Spanish are some pix

Real de Tayopa said:

First conclusion, the "RIP" is not part of the origional marking on the rock, perhaps later grafetti. Different style of cutting or marking.

For some reson I keep feeling a mine shaft, with tunnels and adits - have to keep working on it.

Tropical Tramp

p.s. any sign or rumors of mining in the area?
I agree Tayopa. It is an elevation view carving of 3 shafts. The middle shaft leads to an access to the third shaft (on the right) about half way down. The first shaft goes straight down non-stop to a treasure at the bottom. I also agree, that RIP is a later carving and not by the original carver. Maybe, someone came from Seville following up on this treasure? Maybe an early US-TH'er? Maybe he got discouraged, being unable to locate any of these shafts, and came back to the rock and expressed his discouragement? Maybe he had team members die near there trying to locate this? I would speculate the first shaft is very close to this rock carving map. The treasure at the bottom of the third shaft is likley the largest one, because a back-up shaft to access it was made. stvn.

Off the wall: May be a grave site already.......collapsed and to dangerous to mess with.

One other note: Just a guess but the large stone might represent a Don and the smaller stones the other hands lost. Symbols could represent their Masonic Orders of Rank or chapter. Some Latin artist (I wish I could remember his name) used to paint the Dons as though they were 80 feet high and being followed by the normal sized worker. This motif became part of the scale used in choosing trail markers and site I.D. wherein one of numerous tunnels on a mountain was only allowed entry by the Don, Monks or the King of Spain if he should every arrive in the New World.

sorry to bring up an old topic... but has anyone heard anything from this guy???

Maybe just a flash in the pan.
enough to interest everyone and then gone like the wind.

I am hoping he found what was hidden and got away with the goods.
Mouth shut and all that jazz.

Hoping for the best,

Hey bud.............

Nice photos, nice rocks. It would appear that you have found a site alright.. Stones aligned with a larger head stone represents the skeleton of a forgotten, deceased old dragon and his lair nearby. Nuggets are
buried at a depth of three feet beneath several of the stones. The neck is the place to be with your sword or spade. Death trap signs reffer to caution in digging around and under them. You will need to buy or rent a healthy doublebox metal detector to even get a near reading on them.

The sequence in code is 3 and 1; Jesuit reference from Christ's various experiences. At the head stone where imaginary eyes once viewed from back in time, look across either span, on either side for of the face. There will another cross marker in the near be paces away. You are looking for a bottle neck entrance with a rock over it in the distance. It may only be sticking up like a burial headstone, which has been buried to leave only several inches showing from the surface.

I would acquire a detector that can sound off hollow pockets as well as depth ( 900).

Remember, this is a clever but simple game of charades using signs from the dead. A trap is a grave. A treasure is a trove. The lady or the tiger bro.

This is a game of charades based on sign using glyph and stone placement combined. On a dragon skeleton, the scales are missing to the naked eye, but in reality they are still there in plain sight.

Christ was centered between two other crosses. He being the head and center focus. On one side, there was evil, or an illusion; on the other side was mystery and question which gave up to truth and treasres of the heart. Find the true direction which leads to the tunnel with the rock over it.

This is one link I have more or less followed. I wonder if the guy met up with banditos or whatever. On the other hand, if the inscriptions are as old as some of us think, then, the locals could have dug into it already. Or, he found it...

So... if the guy who originally posted is still alive and enjoying new found riches, send us a pic of you sipping a cutsie little umbrella drink on some beach somewhere as a sign (you can smear out your face, but leave your hot Latina girlfriend's intact).

starsplitter said:
This is one link I have more or less followed. I wonder if the guy met up with banditos or whatever. On the other hand, if the inscriptions are as old as some of us think, then, the locals could have dug into it already. Or, he found it...

So... if the guy who originally posted is still alive and enjoying new found riches, send us a pic of you sipping a cutsie little umbrella drink on some beach somewhere as a sign (you can smear out your face, but leave your hot Latina girlfriend's intact).


Okay... so what happened to this thread? Treasure? No treasure? Live treasure hunter? Dead treasure hunter?

Ok, i know it's been a while, but i have to work in order to budget my search.....
I'm currently working full time...trying to collect as much money as possible to just dedicate myself to the many of you know, this type of hobby is reaaaaally expensive.... i'm taking donations... so if any of you are willing to finance my expedition....feel free to contact are SOME finds I've done....and yes, there were also indians in the area as you can see...but there were also spaniers...... here are some pictures, just to spice up a little this topic again...hope you like them...


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here are some more...


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That prior picture of a white rock, is this same rock...looks better on this picture


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Looking at all the goodies you have posted,
I must agree you have treasure already.
Does seem like you got side tracked though.
I do hope you can get back to it.
The original post has a lot of folks rooting for you.
and worried as well
please post more often or
tell us to pound sand.
Anything is better than nothing


Thanks, and i promiss i'll keep in touch again...even if i'm just eating a burger at Burger king :icon_king: during the weekends lol... man i miss some of those mexican tacos with a really cold coke :thumbsup: ... anyways... here's the back of that same rock... oh and i forgot to mention that we found it at almost 2meters deep.....


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Whoa!!! "5890" almost looks Mayan. Wow, that is amazing stuff.

Holy crap! A little over 2 yrs since the opening post and he comes back with a bunch of pics and says "look waht I found"..... awesome man! Thanks for coming back, I love the pics. Dont know what they are but I love them. :thumbsup:

Hey thanks guys! actually this is from the 1400 - 1500s ...Nahuatls and Tarascos lived in this area... the copper tools where brought by the spaniards at the beggining of the 1500s ... in 1523, Juan Rodríguez Villafuerte arrived and stablished himself at the coasts of Michoacan.

Spaniards got stablished in the area of Coalcomán, Tepalcatepec y Apatzingán and from there they had control over the indians in the states (currently named) Colima, Michoacan and Guadalajara.
Indians where well dedicated to agriculture, MINING and fishing in this area... I've talked to the oldest men in the region and they all agree that there were spaniards in the area, i've seen mexicans in the area White skinned with green eyes, and i'm talking about people living up in the mountains (native mexicans)

at the end of the Mexican independence, Spaniards where running away from mexico...taking all they could and leaving behind (hidden treasures)...they were planning on returning and getting their left behind treasures, that's why they would leave markings on rocks, trees, etc... with strange markings that only they could understand.... death traps are a real thing as you can see on one of my first posted pictures....

Cristóbal de Olid (1487-1524) was a Spanish adventurer, conquistador and rebel who played a part in the conquest of Mexico and Honduras.

Olid was sent with 200 gold Cargas (a carga = a mule with 2 bags of gold, one on each side of the mule) from the state of Colima to the state of Mexico City....that gold never made it to its destination, Olid had to pass thru this area in order to go to Mexico city..... and i'm thinking this is the treasure he left behind....

I dont want to get you guys bored, so ...i'll just get back to work lol

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