everything while they returned of their audit from the Spanish crown but never returned, leaving everything there, the main entrance was dynamited the second entrance not found yet only leaving a safety box, the Jesuits build at ventilation system to prevent gold and silver from being gasified by the mercury(azoje), the excavation was started by the main entrance that was dynamited but we had a problem money, the excavation stopped leaving the treasure of tayopa inside the mountain, today we are Looking for sponsor to continue with what we started,any question please let me know.

there are always base greedy people ready to steal the hard work of others --watch "the treasure of the Serria Madre" some time to see it in action ...with that said --may he fleas of a thousand mangy dogs infest their crotch and their arms be too short to scratch it

That's an unusually cruel punishment Ivan. How have you been

How do we find Tayopa? A friend grew up in the sierra de sonora is something local wise,whith that said if you can not run with the big dogs better sit and stop barking little chihuahua.

Hola Gustavo, Cerochito Chihuahua is the area. although they do not know where but I do.. I filed on it 17 years ago. Your project sounds very interesting.

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