Sr. Member
I agree Tayopa. It is an elevation view carving of 3 shafts. The middle shaft leads to an access to the third shaft (on the right) about half way down. The first shaft goes straight down non-stop to a treasure at the bottom. I also agree, that RIP is a later carving and not by the original carver. Maybe, someone came from Seville following up on this treasure? Maybe an early US-TH'er? Maybe he got discouraged, being unable to locate any of these shafts, and came back to the rock and expressed his discouragement? Maybe he had team members die near there trying to locate this? I would speculate the first shaft is very close to this rock carving map. The treasure at the bottom of the third shaft is likley the largest one, because a back-up shaft to access it was made. stvn.Real de Tayopa said:Michael:
First conclusion, the "RIP" is not part of the origional marking on the rock, perhaps later grafetti. Different style of cutting or marking.
For some reson I keep feeling a mine shaft, with tunnels and adits - have to keep working on it.
Tropical Tramp
p.s. any sign or rumors of mining in the area?